Open-access Best Safety Practices in nursing care in Neonatal Intensive Therapy

Las Buenas Prácticas de seguridad en los cuidados de enfermería en Terapia Intensiva Neonatal


Objectives:  to identify the perception of nursing professionals on human errors in nursing care at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and to assess Best Practices strategies proposed by these professionals for patient safety in nursing care.

Methods:  this is a quantitative-qualitative, descriptive study. Setting: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Participants: 22 nursing professionals. Data collection was performed through interviews and sent to the thematic analysis.

Results:  human errors in nursing care, such as wasted catheters; errors in the medication process; causes for error in nursing care, with a focus on work overload; Best Practices for patient safety in nursing care, such as professional training and improved working conditions.

Conclusions:  it is of utmost importance to invest in Best Practices strategies for Patient Safety, aimed at consolidating the culture of organizational safety and encouraging an adequate environment to manage errors.

Descriptors: Patient Safety; Intensive Care Units, Neonatal; Nursing; Medical Errors; Safety Management

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