Open-access Desintegración de la función motora en las enfermedades de Pick y Alzheimer

Disintegration of motor functions in Pick's and Alzheimer's diseases


Symptoms of motor disintegration in presenile dementia (Pick's and Alzheimer's diseases) are presented. The paper is based in the study of 58 cases collected during a period of almost 24 years. Motor oral responses (sucking, rooting and pouting), motor rigidity (paratonic rigidity, pelvicrural flexion contraction), restless or quiescent positive motor responses (instinctive grasp reaction, grasp reflex) are related with frontal lesions. On the other hand, hypermetamorphosis and excessive oral tendency are believed to be in relation with temporal lobe lesions.

Desintegración de la función motora en las enfermedades de Pick y Alzheimer

Disintegration of motor functions in Pick's and Alzheimer's diseases

Alfredo F. Thomson

Diretor del Centro Neurológico del Hospital Francés, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Symptoms of motor disintegration in presenile dementia (Pick's and Alzheimer's diseases) are presented. The paper is based in the study of 58 cases collected during a period of almost 24 years. Motor oral responses (sucking, rooting and pouting), motor rigidity (paratonic rigidity, pelvicrural flexion contraction), restless or quiescent positive motor responses (instinctive grasp reaction, grasp reflex) are related with frontal lesions. On the other hand, hypermetamorphosis and excessive oral tendency are believed to be in relation with temporal lobe lesions.

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Full text available only in PDF format.

Hospital Francês — Centro Neurológico — Buenos Aires — Argentina.

Trabalho apresentado ao III Congresso Pan-Americano de Neurologia (São Paulo, 10-14 de outubro 1971)

Referencias bibliográficas

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Fechas de Publicación

  • Publicación en esta colección
    19 Abr 2013
  • Fecha del número
    Mar 1972
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