Open-access Time-related factors for peripheral intravenous catheterization of critical children

Factores asociados con el tiempo en la cateterización intravenosa periférica de niños en situación crítica


Objective:  To verify characteristics related to critical children, the catheter, and the professionals that will influence the time for the success of the puncture.

Method:  Descriptive, prospective, and correlation study, collected with an unique instrument, and a sample consisting of 89 children cared for in the emergency room. Statistical analysis of the association between time and explanatory variables was performed, considering a significance of 5%.

Result:  The median time for success was 193.4 seconds. Multivariate analysis showed that hypothermic patients (p=0.009) presented prolonged times for success and that the puncture was performed in a shorter time with Vialon® 22G catheters (p=0.045).

Conclusion:  The median time for success was higher than recommended, being influenced by hypothermia and condition of veins the children. The Vialon® 22G catheter is the most suitable for puncturing critical patients. Thus, the incorporation of new practices and technologies is necessary for success to occur in less time.

Descriptors: Nursing; Pediatric Nursing; Nursing Care; Catheterization, Peripheral; Critical Care

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