Open-access Passiflora purii (Passifloraceae), a new species in honor of the originating peoples of Serra da Mantiqueira, Southeastern Brazil


During fieldwork in Serra Negra da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil, a new taxon of Passiflora, subgenus Astrophea, was collected in cloud forest areas. Passiflora purii, the new species, is characterized by the conical trochlea and the totally vinaceous corona, and was named in honor of the Puri ethnic group that inhabited the mountain range where its population was located. Detailed data on the distribution, habitat, reproductive phenology, and conservation status of the new species, as well as a key to closely related taxa of subgenus Astrophea are provided.

Keywords: Astrophea; Atlantic Forest; cloud forest; Passifloraceae; Serra da Mantiqueira; passionflower; taxonomy


Passiflora is the largest and most representative genus of the Passifloraceae family. It contains about 500 species occurring mainly in the Americas (Bernacci et al. 2022), with only 20 distributed in India, China, southeast Asia, Australia, and Oceania islands (Bernacci 2003). The majority of Passiflora are herbaceous or woody climbers, but there are also shrubs and trees among this genus (Ulmer & McDougal 2004). In addition to the ornamental potential of its exuberant flowers, the genus stands out for its medicinal and economic importance, with several species presenting phytotherapic properties or producing fruit for consumption in natura (Moraes et al. 2020).

Passiflora is recognized by possessing six subgenera, distributed mainly in the Americas (Feuillet & MacDougal 2003; Kronisck et al. 2013; Buitrago et al. 2018). Passiflora subgenus Astrophea (DC.) Mast. contains about 60 species with a Neotropical distribution. However, recent studies have shown an increase in this group, especially in Brazilian territory (Mezzonato-Pires et al. 2020). Most species of the subgenus Astrophea occur in unexplored areas of the Amazonian domain, which makes specimen collection very difficult.

Recent taxonomic studies on the Astrophea subgenus have indicated seven new occurrences in Brazil (Mezzonato-Pires et al. 2018), expanding the distribution of some species, such as P. plumosa Feuillet & Cremers, until then known only by the typus collected in French Guiana. In addition, four new species were described: P. lorenziana Mezzonato & Bernacci (Mezzonato-Pires et al. 2016), P. bernaccii Mezzonato (Mezzonato-Pires 2018), P. jorgeana Mezzonato (Mezzonato-Pires et al. 2021a), and P. bacabensis Mezzonato, Silva & Oliveira (Mezzonato-Pires et al. 2021b). Among these new species, the first two were described for the Amazonian region and the last two for the cerrado, totaling 33 species for Brazil.

The Atlantic domain comprises only four species from this group: P. elliptica Gardner, P. haematostigma Mart. ex Mast., P. pentagona Mast., and P. rhamnifolia Mast. All of these are characterized by two glands located laterally at the petiole apex, white-greenish flowers, and a beige or yellow-greenish corona with vinaceous spots.

Serra da Mantiqueira (SM) is a Brazilian mountain range that extends through the Atlantic domain between the limits of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo states. SM is an area of special biological importance with priority for conservation, and it presents a great species richness of the flora and fauna, many of which are rare, endemic, and threatened (Drummond et al. 2005; Furtado & Menini Neto 2018; Gonzaga et al. 2018; Santiago et al. 2018; Pereira et al. 2020). According to Moraes et al. (2020), recent descriptions of new Passifloraceae taxa for SM reinforce the importance of this area for Passiflora studies.

After a thorough analysis of specimens collected in the Serra Negra region, which is part of the SM complex, we proposed a new species for Passiflora subgenus Astrophea. In this paper, we provide a full description, illustration, and conservation assessment, as well as comments on the etymology and morphological relationship of the new species with similar taxa.

Materials and methods

Study area

The Serra Negra da Mantiqueira region is in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil, and it integrates the central portion of the SM (Fig. 1A). The local climate is Cwb (Köppen), characterized by dry and cold winters and wet and mild summers. The annual averages of temperature and precipitation are 20.6ºC and 1376 mm, respectively (Oliveira-Filho et al. 2013).

Figure 1
Location of the study area. A. Distribution of P. purii in the Serra Negra da Mantiqueira, southeastern Brazil (red dot). B. Location of the P. purii population (red circle). Source of image B: Google Earth. Map data ©2022 Google. Images courtesy of ©2022 CNES Airbus via Google Earth.

The new species was found in the rural area of the municipality of Rio Preto (21º58'456" S, 43º41'424" W) at 1179 m a.s.l. and a few meters from the limits of the newly established Serra Negra da Mantiqueira State Park. This Conservation Unit and its surroundings are inserted into a vegetation mosaic of the Atlantic Forest, where cloud forests, dwarf cloud forests, cloud shrubs, and cloud shrubby savannahs are the predominant phytophysiognomies in most preserved areas (Oliveira-Filho et al. 2013). In the areas impacted by anthropic actions, grasslands intended to raise dairy cattle are the predominant vegetation.

Taxonomic study

The taxonomic treatment and comparison with other closely related species from Passiflora subgenus Astrophea were based on specimens collected in the field, herbaria collections deposited at CESJ, acronyms following Thiers (2022, continuously updated), and online databases, such as SpeciesLink ( and JABOT (

The species description follows the morphological concepts of Mezzonato-Pires et al. (2020) and Radford et al. (1974). The pollen terminology adopted here follows Presting (1965) and Punt et al. (2007). For scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis, the anthers were macerated, and the pollen grains (non-acetolyzed) were sprayed on supports covered with carbon tape (Melhem et al. 2003). The grains were analyzed using a Quanta 250 SEM (FEI, Ltd., Hillsboro, Oregon, USA) in the Laboratório de Microscopia Eletrônica (UFJF). The distribution map (Fig. 1) was prepared using the geographic information system (GIS) software QGIS 3.8 (QGIS Development Team 2021). The illustrations and photographs were made from materials deposited at the CESJ. The conservation status was informally evaluated based on IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, Version 15 (IUCN 2022).

Results and discussion

Taxonomic treatment

Passiflora purii Mezzonato, Lima & A.P.Gelli, sp. nov.

Type: BRAZIL, Minas Gerais: município de Rio Preto, 21º45’13.2” S, 43º21’36.4” W, 25 Jan. 2021, fl, A.P.G. de Faria & L.M.C. Lima 239 (holotype: CESJ!, isotype: RB!). (Figs. 2, 3).

Figure 2
Illustrations of Passiflora purii sp. nov. A. flowering branch. B. leaf adaxial. C. detail glands on petiole. D and E. bracts, showing variation in the shape. F. longitudinal section of flower. G. operculum insertion. H. operculum apex detail.

Figure 3
Passiflora purii. A. habit. B. detail gland (arrow). C.detail bracts (arrows). D. flower. E. detail hypanthium, highlight for the operculum (arrow). F. detail corona. G. longitudinal section of flower. H. fruit. I. pollen grains in polar view. J. pollen grains in equatorial view. K. ornamentation detail of the pollen grains. Scale bars: A, D, G = 3 mm, B, E, F = 2 mm, C= 1 mm, H = 7 mm., I, J= 10 µm, K = 2 µm. Photos from A. C. Mezzonato-Pires (A-G) e L.M.C. Lima (H).

Passiflora purii is characterized by the presence of two laterally glands in the petiole apex, ca. 1.0-2.1 mm from the leaf base; leaf blades elliptic or obovate; corona in 2 series of filaments, filaments of the first series 13-16 mm long, apical portion 3-4.5 mm long, base 0.4-0.6 mm wide, dolabriform, apex verrucose gradually attenuate, totally vinaceous; trochlea conical.

Scandent lianas or subshrubs; tendrils slender to robust, tomentose; spines present. Branches 0.2-0.5 cm in diameter, younger branches greenish brown, older branches brown, cylindrical, striate, slightly velutinous, trichomes yellow. Stipules 0.2-0.5 mm or deciduous. Petiole 1.0-2.5 cm long, slightly velutinous; 2 glands 1.0-2 × 0.5-0.7 mm, laterally of the petiole apex, ca. 1.0-2.1 mm from the leaf base, elliptic, margins and center nigrescent or yellowish. Leaf blades 5.0-8.0 × 1.8-4.5 cm, chartaceous, elliptic or obovate, apex acute or acuminate, base acute or attenuate, adaxial surface slightly velutinous in the midrib, abaxial surface velutinous; margins undulate; marginal glands present, < 0.2 mm; veins 10-13, straight to arched. Inflorescences uniflorous or biflorous; peduncle 5.4-8.8 mm long; bracts 1-1.2 x 0.4-0.6 mm, triangular with lobes at the base or linear; pedicel 6.7-11.3 mm long; flowers 2.6-3 cm long, 4.3-4.6 cm diameter; hypanthium 4.8-7 mm long, green, cylindric-campanulate; sepals 1.6-2.2 × 0.3-0.6 cm, linear-oblong, apex obtuse, adaxial surface glabrous, white, abaxial surface velutinous, green; petals 1.8-1.9 × 0.3-0.5 cm, linear-oblong, apex obtuse, glabrous, white; corona in 2 series of filaments, 5-9 mm from the base of the hypanthium, vinaceous, non-plumose; filaments of the first series 13-16 mm long, apical portion 3-4.5 mm long, widest portion 0.7-2 mm, base 0.4-0.6 mm wide, laterally compressed and inserted, dolabriform, apex verrucose gradually attenuate, totally vinaceous; filaments of the second series 1.5-4.8 × 0.1-0.3 mm, bifid, apex vinaceous, base yellowish; operculum 1.1- 2.2 mm long, apical portion 0.4-0.6 mm long, free, inserted at 2.5-4.5 mm from the base of the hypanthium, erect, apex fimbriate, papillose; androgynophore 0.8-1.7 cm long, trochlea 1.5-2.4 x 2.9-3.2 mm, 7.4-8.7 mm from the base, conical, vinaceous, filaments 3.5-5.4 mm long, glabrous; anthers 4-4.6 × 1.3-1.5 mm; pollen 6-colporate, with 3 pontopercula, exine semitectate, sexine reticulate, homobrochate; ovary 0.2-0.3 × 0.15-0.2 cm, oblong too vate, velutinous; style 3.5-5.5 mm long, 0.5-0.8 cm in diameter, bottom half portion velutinous. Fruits 3-3.5 x 2 cm, obovoid, velutinous, seeds 4.4-5.4 x 2.7-3.6 mm, ca. 1.1 mm thick, reticulate.

Habitat and distribution - To the best of our knowledge, P. purii has been registered in only one location in the southern part of the Serra Negra da Mantiqueira, at an elevation of 1179 m a.s.l., in a dwarf cloud forest remnant surrounded by pasture and unprotected by the Conservation Unit (Fig. 1B). The individuals grow in typical soils of the region (sandy quartzite soils), characterized by the exposure of colluvial material resulting from the process of quartzite erosion (Oliveira & Marques 2014).

Phenology - Passiflora purii can be seen collected with flowers in January and February and observed with fruits in August.

Etymology - The new taxon described here received this specific epithet in honor of the Puri ethnicity, which, before the arrival of the Portuguese, inhabited the regions of SM located in the basins of the Paraíba do Sul River and the upper Rio Doce (Nimuendaju 2002). Contact with the colonizers, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, was catastrophic for the individuals of this ethnic group, who, in addition to being killed, enslaved, and kidnapped (especially women), do not own, to this day, their lands recognized by the National Indian Foundation (Ramos 2017).

The colonization process also severely impacted Brazilian ecosystems and caused large-scale suppression and fragmentation of highly diverse biomes, such as the Atlantic Forest. However, the adaptations to the colonizers’ way of life were not enough to transfigure several characteristics inherited from their ancestors, and the Puri resisted due to the efforts of their descendants, who sought to rescue the history of their people. Likewise, the anthropic impacts observed in the location where P. purii was found were not sufficient to prevent the survival of this species. Precisely where the Puri lived a few centuries ago, they are honored not only with the epithet of a new species but also, indirectly, with the creation of a State Park and other Conservation Units in the Serra Negra da Mantiqueira destined for the preservation of the home of our native peoples, the forest.

IUCN conservation assessment - We estimate that the population of P. purii has less than 50 mature individuals. The individuals inhabit an isolated fragment of a dwarf cloud forest surrounded by pasture (Figs. 1B, 4), established alongside a tenuous watercourse. The place of occurrence of P. purii is private property unprotected by Conservation Units.

Figure 4
Habitat of Passiflora purii. A. General view from the top. B. General view of from under. C. View P. purii climbing. D. Detail of one climbing branch of P. purii.

In recent years, the flora of Serra Negra da Mantiqueira has been intensively studied (Abreu et al. 2011; Mezzonato-Pires et al. 2013; Monteiro 2013; Salimena et al. 2013; Gonzaga et al. 2014; Cabral et al. 2016; Justino et al. 2016; Miloski et al. 2017; Mota et al. 2017; Cardoso et al. 2018). Nevertheless, at present, we are not aware of any other locality in the region where this new species may occur. Even recent studies of Passiflora in other locations of the SM (Moraes et al. 2020) and a recent taxonomic review performed in Passiflora subg. Astrophea (Mezzonato-Pires et al. 2020) did not record any specimens that could be the new taxon described herein. Therefore, we suggest its inclusion in the Critically Endangered (CR) category of threat under criterion D, which considers very small or restricted populations with less than 50 mature individuals (IUCN 2022).

Comments - Passiflora purii is described in Passiflora subg. Astrophea sect. Pseudoastrophea (Harms) Killip for presenting a cylindric-campanulate hypanthium smaller than its sepals and non-plumose corona. This species is closely related to P. elliptica, P. haematostigma, P. pentagona, and P. rhamnifolia (Fig. 5), all of which present two petiolate glands, a corona with two series of filaments, and a trochlea. However, P. purii can be distinguished from P. elliptica by the first series of dolabriform filaments (vs. liguliform filaments). The presence of a conical trochlea in P. purii brings it closer to P. rhamnifolia and distances it from P. haematostigma and P. pentagona, which present a fusiform trochlea. However, the presence of an operculum with a fimbriate apex, observed in P. purii, is also present in P. haematostigma and P. pentagona, although the length of the apical portion differs between them (P. purii: 0.4-0.6 mm; P. haematostigma: 1.27-1.7 mm; and P. pentagona: 0.73-1.32 mm). Passiflora purii differs from P. rhamnifolia mainly by the larger corona first series of filaments (13-16 mm vs. 8.94-9.22 mm), totally vinaceous (vs. yellow greenish with vinaceous spots), with the apical portion gradually larger and attenuated (3-4.5 mm vs. 2.66-3.72 mm), wider filaments of the second series (0.1-0.3 mm vs. 0.04-0.12 mm), and a wider conical trochlea (2.9-3.2 mm vs. 0.8-2.9 mm).

Figure 5
Comparison to morphologically similar species. A. Passiflora purii. B. Passiflora haematostigma Mart. ex Mast. C. Passiflora pentagona Mast. D. Passiflora rhamnifolia Mast. Photos from L.M.C. Lima (A), A.C. Mezzonato-Pires (B-D).

According to pollen studies already carried out for P. subg. Astrophea (Mezzonato-Pires et al. 2015; 2017), P. purii is inserted in pollen type IV, characterized by pollen grains with semitectate exine; continuous muri; sexine simplicolumellate; formation of small lumina. The pollen morphology affirms the similarity between the species P. elliptica, P. haematostigma, P. pentagona, and P. rhamnifolia, which were also inserted in the same pollen type (Mezzonato-Pires et al. 2015; 2017).

With the description of P. purii, Minas Gerais contains 53 species of Passiflora, the largest and most important genus of Passifloraceae. Under Passiflora subg. Astrophea, Minas Gerais is now represented by four species. The three already known species are P. chlorina L.K. Escobar, P. haematostigma, and P. rhamnifolia. Passiflora chlorina is the most different and can be easily distinguished from P. purii by the crypts and puberulous indumentum on the abaxial veins of the leaf blade, dolabriform filaments of the first series with apex attenuate not gradually attenuate, and absent trochlea. Passiflora chlorina is the only species that occurs in the Cerrado, the other species (P. elliptica, P. haematostigma, P. pentagona and P. rhamnifolia) occur in Atlantic Forest.

Additional material examined (paratype). BRAZIL, Minas Gerais: Rio Preto, zona rural, 21º45’13.2” S, 043º21’36.4” W, 06 Feb 2022, fl., A.C. Mezzonato, Y. Tavares & L.M.C. Lima 250 (CESJ, R); Rio Preto, zona rural, 21º45’13.2” S, 043º21’36.4” W, 05 Aug 2021, fr., L.M.C. Lima 06 (CESJ).

Key to the species of P. subgenus Astrophea section Pseudoastrophea similar to P. purii (sensu Mezzonato-Pires et al. 2020 )

1. Corona filaments of the first series liguliform ......................................................... P. elliptica

1. Corona filaments of the first series dolabriform, long attenuate, gradually attenuate, margins verrucose, undulate or slightly undulate .................................................................................... 2

2. Operculum apex entire or irregularly with short incisions ................................. P. rhamnifolia

2. Operculum apex fimbriate ...................................................................................................... 3

3. Trochlea conical, corona totally vinaceous................................................................... P. purii

3. Trochlea fusiform; corona beige or yellow greenish with vinaceous spots............................ 4

4. Abaxial surface velutinous; bracts linear-setaceous .................................... P. haematostigma

4. Abaxial surface puberulous; bracts deltate to narrowly triangular ....................... P. pentagona


We acknowledge Fábio Campos Lima, for allowing the field works in your property; the ICMBio by the collection authorization (SISBIO 23503-1); the Laboratório de Microscopia Eletrônica (UFJF), for providing the equipment and technical support for the pollen grains electron microscopy; the Laboratório de Interações e Biologia Reprodutiva de Plantas (UFJF), for assistance with the analysis of the floral structures in the stereo microscope. We also thank Dr. Luiz Menini Neto (UFJF), who helped us with the elaboration of the maps.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    28 Oct 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    10 May 2022
  • Accepted
    16 Sept 2022
Sociedade Botânica do Brasil SCLN 307 - Bloco B - Sala 218 - Ed. Constrol Center Asa Norte CEP: 70746-520 Brasília/DF. - Alta Floresta - MT - Brazil
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