Open-access From Congo to The heart of Europe, other discourses for ancient racial differences


A messianic movement from colonial Africa was transmuted into a church, the Kimbanguist Church. Thus a renowed Christianity makes its way back to secularized Europe. The continuity of this church in post-colonial times and its ability to gather hundreds of Congolese and Angolan refugees outside Paris and Brussels is a result of biblical exegesis elaborated by followers of Simon Kimbangu. The sui generis interpretation of the biblical origin of humanity and original sin has revealed itself: the logic of difference separating the white world from the black world. In a Europe that has never failed to classify individuals from their appearance, Kimbanguist theology presents itself as a sort of discourse of return. A way of discussing, in their own terms, with the classification and place assigned to them by the colonizer in the past. And that reluctant, they remain.

Keywords Religion; kimbanguism; race relations; post colonialism; racism

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo do São Francisco de Paula, 1, sala 420, cep: 20051-070 - 2224-8965 ramal 215 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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