Open-access Team-Based Learning: a randomized clinical trial in undergraduate nursing

Aprendizaje Basado en Equipos: un ensayo clínico randomizado en la graduación en enfermería


Objectives:  To compare the knowledge on surgical safety through the team-based learning methodology and lecture classes for undergraduate Nursing students, and evaluate the learning satisfaction with team-based learning.

Methods:  Randomized, controlled, parallel, two-arm, unblinded clinical trial developed in the Faculty of Medicine of a public university in Botucatu, Brazil. The groups included 14 students for team-based learning and 11 students for lecture classes.

Results:  Students’ apprehension of knowledge in the team-based learning group was significantly higher compared to the control group (p<0.002) by considering the pre-test results. After 30 days, there was no significant difference between groups. The experience with the methodology was considered positive among students.

Conclusions:  Team-based learning is an important pedagogic tool available and has proven effective in education and learning with students playing the role of protagonists.

Descriptors: Validation Studies; Nursing; Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial; Higher Education; Patient Safety

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