Open-access Ependymal astrocytoma: subependyoma or subependymal glomerate astrocytoma

Ependimoastrocitoma, subependimoma ou astrocitoma glomerulado subependimário: registro de 4 casos


The histological study of four cases and one by electron microscopy of subependyomomas allowed us to obtain morphostructural characteristics of ependymocytes and astrocytes. Comparing these findings to those of the present day literature, we propose to name these tumours ependymal astrocytomas.

O estudo histológico de quatro casos de subependimoma, um deles pela microscopia eletrônica, permitiu-nos obter características morfoestruturais de ependimócitos e astrócitos. Comparando estes achados com os da literatura, propomos denominar tais neoplasias como ependimoastrocitomas.

Ependymal astrocytoma: subependyoma or subependymal glomerate astrocytoma

Ependimoastrocitoma, subependimoma ou astrocitoma glomerulado subependimário: registro de 4 casos

Francisco DuarteI; Domingos da PaolaII; Paulo Roberto Sampaio LacerdaII; Dalila Poli de CarvalhoIII; Flavia de Paola ChequerIV

IAssociate Professor. Department of Pathology, Medical School Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

IIFull Professor. Department of Pathology, Medical School Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

IIIAssistent Professor. Department of Pathology, Medical School Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

IVResident Senior. Department of Pathology, Medical School Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


The histological study of four cases and one by electron microscopy of subependyomomas allowed us to obtain morphostructural characteristics of ependymocytes and astrocytes. Comparing these findings to those of the present day literature, we propose to name these tumours ependymal astrocytomas.


O estudo histológico de quatro casos de subependimoma, um deles pela microscopia eletrônica, permitiu-nos obter características morfoestruturais de ependimócitos e astrócitos. Comparando estes achados com os da literatura, propomos denominar tais neoplasias como ependimoastrocitomas.

Full text available only in PDF format.

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

Acknowledgement - We thank the technicians of the Department of Pathology of the Hospital Universitário, Sônia Oliveira Souza and Lucelene Tostes da Silva, for their preparing of the material for electron microscopy.

Centro Brasileiro de Patologia - Rua Santo Amaro 80, 2º Subsolo - 22211 Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    20 Aug 2012
  • Date of issue
    June 1982
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