Open-access Valor prognostico dos teores de potassio e sodio no liquido cefalorraquiano e no sangue de doentes em coma: estudo de 55 casos

Value of prognosis on the avarage of potassium and sodium on cerebrospinal fluid in patients in coma


Trata-se de um estudo prospective) com 55 doentes, tomados ao acaso, independentemente da idade, sexo, grau de coma ou da sua etiologia. Foi medida a concentração do potássio e do sódio no LCR e no soro sangüíneo destes doentes, visando a um critério auxiliar de avaliação prognostica. Os resultados mostraram que as taxas elevadas de potássio no LCR são indicativo de mau prognóstico. No texto são abordados os aspectos fisiopatológicos dos achados.

This is a prospective study, with 55 patients in coma, in which wasn't chosen sex, age, intensity of coma or etiology. It was measured the concentration of the potassium and the sodium in cerebrospinal fluid, (CSF) and in the serum, to find an auxiliary way to value the prognostic. It is know that the potassium in the CSF is extremely stable, and it mantains the tax without alterations, even when the potassium in CSF is rapid and intensity raised after death. Experimental studies show the potassium raised in CSF in serious damaged brain. Our results show, in patients who recovered consciousness, normal values (means 2,61 mEq/1) of potassium in CSF. The mean of values of potassium in CSF in the group of patients who had bad evolution (they died) show index estatisticaly up of normal values (2,97 mEq/1) and this shows a serious damaged brain and/or irreversible, able to affect the stability of CSF potassium. These index are present in some kind of coma or etiology, showing that raised potassium in CSF, indicates bad prognostic, in some kind of coma. With the sodium, the results show that this ion don't serve to this finality, because its concentrations ins't stable in CSF, and change with the blood alterations of natremia.

Valor prognostico dos teores de potassio e sodio no liquido cefalorraquiano e no sangue de doentes em coma: estudo de 55 casos

Value of prognosis on the avarage of potassium and sodium on cerebrospinal fluid in patients in coma

Rubens Jose Gagliardi

Prof. Instrutor, Departamento de Medicina, disciplina de Neurologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Santa Casa de São Paulo


Trata-se de um estudo prospective) com 55 doentes, tomados ao acaso, independentemente da idade, sexo, grau de coma ou da sua etiologia. Foi medida a concentração do potássio e do sódio no LCR e no soro sangüíneo destes doentes, visando a um critério auxiliar de avaliação prognostica. Os resultados mostraram que as taxas elevadas de potássio no LCR são indicativo de mau prognóstico. No texto são abordados os aspectos fisiopatológicos dos achados.


This is a prospective study, with 55 patients in coma, in which wasn't chosen sex, age, intensity of coma or etiology. It was measured the concentration of the potassium and the sodium in cerebrospinal fluid, (CSF) and in the serum, to find an auxiliary way to value the prognostic. It is know that the potassium in the CSF is extremely stable, and it mantains the tax without alterations, even when the potassium in CSF is rapid and intensity raised after death. Experimental studies show the potassium raised in CSF in serious damaged brain. Our results show, in patients who recovered consciousness, normal values (means 2,61 mEq/1) of potassium in CSF. The mean of values of potassium in CSF in the group of patients who had bad evolution (they died) show index estatisticaly up of normal values (2,97 mEq/1) and this shows a serious damaged brain and/or irreversible, able to affect the stability of CSF potassium. These index are present in some kind of coma or etiology, showing that raised potassium in CSF, indicates bad prognostic, in some kind of coma.

With the sodium, the results show that this ion don't serve to this finality, because its concentrations ins't stable in CSF, and change with the blood alterations of natremia.

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Resumo de dissertação de mestrado, apresentado à Faculdade de Medicina da USP, área de Neurologia, em 25-11-1980.

Faculdade de Medicina da Santa Casa de São Paulo - Departamento de Medicina, Disciplina de Neurologia - Rua Cesário Mota Jr. 112 - 01221 São Paulo - Brasil.

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