Open-access Compresión medular dorsal extradural por condroma


For the first time in Argentine bibliography a chondroma of the vertebra with extradural dorsal medular compression, is described. The clinical characteristics of the onset by intermitent medular claudication of Dejerine and the painless evolution until surgical intervention, are stressed. The bibliography is put up to date and the radiographics signs and the pathologic anatomy of the chondromas, are studied.


Trabajo del Servicio de Clínica Neurológica del Hospital Español (Jefe: Prof. Dr. B. B. Spota), comunicado a la Sociedad de Neurologia, Psiquiatria y Neurocirugia de Buenos Aires en el 19 de agosto de 1949


For the first time in Argentine bibliography a chondroma of the vertebra with extradural dorsal medular compression, is described. The clinical characteristics of the onset by intermitent medular claudication of Dejerine and the painless evolution until surgical intervention, are stressed. The bibliography is put up to date and the radiographics signs and the pathologic anatomy of the chondromas, are studied.

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Calláo, 232 (3.º piso) - Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Referencias bibliográficas

  • 1. Elsberg, C. A. - a) Extradural spinal tumors (primary, secondary, ametastatic). Surg., Gynec. a. Obst., 46:1, 1928. b) Tumors of the spinal cord. Problems in their diagnosis and localization; procedures for their exposure and removal. Arch. Neurol, a. Psychiat., 22:949, 1929. c) Surgical diseases of the spinal cord. Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., New York, 1941.
  • 2. Foderl, O. - Enchondrom der Halswirbelsäule. Deutsch. Ztschr. f. Chir., 45: 154-159, 1897.
  • 3. Bruno, V. - Enchondrom der wirbelsäule. Beitr. z. Klin. Chir., 85:124-130, 1913.
  • 4. Hannemann, E. - Plötzlicher Tod infolje Kompression des obersten Halsmarkes durch ein Chondrosarkom des Atlas. Deutsch. Ztschr. f. Nervenk, 63:251-256,. 1919.
  • 5. May, R. J. - Chondroma of vertebra. Report of case. Am. J. Roentgenol.. 17:452-455, 1927.
  • 6. Desjacques, R. - A propos d'un cas de chondrome de la colomne cervicale. Lyon Chir., 24:40-43, 1927.
  • 7. Paulian, D. e Bistriceano, I. - Chondrome ossifiant extraduremérien du rachis dorsal inferieur, avec paraplegie spastique consecutive. Etude anatomo-clinique. Rev. Neurol., 65:989-997, 1936.
  • 8. Adson, A. W. - Diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the spinal cord. Northwest Med., 24:309-317, 1925.
  • 9. Stookey, B. - Compresion of the spinal cord due to ventral extradural cervical chondroma. Arch. Neurol, a. Psychiat., 20:275, 1928.
  • 10. Von Pecky, K. - Zur Kenntnis der gutartigen wirbelsäulenje-schwülste in Wirbelkanàl. Frankfurt Ztschr. f. Path., 37:562-567, 1929.
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  • 13. Almeida Lima - Tumores medulares. Ed. Salvat, Madrid, 1943.
  • Compresión medular dorsal extradural por condroma
    B. B. Srota; C. A. Bardeci; J. C. Christensen
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