Open-access Quality of life in patients with chronic wounds: magnitude of changes and predictive factors

Qualidade de vida de pessoas com feridas crônicas: magnitude das mudanças e fatores preditivos

Calidad de vida en pacientes con heridas crónicas: magnitud de los cambios y factores predictivos


OBJECTIVE  To assess health-related quality of life, its predictors and magnitude of changes in health-related quality of life in patients with chronic wounds receiving specialized outpatient treatment.

METHOD  Secondary, retrospective, descriptive, quantitative study with patients with chronic wounds from two specialized outpatient services in Brazil assessed through Ferrans & Powers Quality of Life Index-Wound Version, Visual Analog Pain Scale, Global Assessment Scale, Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing, sociodemographic and clinical questionnaires at baseline and after 60 days of treatment. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, Spearman Coefficient, Mann-Whitney test and multivariate logistic regression.

RESULTS  Twenty-seven patients participated in the study. The overall health-related quality of life scale, health and functioning subscale and socioeconomic subscale scores increased after 60 days of treatment compared to baseline. Pain reduction was a predictor of changes in overall health-related quality of life score as well as religious practice in the family subscale. 92.6% patients perceived moderate to extensive changes in health-related quality of life.

CONCLUSION  there was improvement of health-related quality of life for the sample studied in the period; pain and religious practice have emerged as predictors of changes in health-related quality of life.

Descriptors Quality of Life; Wounds and Injuries; Pain; Religion; Nursing Care

Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 419 , 05403-000 São Paulo - SP/ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3061-7553, - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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