Open-access Material Culture and Mass Consumption: the impact of Daniel Miller’s work in Brazil

Material Culture and Mass Consumption: Considerações sobre o Impacto da obra de Daniel Miller no Brasil


This article introduces the special issue reflecting on the influence of the book Material culture and mass consumption by Daniel Miller on interdisciplinary debates in social science in Brazil. Here we review the main arguments presented in the book - yet to be translated into Portuguese - while also considering some of the criticism it has received in past decades. Next, we present the connection between Miller’s theory of consumption and his wide-ranging work in digital anthropology. Afterwards, we introduce the four original papers contained in this special issue and which consider, based on empirical research, the on-going relevance of Miller’s theory to current debates on materiality, social media and interdisciplinary exchange, including an interview with the author. Finally, in this introduction, we also present the section Registros de Pesquisa, where different Brazilian researchers discuss the opportunity of working closely with Miller.

Keywords: Material culture; consumption; digital media

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo do São Francisco de Paula, 1, sala 420, cep: 20051-070 - 2224-8965 ramal 215 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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