Open-access Judicialization of health arising from prepaid insurance plans and health law: an integrative review

Judicialización de la salud resultante de los planes de prepago y el derecho sanitario: revisión integrativa


Objective:  To analyze publications regarding judicial demands related to the violation of the rights of the client who uses private health insurance in Brazil.

Method:  Integrative review, from September to October 2017, of national character, with complete texts online, in Portuguese and English, published between 2012 and 2017 in the Virtual Health Library portal, excluding studies that were duplicated or with indiscriminate methodology.

Results:  The judicial demands were for: medication (32%); ward hospitalization (11%); surgical procedures (9%); orthosis, prothesis and special materials (9%); others (9%); and diagnostic procedures, outpatient service, hospitalization in Intensive Care Units, food formulas and disposable diapers (30%).

Conclusion:  The prevalence of legal disputes arising from the failure in providing health service by private health insurances was observed, which makes it easier for the administrators to identify the sought health products and services in order to reorganize the administrative sphere and provide quality care.

Descriptors: Judicial Action; Choice of Health Care Provider Laws; Constitutional Law; Prepaid Health Plans; Community Health Systems

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