Open-access On complete spacelike hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature in the de Sitter space


Let Mn be a complete spacelike hypersurface with constant normalized scalar curvature R in the de Sitter Space S1n + 1. Let H the mean curvature and suppose that <img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img1.gif" ALT="$ \overline{R}$"> = (R - 1) > 0 and <img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img1.gif" ALT="$ \overline{R}$"> <= sup H² <= C<img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img3.gif" ALT="$\scriptstyle \overline{R}$">, where C<img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img3.gif" ALT="$\scriptstyle \overline{R}$"> is a constant depending only on R and n. It is proved that either sup H² = <img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img1.gif" ALT="$ \overline{R}$"> and Mn is totally umbilical, or sup H² = C<img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img3.gif" ALT="$\scriptstyle \overline{R}$"> and Mn is the hyperbolic cylinder H¹(1 - coth²r) x Sn - 1 (1 - tanh²r).

hyperbolic cylinder; spacelike hypersurfaces; de Sitter space

On Complete Spacelike Hypersurfaces with Constant Scalar Curvature in the De Sitter Space


Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Matemática,

Campus do Pici - 60455-760 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

Manuscript received on April 2, 2000; accepted for publication on May 10, 2000;

presented by MANFREDO DO CARMO


MnRS1n + 1HR H2CCRn H2Mn H2CMnH12rxSn- 12r

Key words: hyperbolic cylinder, spacelike hypersurfaces, de Sitter space.


The study of spacelike hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature in the de Sitter space S1n + 1is related to an analogue of Goddard's conjecture for the second elementary symmetric polynomial in the principal curvatures; more precisely: "Let Mn be a complete spacelike hypersurface with constant scalar curvature immersed in de Sitter space S1n + 1. Then Mn is totally umbilical ''.

S. Montiel (Montiel 1996) described the hyperbolic cylinders H1(1 - coth2r) x Sn - 1(1 - tanh2r), n 3, in S1n + 1 with constant mean curvature H2 = and normalized constant scalar curvature R = 1 + (2 + (n - 2)tanh2r)).

In (Zheng 1995), (Zheng 1996) and (Cheng & Ishikawa 1998) partial results were obtained. Recently, Haizhong Li (Li 1997)(and also S. Montiel in a more general spacetime (Montiel 1999)) obtained the following result: "Let Mn be a compact spacelike hypersurface immersed into the de Sitter space S1n + 1 with normalized constant scalar curvature R satisfying R 0. Then M is totally umbilical".

In this note we announce the following

THEOREM 1.1. Let Mn be an n-dimensional complete (n 3) spacelike hypersurface immersed into the de Sitter space S1n + 1 with constant scalar curvature R such that = R - 1 > 0 and supose that supH2

C where

C = (n - 1)2 + 2(n - 1) + .


  • sup H2 = and M is totally umbilic or
  • (ii)
  • sup H2 = C and M is isometric to H1(1 - coth2r) x Sn - 1(1 - tanh2r).


Let R1n + 2 be the real vector space Rn + 2 endowed with the Lorentzian metric , given by v, w = - v0w0 + v1w1 +...+ vn + 1wn + 1 that is, R1n + 2 = Ln + 2 is the Lorentz-Minkowski (n + 2)-dimensional space. We define the de Sitter space as the following hyperquadric of R1n + 2 : S1n + 1 = {x

R1n + 2;| x|2 = 1}. The induced metric , makes S1n + 1 into a Lorentz manifold with constant sectional curvature 1. Let Mn be a n-dimensional orientable manifold, complete and let f : Mn S1n + 1
Ln + 2 be a spacelike immersion of Mn into the de Sitter S1n + 1. Choose a unit normal along f and denote by A : TpM TpM the linear map of the tangent space TpM at the point p M, associated to the second fundamental form of f along ,

AX, Y = -

    where X and Y are tangent vector fields on M and is the connection on S1n + 1. Let {e1,..., en} be an orthonormal basis which diagonalizes A with eigenvalues ki of TpM, i.e., Aei = kiei, i = 1,..., n. We will denote by H =

    ki the mean curvature of f and | A|2 = ki2. In our case it is convenient to define a linear map : TpM TpM by

X, Y = AX, Y - H
X, Y.

    It is easily checked that trace() = 0 and that

    ||2 = (ki - kj)2,

    so that ||2 = 0 if and only if Mn is totally umbilical. Let = ki - H be the eigenvalues of ; then = 0, and



    The standard examples of spacelike umbilical hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in the de Sitter space are given by

    Mn = {p S1n + 1| p, a = },

    where a R1n + 2, | a|2 = = 1, 0, - 1 and > . The corresponding mean curvature H of such surfaces satisfies

    H2 =

    (Montiel 1988) and Mn is isometric to a hyperbolic space, an Euclidean space or a sphere according to equal to 1, 0, - 1, respectively. On the other hand, hyperbolic cylinders are the hypersurfaces given by

    Mn = {p S1n + 1; - po2 + p12 + ... + pk2 = - sinh2r},

    with r R and 1 k n.

    Such hyperbolic cylinders have constant mean curvature

    nH = [kcothr + (n - k)tanh r].

    Thus, we have


    and the equality is attained for k = 1 and coth2r = (n - 1). Their normalized scalar curvature is R = 1 + (2 + (n - 2)tanh2r).

    We point out that these examples have only two different constant principal curvatures at each point and one of them has multiplicity one. Moreover, they are isometric to the Riemannian product

    H1(1 - coth2r) x Sn - 1(1 - tanh2r).

    The Gauss equation relates the scalar curvature, the mean curvature and the square of the norm of the second fundamental formula as follows:

n(n - 1)(R - 1) = n2H2 - | A|2. (2.2)

Let T = Tij

be a symmetric tensor defined on Mn, where

    Tij = nH - hij.

    Following (Cheng & Yau 1977), we introduce the operator L1 associated to T acting on C2 functions f on Mn by


    Around a given point p M we choose an orthonormal frame field {e1,..., en} with dual frame field {w1,..., wn} so that hij = ki at p. We have the following computation by using (2.3) and Gauss equation (2.2) :


    On the other hand, using Simons Formula (see Zheng 1995) we get



    From (2.4) and (2.5), we have:



    Since R is constant, by (2.6) we obtain

    L1(nH) = A - n2H + (1 + kikj)(ki - kj)2 = A - n2H + nki2 + nkj2 - kjki + ki3kj + kikj3 - ki2kj2.

    Making i = j, we then have


    Using (2.1) in (3.1) we obtain




    This yields


    We need to estimate tr() in (3.4). First we recall an algebraic lemma (Okumura 1974) which asserts



    and the equality holds on the right hand side if and only if

= ... = = - || and = ||.

    Using (3.5) in (3.4), we obtain


    Since R is constant, by (Alencar et al. 1993)


    By Gauss equation (2.1) we know that


    Using (3.8) and (3.7) in (3.6) we obtain


    where PH is a polynomial given by

    |) = (


    By (3.8) we may write the above polynomial as


    Therefore (3.9) becomes


    Using the hypothesis that

    C, one proves that



    On the other hand,


    where | H|max is the maximum of the mean curvature H in M and C = minki is the minimum of the principal curvatures in M.

    Now, we need the maximum principle at infinity for complete manifolds by Omori and Yau(Omori 1967):

    "Let Mn be an n-dimensional complete Riemannian manifold whose Ricci curvature is bounded from below. Let f be a C2-function bounded from below on Mn. Then for each > 0 there exists a point p

    M such that


    The hypothesis

    C together with Gauss equation implies that RicM (n - 1) - , so the Ricci curvature is bounded below. Thus we may apply Omori and Yau's result to the function

    f = .

    We have




    Let {pk}, k N, be a sequence of points in M given by (3.15) such that


    Using (3.18) in the two equations (3.16) and (3.17) and the fact that

(nH)(pk) = (nH)(p),

    we obtain

    < -





    On the other hand, by (3.12) and (3.14), we have



    At points pk of the sequence given in (3.18), this becomes


    Making k and using (3.20) we have that the right hand side of (3.22) goes to zero, so by (3.15) either (sup| A|2 - n) = 0 or P() = 0. But by (3.8) ||2 = (| A|2 - n) and so sup||2 = (sup| A|2 - n) = 0, then ||2 = 0, proving that Mn is totally umbilical.

    If P() = 0, it can be proved that supH2 = C and so the equality holds on the right hand side of (3.9) and we obtain

    L1(nsupH) = (sup| A|2 - n)P().

    One proves that the equality also holds in Okumura's lemma (3.5). After reenumeration, we finally have

    k1 = k2 =...= kn - 1, k1

    kn, wherek1 = tanhr andkn = coth r.

    Therefore, Mn is isometric to H1(1 - coth2r) x Sn - 1(1 - tanh2r), finishing the proof.

    Correspondence to: A. Gervasio Colares



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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    05 Jan 2001
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2000


  • Received
    02 Apr 2000
  • Accepted
    10 May 2000
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