Open-access "Come over here, boy! Let me amaze you!: Self reinterpretation in the frame of tariffed sex

This article is about representations of body, gender and sexuality in explicitly "romantic paid love" scenes involving older men and young male prostitutes or sex workers in a gay bar in Porto Alegre, Brazil. These experiences of sociability allowed us to produce an analysis of the intersectionality between gender and age. The scenes presented here help us to understand some of the power relationships involved in forms of regulation which interweaves "marks and abilities" of the body, race, "sexual orientation", social class and masculinity, in a context of openly monetized social relations. Based on an ethnographic approach, this work indicates that, while the subjects involved in these power games have no intention of producing a critique of the rule in question, the scenes performed in these spaces of sociability help us to understand heteronormativity, as well as homonormativity as discursive regimes.

body; aging; gender; homoeroticism; performativity

Centro Latino-Americano em Sexualidade e Direitos Humanos (CLAM/IMS/UERJ) R. São Francisco Xavier, 524, 6º andar, Bloco E 20550-013 Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (21) 2568-0599 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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