Open-access Perceptions of critical and emergency department nurses regarding changes in their professional role

Percepção dos enfermeiros dos serviços críticos e de emergência em relação a mudanças no seu papel profissional

Percepciones de enfermeros en el departamento crítico y de emergencia en lo que se refiere a cambios en su papel profesional


Objective  Preliminary investigation of the way Greek critical and emergency department nurses conceptualize changes in their professional role.

Method  A qualitative focus-group methodology was applied. Following purposeful sampling and informed consent of participants.

Results  Participated eight individuals. The need for enhancement of nurses’ participation in decision-making in order for an actual change in their professional role to be achieved was the central theme of participants’ narratives. Perceived advancements in professional role performance regarded: evidence-based practice; technology; education, knowledge; clinical skills; research; heightened nurse-physician collaboration. Perceived reasons why these advancements failed to enhance nurses’ professional role were lack of meritocracy; competitive relationships; lack of support among nurses; insufficient managerial support; budget limitations.

Conclusion  Despite advancements in clinical practice, participants did not deem that their professional role was enhanced significantly, as participation in decision-making and control over practice remain limited. Interventions targeted to enhance nurses’ participation in clinical decision-making, and overall professional autonomy are recommended.

Professional Autonomy; Decision Making; Emergency Nursing; Critical Care Nursing; Professional Role

Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 419 , 05403-000 São Paulo - SP/ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3061-7553, - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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