Open-access Conservation of Forest Biodiversity: how sample size affects the estimation of genetic parameters


Efficient designs are crucial for population genetic studies on forest species. In this study we employed individual based simulations aiming to evaluate what fraction of a population should be sampled to obtain confident estimations of allelic richness and of inbreeding coefficient in population genetic surveys. The simulations suggest that at least 10% of the total population has to be sampled to ensure reliable estimations of allelic richness and inbreeding coefficient. This approach will allow the confidence of the genetic parameters estimations of a larger number of populations, based on a minimal sample within each one.

sampling strategy; study design; allelic richness; inbreeding coefficient

Desenhos eficientes são cruciais para estudos de genética de populações em espécies florestais. Neste estudo nós empregamos simulações baseadas em indíviduos objetivando avaliar qual fração de uma população deve ser amostrada para obter estimativas confiáveis de riqueza alélica e de coeficiente de endogamia em investigações de genética de populações. As simulações sugerem que ao menos 10% da população total deve ser amostrada para garantir estimativas confiáveis de riqueza alélica e de coeficiente de endogamia. Esta estratégia permitirá confiança nas estimativas de parâmetros genéticos de um maior número de populações, baseado em uma amostragem mínima em cada uma.

estratégia de amostragem; desenho de estudo; riqueza alélica; coeficiente de endogamia


In order to survive under diverse environmental conditions over decades, populations of long-lived tree species require high allelic diversity. However, despite the extensive concern on collecting data about forest biodiversity towards genetic resources conservation, the confidence of such information is directly correlated with an efficient study design. A biased design can generate unfair results, leading to mistakes and wrong actions when making decisions about ecosystem conservation.

An efficient study design on population genetics of forest species includes: (i) planning the number and geographical distribution of the populations, (ii) the category and number of markers to be employed and (iii) the spatial distribution and number of individuals to be sampled within each population.

The number and geographical distribution of the populations is directly linked to the general distribution of the studied species and funds allocated to the research. This step is usually easy to plan and does not offer major challenges. The kind of marker to be employed depends on the financial support owed to the research and on the main objective of the study (Gillet 1999). Usually, using a large number of highly polymorphic markers is desired, taking in conside ration the dominant or co-dominant nature of the marker. For instance, while a large number of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) loci were highly informative for the intra-population analysis of the genetic structure in Araucaria angustifolia, the large number of alleles observed at few microsatellite markers was crucial for inter-population genetic structure analysis (Stefenon et al. 2008).

Concerning spatial distribution and number of individuals, sampling a high number of individuals is preferred, expecting to acquire estimations as close to the total population as possible. However, the sampling and analysis of an outsized number of individuals belonging to a large natural population is very complex, expensive and laborious. Therefore, determining the minimal sample size needed for reliable estimations of genetic diversity measures in large populations of tree species may significantly help plan genetic diversity inventories.

Estimations of heterozigosity are less influen ced by the sample size (Nei and Roychoudhury 1974), while allelic richness and inbreeding coefficient are more dependent on the number of analyzed individuals. Considering that researchers usually work with samples of large populations, the effect of sample size in such estimations becomes an important matter. Many studies have focused on the comparison of allelic richness estimations among samples of different sizes (Nei et al. 1975, El Mousadik and Petit 1996, Spencer et al. 2000, Leberg 2002, Belkhir et al. 2006). However, only a few studies (e.g. Bashalkhanov et al. 2009) have centered on the effect of the sample size in the estimation of the actual allelic richness of a population.

Allelic richness is one of the most important measures of genetic diversity. Although it strongly depends on the effective population size and past evolutionary history (Cornuet and Luikart 1996), the number of observed alleles also depends on the sample size evaluated. The Ewens sampling formula, the rarefaction, the coalescent and the Bayesian approaches may provide theoretical expectations for the allelic richness in a given sample. However, these methods are based on the total number of alleles identified in a sample of the basis population. Therefore, if the sampling scheme is biased, the estimations are also deficient.

Aiming to overcome such difficulties, Bashalkhanov et al. (2009) defined a regression model in order to estimate the allelic richness of large populations, based on finite samples. Although this model revealed to be robust, it still remains dependent on the studied species and the molecular marker used (see equations 4a, 5 and 5a in Bashalkhanov et al. 2009). Here we employed individual based simulations intending to evaluate the effects of sample size on the assessment of allelic richness and estimation of inbreeding coefficient aiming to answer the question: which fraction of a population should be sampled to obtain confident estimations of genetic parameters using highly polymorphic genetic markers in population genetic surveys?

To carry out this study, genetic data was obtained through simulation of a population comprising 1000 individuals and displaying information on diploid genotypes at 10 microsatellite loci, each reaching a maximal of 40 alleles. In order to evaluate the influence of the mating system (amount of selfing) in estimations of genetic parameters, populations with four different levels of inbreeding were simulated: f = 0.0 (completely random mating), f = 0.1 (10% of selfing), f = 0.5 (50% of selfing) and f = 0.8 (80% of selfing). These populations were generated through stochastic individual-based simulations using the software EASYPOP version 1.0 (Balloux 2001). Measures of allelic richness (AR, computed as the total number of alleles) and inbreeding coefficient (f, computed according to Weir and Cockerham 1984) were estimated using the software Fstat version 2.9.3 (Goudet 1995). Both measures were estimated for the 1000 individuals of the population and for sub-sets of 25, 50 and 100 individuals randomly sampled within the total population. Each sub-set was re-sampled from the total population 99 times with replacement of individuals, totalizing 100 samplings. Mean values over the 100 estimations of each genetic diversity measure were computed for each sample size and compared with the values of the total population. The significance of the difference among means of the sub-sets was determined through a one-way ANOVA with Tukey post-test, using the software GraphPad Prism(r).

The estimations of allelic richness (Table I) were highly influenced by the sample size, with significant difference (p < 0.05, Fig. 1A) among sub-sets, independent of the matting system. As expected, the larger sample size (100 individuals) revealed the estimation of AR near to the actual value of the basis population. The matting system influenced in the variation of individual repetitions of the estimation (Fig. 1A), with higher variance for the samples with medium and high levels of selfing. These two mating systems also revealed lower estimations of AR for all sample sizes. The loss of alleles ranged from 7.05% to 12.7% when 100 plants were sampled, while sampling 25 plants lead to a loss of 35.5% to 46.9% of the alleles, depending on the mating system (Table I).

Table I.
Estimations of allelic richness (AR) and inbreeding coefficient (f) for sub-sets of the total population. Means, standard deviation and mode are presented for each parameter. Percentage of loss of allelic richness in relation to the total populations is presented.

Figure 1.
Dispersion graphs of the genetic parameters estimated for the different sample sizes and mating systems tested. (A) Estimations of allelic richness. (B) Estimations of inbreeding coefficient. The mean of each estimation is represented by the black lines while dots represent each individual replicate of the estimation.

Concerning the estimations of inbreeding coefficient, the size of the sample revealed low influence. Significant difference (p < 0.05, Fig. 1B) among sub-sets was observed just in two cases. Independent of the mating system, the estimated values were very similar to the actual inbreeding coefficient of the total population (Table I). However, the mating system highly influenced the variance of the estimations (Fig. 1B).

These results suggest that for species with low to moderate amount of selfing (or mating among relatives), at least 10% of the population should be sampled in order to capture approximately 90% of the actual allelic richness. Populations with high level of selfing or mating among relatives (f = 0.8 in our study) need larger sampling, since collecting 10% of the population resulted around 13% of alleles loss. The same pattern was obtained using basis populations of 5000 and 200000 individuals (data not shown). Different from the conservation of crop genetic resources, in which the focus is to save alleles that may be of value for future use in genetic breeding, the conservation of forest tree genetic resources aims to save the potential for adaptation (Eriksson 2005). Therefore, neglecting some rare alleles seems not to be a drawback, considering that their low frequency is caused by poor adaptation to the present environment (leading them to be eradicated by selection) or because they recently emerged in the population as mutants that are in threat of loss by drift. Capturing such alleles in a large population would require sample sizes close to the entire number of individuals in the population (Bashalkhanov et al. 2009).

Knowledge about species mating system and inbreeding levels is also important for a consistent sampling design. The influence of mating system in assessments of within-population gene diversity (H) and between-population diversity (FST) has been discussed (e.g. Hamrick et al. 1992, Nybom and Bartish 2000, Nybom 2004). Our study suggests that mating system and inbreeding level are also important variables for estimations of allelic richness.

Several reviews of genetic studies propose that woody plants maintain high levels of variation within populations (H) and have relatively less genetic diversity among populations (GST) than non-woody species (Hamrick et al. 1992). However, allelic richness is the basis of population genetic diversity and confident estimations of this parameter are crucial towards conservation of genetic resources of forest tree species. Therefore, to ensure reliable estimates of allelic richness the sampling design of genetic inventories has to take into consideration factors such the populations census size and the species mating system. Regarding the inbreeding coefficient, small sample sizes can generate reliable estimations, considering that the standard deviation of the estimations overlapped the real values for all sample sizes analyzed. Therefore, sampling at least 10% of the individuals from populations of tree species should be considered when planning genetic studies. This design may provide estimations of the adaptive potential of a larger number of populations, based on a minimal sample within each one, capable of ensuring the confidence of the estimations.


This research was made possible by the financial support from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS, Process no. 0902170) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Process no. 314664/2009-2 and 502804/2009-2). LSC and NSC were sponsored by UNIPAMPA and FAPERGS scholarships.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 June 2015
  • Date of issue
    Apr-Jun 2015


  • Received
    12 Feb 2014
  • Accepted
    25 Nov 2014
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