Logomarca do periódico: Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências

Open-access Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências

Publicação de: Academia Brasileira de Ciências
Área: Multidisciplinar Versão impressa ISSN: 0001-3765
Versão on-line ISSN: 1678-2690


Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Volume: 72, Número: 4, Publicado: 2000

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Volume: 72, Número: 4, Publicado: 2000

Document list
Mathematical Sciences
On complete spacelike hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature in the de Sitter space BRASIL JR, ALDIR COLARES, A. GERVASIO

Resumo em Inglês:

Let Mn be a complete spacelike hypersurface with constant normalized scalar curvature R in the de Sitter Space S1n + 1. Let H the mean curvature and suppose that <img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img1.gif" ALT="$ \overline{R}$"> = (R - 1) > 0 and <img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img1.gif" ALT="$ \overline{R}$"> <= sup H² <= C<img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img3.gif" ALT="$\scriptstyle \overline{R}$">, where C<img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img3.gif" ALT="$\scriptstyle \overline{R}$"> is a constant depending only on R and n. It is proved that either sup H² = <img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img1.gif" ALT="$ \overline{R}$"> and Mn is totally umbilical, or sup H² = C<img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0045img3.gif" ALT="$\scriptstyle \overline{R}$"> and Mn is the hyperbolic cylinder H¹(1 - coth²r) x Sn - 1 (1 - tanh²r).
Mathematical Sciences
Nonlinear elliptic systems DEFIGUEIREDO, DJAIRO G.

Resumo em Inglês:

In this paper we treat the question of the existence of solutions of boundary value problems for systems of nonlinear elliptic equations of the form - deltau = f (x, u, v,<FONT FACE="Symbol">Ñ</FONT>u,<FONT FACE="Symbol">Ñ</FONT>v), - deltav = g(x, u, v, <FONT FACE="Symbol">Ñ</FONT>u, <FONT FACE="Symbol">Ñ</FONT>v), in omega, We discuss several classes of such systems using both variational and topological methods. The notion of criticality takes into consideration the coupling, which plays important roles in both a priori estimates for the solutions and Palais-Smale conditions for the associated functional in the variational case.
Chemical Sciences
Structure, surface area and morphology of aluminas from thermal decomposition of Al(OH)(CH3COO)2 crystals KIYOHARA, PEDRO K. SANTOS, HELENA SOUZA COELHO, ANTONIO C. VIEIRA SANTOS, PÉRSIO DE SOUZA

Resumo em Inglês:

Crystalline aluminium hydroxiacetate was prepared by reaction between aluminium powder (ALCOA 123) and aqueous solution of acetic acid at 96ºC ±1ºC. The white powder of Al(OH)(CH3COO)2 is constituted by agglomerates of crystalline plates, having size about 10mum. The crystals were fired from 200ºC to 1550ºC, in oxidizing atmosphere and the products characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and surface area measurements by BET-nitrogen method. Transition aluminas are formed from heating at the following temperatures: gamma (300ºC); delta (750ºC); alpha (1050ºC). The aluminas maintain the original morphology of the Al(OH)Ac2 crystal agglomerates, up to 1050ºC, when sintering and coalescence of the alpha-alumina crystals start and proceed up to 1550ºC. High surface area aluminas are formed in the temperature range of 700ºC to 1100ºC; the maximum value of 198m²/g is obtained at 900ºC, with delta-alumina structure. The formation sequence of transition aluminas is similar to the sequence from well ordered boehmite, but with differences in the transition temperatures and in the development of high surface areas. It is suggested that the causes for these diversities between the two sequences from Al(OH) Ac2 and boehmite are due to the different particle sizes, shapes and textures of the gamma-Al2O3 which acts as precursor for the sequence gamma- to alpha-Al2O3.
Biomedical and Medical Sciences
Cytogenetic damage related to low levels of methyl mercury contamination in the Brazilian Amazon AMORIM, MARÚCIA I. M. MERGLER, DONNA BAHIA, MARCELO O. DUBEAU, HÉLÈNE MIRANDA, DANIELA LEBEL, JEAN BURBANO, ROMMEL R. LUCOTTE, MARC

Resumo em Inglês:

The mercury rejected in the water system, from mining operations and lixiviation of soils after deforestation, is considered to be the main contributors to the contamination of the ecosystem in the Amazon Basin. The objectives of the present study were to examine cytogenetic functions in peripheral lymphocytes within a population living on the banks of the Tapajós River with respect to methylmercury (MeHg) contamination, using hair mercury as a biological indicator of exposure. Our investigation shows a clear relation between methylmercury contamination and cytogenetic damage in lymphocytes at levels well below 50 micrograms/gram, the level at which initial clinical signs and symptoms of mercury poisoning occur. The first apparent biological effect with increasing MeHg hair level was the impairment of lymphocyte proliferation measured as mitotic index (MI). The relation between mercury concentration in hair and MI suggests that this parameter, an indicator of changes in lymphocytes and their ability to respond to culture conditions, may be an early marker of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in humans and should be taken into account in the preliminary evaluation of the risks to populations exposed in vivo. This is the first report showing clear cytotoxic effects of long-term exposure to MeHg. Although the results strongly suggest that, under the conditions examined here, MeHg is both a spindle poison and a clastogen, the biological significance of these observations are as yet unknown. A long-term follow-up of these subjects should be undertaken.
Earth Sciences
Brief review of dinosaur studies and perspectives in Brazil KELLNER, ALEXANDER W. A. CAMPOS, DIOGENES A.

Resumo em Inglês:

Dinosaur research is developing at very high rates around the world resulting in several new discoveries that are improving our understanding of this terrestrial reptilian clade. Except for the last couple years, the studies of Brazilian dinosaurs have not followed this expansive trend, despite the high potential of several dinosaur localities. So far there are only eight described taxa, four in the last year, representing theropod, sauropod, and one possible prosauropod taxa. Except for footprints, there are no records of ornithischian dinosaurs in the country what is at least partially explainable by the lack of continuous vertebrate fossil collecting program in the country. More funding is necessary to improve the research activities in this field.
Earth Sciences
Carbon isotope fluctuations in Precambrian carbonate sequences of several localities in Brazil SIAL, ALCIDES N. FERREIRA, VALDEREZ P. DEALMEIDA, AFONSO R. ROMANO, ANTONIO W. PARENTE, CLOVIS V. DACOSTA, MARCONDES L. SANTOS, VICTOR H.

Resumo em Inglês:

Carbon isotope fluctuations in Precambrian sedimentary carbonates between 2.8 Ga and 0.60 Ga in Brazil are examined in this study. The carbonate facies of the BIF of the 2.8 Ga-old Carajás Formation, state of Pará in northern Brazil, has rather homogeneous delta13C (-5 o/ooPDB), compatible with carbonatization of a silicate protolith by a CO2-rich fluid from mantle degassing. The Paleoproterozoic Gandarela Formation, state of Minas Gerais, displays a narrow delta13C variation (-1.5 to +0.5 o/oo) compatible with carbon isotope signatures of carbonates deposited around 2.4 Ga worldwide. The Fecho do Funil Formation has probably recorded the Lomagundi delta13C positive anomaly (+6.4 to +7.1 o/ooPDB). The magnesite-bearing carbonates of the Orós mobile belt, state of Ceará, exhibit carbon isotope fluctuation within the range for carbonates deposited at 1.8 Ga. The C-isotope record of the Frecheirinha Formation, northwestern state of Ceará, shows negative delta13C values in its lower portion (-2 o/oo) and positive values up section (+1 to +3 o/oo), which suggests this sequence is a cap carbonate deposited after a glacial event around 0.95 Ga. The Jacoca and Acauã sedimentary carbonate Formations, state of Sergipe, NE Brazil, show carbon isotope fluctuations very similar to each other (average around -5 o/oo), compatible with a deposition around 0.76 Ga. The younger Olho D'Água carbonate Formation, however, also in the state of Sergipe, displays negative delta13C values at the lower portion of the Formation, changing dramatically up section to positive values as high as +10 o/oo, a characteristic compatible with a Sturtian cap carbonate deposited around 0.69 Ga. On the light of the C isotope data discussed in this study, it seems that delta13C fluctuations in Paleoproterozoic carbonates in Brazil are within the range found globally for metasedimentary carbonates of this age. Carbon isotope data proved to be very useful in establishing relative chronology of Neoproterozoic carbonate formations for which precise radiometric ages are not available.
Earth Sciences
Ion microprobe (SHRIMP) dates complex granulite from Santa Catarina, southern Brazil HARTMANN, LÉO A. SANTOS, JOÃO O. S. McNAUGHTON, NEAL J. VASCONCELLOS, MARCOS A. Z. DASILVA, LUIZ C.

Resumo em Inglês:

Complex polymetamorphic granulites have been dated in the Santa Catarina granulite complex of southern Brazil through SHRIMP study of zircon. This complex is dominated by intermediate-acid plutonic rocks and contains small volumes of mafic and ultramafic rocks, and minor quartzite and banded iron formation. Porphyroblasts of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and plagioclase in mafic and acid rocks are interpreted as magmatic remnants in a volumetrically dominant granoblastic aggregate (M1) of the same minerals and hornblende. Hornblende formed during a later M2 metamorphic event constitutes rims around pyroxene, but the hornblende is also rimmed by granoblastic simplectites of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, hornblende and plagioclase in a second granulite facies event (M3). Chlorite and epidote occur in shear zones (M4). This granulite terrain is part of a Neoproterozoic craton, because it was little affected by the Brasiliano Cycle. The two granulite-facies events (M1 and M3) are dated by U/Pb zircon SHRIMP at about 2.68 and 2.17 Ga, while the magmatic protoliths formed at about 2.72 Ga. The amphibolite facies event (M2) probably occurred close to the 2.17 Ga granulitic metamorphism.
Earth Sciences
A reevaluation of the late quaternary sedimentation in todos os Santos Bay (BA), Brazil LESSA, GUILHERME C. BITTENCOURT, ABÍLIO C.S.P. BRICHTA, ARNO DOMINGUEZ, JOSÉ M. L.

Resumo em Inglês:

Todos os Santos Bay is a large (<img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0052img1.gif" ALT="$ \approx$"> 1000 km²), structurally controlled tidal bay in northeast Brazil. Three main drainage basins debouch into the bay, providing a mean freshwater discharge of 200 m³/s (prior to 1985), or less than 1% of the spring tidal discharge through the bay mouth. Based on the result of several sedimentological studies performed in the 1970's, five surface sedimentary facies were identified inside the bay, namely i) transgressive siliciclastic marine sand facies; ii) transgressive bay sand-mud facies; iii) a transgressive carbonate marine sand facies; iv) regressive bay-mud facies, and v) regressive fluvial sand facies. The spatial distribution of these facies would follow, somewhat closely, the hydrodynamic-energy distribution inside the bay. Seismic profiles along the bay bottom indicate the existence of several paleochannels, 5-10 m deep, blanketed at least by three different sedimentary units. The topmost sedimentary unit, 5-20 m thick, appears to be associated with the regressive bay-mud facies, and assuming that it was laid down within the last 5000 years, sedimentation rates for the central and northeastern part of the bay would average at 2,4 mm/y.
Engineering Sciences
On the use, by Einstein, of the principle of dimensional homogeneity, in three problems of the physics of solids CARNEIRO, FERNANDO L. LOBO B.

Resumo em Inglês:

Einstein, in 1911, published an article on the application of the principle of dimensional homogeneity to three problems of the physics of solids: the characteristic frequency of the atomic nets of crystalline solids as a function of their moduli of compressibility or of their melting points, and the thermal conductivity of crystalline insulators. Recognizing that the physical dimensions of temperature are not the same as those of energy and heat, Einstein had recourse to the artifice of replace that physical parameter by its product by the Boltzmann constant, so obtaining correct results. But nowadays, with the new basic quantities "Thermodynamic Temperature theta (unit- Kelvin)'', "Electric Current I (unit Ampère)'' and "Amount of Substance MOL (unit-mole)'', incorporated to the SI International System of Units, in 1960 and 1971, the same results are obtained in a more direct and coherent way. At the time of Einstein's article only three basic physical quantities were considered - length L, mass M, and time T. He ignored the pi theorem of dimensional analysis diffused by Buckingham three years later, and obtained the "pi numbers'' by trial and error. In the present paper is presented a revisitation of the article of Einstein, conducted by the modern methodology of dimensional analysis and theory of physical similitude.
Summary of Communications
Sequence stratigraphy of the Passa Dois Group in the Serra do Espigão, Paraná basin, Brazil Canuto, José Roberto
Summary of Communications
Tesselated pavements related to post-depositional structures Hachiro, Jorge
Summary of Communications
Late paleozoic glacial sedimentation in Northeastern Brazil: new results Viviani, Juliana B. Rocha-Campos, Antonio C. Ernesto, Marcia
Summary of Communications
Stratigraphic framework of Rio do Sul and Rio Bonito (Triunfo Member) formations in the Hercílio river valley (SC), Paraná basin (Early Permian) Castro, Marília R. Perinotto, José A.J. Castro, José C.
Summary of Communications
The Paripueira evaporitic interval of Maceio Sub-Basin - Sergipe/Alagoas basin Florencio, Cláudio P. Pueyo, Juan J. Ribeiro Filho, Evaristo
Summary of Communications
Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility applied to diamictites of the Rio do Sul formation, Paraná basin: initial results Archanjo, Carlos J. Castro, Joel C. Castro, Marília R.
Summary of Communications
Late paleozoic glacial boulder pavements from Jumirim, SP (Itararé subgroup): new evidence on origin Lucio, Mauricio P. Rocha-Campos, Antonio C.
Summary of Communications
Occurrences of evaporites in the Irati subgroup (Late Permian, Paraná Basin) Hachiro, Jorge
Summary of Communications
Diamictite facies of the Itararé subgroup (late paleozoic), in the southern Paraná basin, Brazil Canuto, José Roberto Rocha-Campos, Antonio C. Santos, Paulo R.
Summary of Communications
The inversion of the São José do Itaboraí paleocene basin (RJ) in a strike-slip regime Ferrari, André L. Riccomini, Claudio
Summary of Communications
Paleomagnetism of Caacupé and Itacurubí groups, western border of Paraná Basin, Paraguai Berquó, Thelma S. Ernesto, Marcia Siqueira, Roberto
Summary of Communications
Stromatolites in the mesoproterozoic Itaiacoca Group (se Brazil): paleoenvironmental inferences and comparisons with other similar forms Sallun Filho, William Fairchild, Thomas R.
Summary of Communications
delta13C fluctuations in precambrian to cambrian carbonate sequences in NE Brazil and NW Argentina Sial, Alcides N. Ferreira, Valderez P. Toselli, Alejandro J. Aceñolaza, Florencio G. Alonso, Ricardo Parada, Miguel A.
Summary of Communications
Carbon isotopes and the K-T boundary in Argentina and Chile Ferreira, Valderez P. Sial, Alcides N. Parada, Miguel A. Toselli, Alejandro J. Aceñolaza, Florencio G.
Summary of Communications
U-Pb data for granulites of the Anápolis-Itauçu complex: evidence for two high-grade events in the Brasília belt Pimentel, Márcio M. Fischel, Danielle P. Fuck, Reinhardt A.
Summary of Communications
Hydrothermal features in the Catalão I Carbonatite Complex, Goiás Ribeiro, Carlos C. Gaspar, José C.
Summary of Communications
Salinization risk assessment in irrigated alluvium areas of semi-arid regions Montenegro, Suzana M.G.L.
Summary of Communications
Isotope stratigraphy in petroleum exploration Rodrigues, René
Summary of Communications
Reconstruction of paleoenvironments using carbon stable isotopes of specific compounds Santos Neto, Eugenio V.
Summary of Communications
Chemical, structural and optical characterisation of gemological tourmalines from pegmatites of the pegmatitic province of Borborema - batalha, capoeiras, quintos and bulandeira - in the districts of Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba, NE of Brazil Barreto, Sandra B.
Summary of Communications
Significance and genetic interpretation of the sequential organization of the aptian-albian lacustrine system of the Araripe basin Neumann, Virgínio H. Cabrera, Lluis
Summary of Communications
High quality synthetic quartz crystal growth for the information technology Shinohara, Armando H.
Summary of Communications
Geochemical studies of the amazonian basin using transition elements and ree Boaventura, Geraldo R. Seyler, Partrick
Summary of Communications
Polymer based gas sensors Melo, Celso P. de
Summary of Communications
Discovering information through virtual reality Frery, Alejandro C.
Summary of Communications
Counting rational plane curves Vainsencher, Israel
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