Logomarca do periódico: Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências

Open-access Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências

Publicação de: Academia Brasileira de Ciências
Área: Multidisciplinar Versão impressa ISSN: 0001-3765
Versão on-line ISSN: 1678-2690


Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Volume: 72, Número: 1, Publicado: 2000

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Volume: 72, Número: 1, Publicado: 2000

Document list
Some reflections on science, industry and education GENNES, PIERRE G. DE
Chemical Sciences
Supramolecular chemistry and technology TOMA, HENRIQUE E.

Resumo em Inglês:

Supramolecular chemistry deals with the association of several chemical species, in an organized way and according to well defined purposes. Based on a molecular engineering approach, supramolecular structures can be designed from pre-formed building blocks, providing a promising route from chemistry to molecular nanotechnology. New supramolecular systems have been assembled in our laboratory with the use of bridging unities such as tetrapyridylporphyrins, porphyrazines and polypyrazines, connecting transition metal complexes and clusters. These systems display a very exciting electrochemical and catalytic behavior, and interact with DNA, generating ¹O2 and leading to efficient oxidative clivage for photodynamic terapy applications. Molecular interfaces have been developed, exhibiting photocurrent response in the presence of visible-UV light, and rectifying properties in the presence of electroactive species. Successful applications of the supramolecular species in chemical and bio-sensors have been developed.
Chemical Sciences
Thin molecular films of supramolecular porphyrins ARAKI, KOITI LIMA, SIMONE DE SOUZA WINNISCHOFER, HERBERT

Resumo em Inglês:

A relevant series of symmetric supramolecular porphyrins has been obtained by attaching four [Ru II(bipy)2Cl] groups to the pyridyl substituents of meso-tetra(4-pyridyl)porphyrin and its metallated derivatives. These compounds display a rich electrochemistry and versatile catalytic, electrocatalytic and photochemical properties, associated with the ruthenium-bipyridine and the porphyrin complexes. These properties can be transferred to the electrodes by attaching thin molecular films of the compounds, by dip-coating, electrostatic assembly or electropolymerization. In this way, the interesting properties of those supermolecules and supramolecular assemblies can be used to prepare molecular devices and sensors.
Chemical Sciences
Supramolecular effects in dendritic systems containing photoactive groups AZZELLINI, GIANLUCA CAMILLO

Resumo em Inglês:

In this article are described dendritic structures containing photoactive groups at the surface or in the core. The observed supramolecular effects can be attributed to the nature of the photoactive group and their location in the dendritic architecture. The peripheric azobenzene groups in these dendrimeric compounds can be regarded as single residues that retain the spectroscopic and photochemical properties of free azobenzene moiety. The E and Z forms of higher generation dendrimer, functionalized with azobenzene groups, show different host ability towards eosin dye, suggesting the possibility of using such dendrimer in photocontrolled host-guest systems. The photophysical properties of many dendritic-bipyridine ruthenium complexes have been investigated. Particularly in aerated medium more intense emission and a longer excited-state lifetime are observed as compared to the parent unsubstituted bipyridine ruthenium complexes. These differences can be attributed to a shielding effect towards dioxygen quenching originated by the dendritic branches.
Chemical Sciences
Interactions between cationic liposomes and drugs or biomolecules CARMONA-RIBEIRO, ANA MARIA

Resumo em Inglês:

Multiple uses for synthetic cationic liposomes composed of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) bilayer vesicles are presented. Drugs or biomolecules can be solubilized or incorporated in the cationic bilayers. The cationic liposomes themselves can act as antimicrobial agents causing death of bacteria and fungi at concentrations that barely affect mammalian cells in culture. Silica particles or polystyrene microspheres can be functionalized by coverage with DODAB bilayers or phospholipid monolayers. Negatively charged antigenic proteins can be carried by the cationic liposomes which generate a remarkable immunoadjuvant action. Nucleotides or DNA can be physically adsorbed to the cationic liposomes to be transferred to mammalian cells for gene therapy. An overview of the interactions between DODAB vesicles and some biomolecules or drugs clearly points out their versatility for useful applications in a near future.
Chemical Sciences
Intercalation compounds involving inorganic layered structures CONSTANTINO, VERA R. L. BARBOSA, CÉSAR A. S. BIZETO, MARCOS A. DIAS, PATRÍCIA M.

Resumo em Inglês:

Two-dimensional inorganic networks can shown intracrystalline reactivity, i.e., simple ions, large species as Keggin ions, organic species, coordination compounds or organometallics can be incorporated in the interlayer region. The host-guest interaction usually causes changes in their chemical, catalytic, electronic and optical properties. The isolation of materials with interesting properties and making use of soft chemistry routes have given rise the possibility of industrial and technological applications of these compounds. We have been using several synthetic approaches to intercalate porphyrins and phthalocyanines into inorganic materials: smectite clays, layered double hydroxides and layered niobates. The isolated materials have been characterized by elemental and thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, surface area measurements, scanning electronic microscopy, electronic and resonance Raman spectroscopies and EPR. The degree of layer stacking and the charge density of the matrices as well their acid-base nature were considered in our studies on the interaction between the macrocycles and inorganic hosts.
Chemical Sciences

Resumo em Inglês:

The importance of copper as an essential element can be estimated by the wide range of copper proteins and enzymes playing different roles in biological systems. In the last decades many bioinorganic studies were developed on mimetic complexes of copper-dependent proteins, in order to verify the interrelations between structural and functional properties of active copper centers. Among the most studied copper ion ligand, diimine compounds have deserved special attention due their flexibility, facility of preparation, and ability to stabilize both oxidation states of this metal. In our laboratory, we have been investigating some Schiff base copper complexes as mimics of different proteins, with emphasis on functional aspects, trying to elucidate mechanisms of reaction, based on proposed intermediary species, in addition to molecular shapes. Particularly, mimics of the copper-zinc superoxide dismutase, and of monooxigenases and oxidases exhibiting dicopper sites are discussed in this work.
Chemical Sciences
Porphyrinosilica and metalloporphyrinosilica: hybrid organic-inorganic materials prepared by sol-gel processing IAMAMOTO, YASSUKO SACCO, HÉRICA C. BIAZZOTTO, JULIANA C. CIUFFI, KATIA J. SERRA, OSVALDO A.

Resumo em Inglês:

New materials porphyrinosilica and metalloporphyrinosilica template have been obtained by a sol-gel processing where functionalyzed porphyrins and metalloporphyrins "building blocks" were assembled into a three-dimensional silicate network. The optimized conditions for preparation of these materials are revised. The monomer precursors porphyrinopropylsilyl and metalloporphyrinopropylsilyl preparation reactions and subsequent one pot sol-gel processing with tetraethoxysilane are discussed. In the case of metalloporphyrins the nitrogen base coordinates to the central metal and acts as a template in the molecular imprinting technique. UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, electron paramagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic spectra, infrared spectra, luminescence spectra, surface area and electron spectroscopy imaging of the materials are used to characterize the prepared materials. The catalytic activities of these metalloporphyrinosilica- template are compared.
Chemical Sciences
Supramolecular photochemistry and solar cells IHA, NEYDE YUKIE MURAKAMI

Resumo em Inglês:

Supramolecular photochemistry as well as solar cells are fascinating topics of current interest in Inorganic Photochemistry and very active research fields which have attracted wide attention in last two decades. A brief outline of the investigations in these fields carried out in our Laboratory of Inorganic Photochemistry and Energy Conversion is given here with no attempt of an exhaustive coverage of the literature. The emphasis is placed on recent work and information on the above mentioned subjects. Three types of supramolecular systems have been the focus of this work: (i) cage-type coordination compounds; (ii) second-sphere coordination compounds, exemplified by ion-pair photochemistry of cobalt complexes and (iii) covalently-linked systems. In the latter, modulation of the photoluminescence and photochemistry of some rhenium complexes are discussed. Solar energy conversion and development of thin-layer photoelectrochemical solar cells based on sensitization of nanocrystalline semiconductor films by some ruthenium polypyridyl complexes are presented as an important application that resulted from specifically engineered artificial assemblies.
Chemical Sciences
Zirconium phosphonate/1,4,5,8-naphthalenediimides self-assembled films RODRIGUES, MAGALI A. PETRI, DENISE F.S. POLITI, MARIO J. BROCHSZTAIN, SERGIO

Resumo em Inglês:

The formation and characterization of self-assembled films of zirconium phosphonate / N,N'-di(2-phosphonoethyl)-1,4,5,8-naphthalenediimide (DPN) is presented. The films were produced on glass substrates by deposition of alternating layers of Zr+4 and DPN. Films containing up to 16 layers on each side of the substrate were obtained and monitored by absorption spectroscopy and ellipsometry. When irradiated, the initially colorless films turned to a persistent pinky color reminiscent of that of DPN anion radical. These films are a promising material to the development of photovoltaic devices.
Biomedical and Medical Sciences
Susceptible hosts: a resort for parasites right in the eye of the immune response DOSREIS, GEORGE A.

Resumo em Inglês:

Trypanosomatid protozoan parasites express an aggressive strategy of parasitism by infecting host macrophages and inducing extensive T-lymphocyte activation. One goal of such strategy is to drive the immune response of genetically susceptible hosts to a state of unresponsiveness regarding parasite killing. Unresponsiveness is achieved through different mechanisms, depending on the parasite species. In this brief review, recent findings on the molecular and cellular bases of the parasites' exploitation of host immune responses are discussed.
Biomedical and Medical Sciences
Neonatal lupus syndrome: the heart as a target of the immune system GARCIA, SIMONE CAMPOS-DE-CARVALHO, ANTONIO C.

Resumo em Inglês:

Neonatal lupus erythematosus (NLE) is an auto-immune disease related to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Unlike SLE it is not a spontaneous syndrome but rather an acquired one. In NLE the most common disease manifestations are a transient cutaneous lesion and cardiac conduction disturbances. The cutaneous lesions and other non-cardiac manifestations of NLE are transient and disappear about six months after birth, at the time when maternal antibodies disappear from the neonatal circulation. This fact suggests that maternal antibodies may cross the placenta leading to an inflamatory reaction in the fetal tissues. NLE is the principal cause of atria-ventricular block, when it is not associated with congenital birth defects. All the clinical studies to date correlate the heart block in NLE with the presence of certain types of circulating maternal antibodies, against the Ro/SSA nuclear proteins, in the serum of the newborn. In this paper we discuss animal models that have been developed by our and others groups to study the participation of the anti-Ro/SSA antibodies in the pathogenesis of the cardiac conduction blockades that occur in NLE.
Biomedical and Medical Sciences
Entry, dispersion and differentiation of microglia in the developing central nervous system NAVASCUÉS, JULIO CALVENTE, RUTH MARÍN-TEVA, JOSÉ L. CUADROS, MIGUEL A.

Resumo em Inglês:

Microglial cells within the developing central nervous system (CNS) originate from mesodermic precursors of hematopoietic lineage that enter the nervous parenchyma from the meninges, ventricular space and/or blood stream. Once in the nervous parenchyma, microglial cells increase in number and disperse throughout the CNS; these cells finally differentiate to become fully ramified microglial cells. In this article we review present knowledge on these phases of microglial development and the factors that probably influence them.
Summary of Communications
Cell damage and neurogenesis in the dentate granule cell layer of adult rats after pilocarpine- or kainate-induced status epilepticus Covolan, L. Ribeiro, L.T.C. Longo, B.M. Mello, L.E.A.M.
Summary of Communications
Competitive antagonism associated with blockade of neuronal uptake: effects of indoramine in rat vas deferens and aorta Pupo, André S. Cavenaghi, Daniela L.C. Campo, Marcelo Morais, Paola de Lucena Jurkiewicz, Neide H. Jurkiewicz, Aron
Summary of Communications
Comparison of the human immune responses to recombinant proteins representing three distinct surface proteins of Plasmodium vivax merozoites Cunha, Maristela Gomes da Galinski, Mary R. Soares, Irene S. Souza, José Maria de Oliveira, Salma G. Braga, Érika Barnwell, John W. Rodrigues, Maurício M.
Summary of Communications
Structure and transcription of genes encoding the surface glycoprotein antigens gp90 and gp82 of Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclic trypomastigotes Carmo, Mirian S. Araya, Jorge E Cano, Maria I. Ramirez, Marcel I. Baida, Renata P. Ruiz, Rita C. Santos, Marcia R. Chiurillo, Miguel A. Ramirez, José L. Yoshida, Nobuko Silveira, José Franco da
Summary of Communications
Synthesis and immunological activity of a branched peptide construction carrying the T cell epitope of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis major exocellular antigen, the gp43 Travassos, L. R. Nakaie, C. R. Cilli, E. M. Taborda, C. P.
Summary of Communications
Monoclonal antibody specific to glucosylceramide found in pathogenic fungi Toledo, MS Suzuki, E Levery, SB Straus, AH Takahashi, HK
Summary of Communications
Towards the discovery of molecules involved in hematophagous blood feeding Amino, R Martins, R Campos, I Falcão, T Procópio, J Tanaka, A Dan, A Beirão, P Pereira, M Schenkman, S
Summary of Communications
Effect of <FONT FACE=Symbol>b</font>-D-xylosides bearing different aglycones on the synthesis of proteoglycans during the cell cycle of endothelial cells in culture Moreira, C.R. Lopes, C.C. Porcionatto, M.A. Esko, J.D. Dietrich, C.P. Nader, H.B.
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