Open-access Mobile health technology for gestational care: evaluation of the GestAção's app

Uso de tecnología móvil para el cuidado gestacional: evaluación de la aplicación GestAção


Objective:  to evaluate the GestAção application, based on the experience of pregnant women use.

Method:  an evaluative, applied, methodological, quantitative-qualitative study. This tool was evaluated by 13 pregnant women through questionnaires for sociodemographic profile characterization and Likert scale use to calculate Content Validity Index (CVI); and semi-structured interview, with analysis based on Semiotics.

Results:  the study evidenced a significant level of satisfaction of pregnant women with the application use, considering the objectives (CVI = 0.92), structure and presentation (CVI = 0.86), and relevance (CVI = 0.92).

Final considerations:  the GestAção application obtained an overall CVI of 0.90, evidencing it as a facilitating and supporting technology in the empowerment of pregnant women interested in obtaining knowledge about pregnancy. It has been proved to be a powerful tool to qualify good practices in nursing consultation.

Descriptors: Telemedicine; Mobile Health Units; Health Technology Assessments; Portable Electronic Apps; Primary Care Nursing

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