Open-access Ischemic cerebral changes in the chronic chagasic cardiopathy

Alterações cerebrais isquêmicas na cardiopatia chagásica crônica


The pathological systematized study of the brain of 31 cases of the chronic cardiac form of Chagas' disease was undertaken. Elective parenchymatous necrosis was found in 64.5% of cases, mainly in cerebellar Purkinje cells, and in thalamic nuclei. Also found were multiple foci of old micronecrosis (51.6%) mostly in the cerebral cortex, old cerebral infarcts (22.6%), cortical laminar necrosis (16.1%) and cerebral cortical atrophy (3.2%). These findings are not specific and can be explained by thromboembolic phenomena and hypoxemia following from congestive heart failure and disturbances of the cardiac rhythm.

Fez-se o estudo anatomopatológico sistematizado do encéfalo de 31 casos da forma crônica cardíaca da doença de Chagas. Encontrou-se necrose paren-quimatosa eletiva em 64,5% dos casos afetando principalmente as células de Purkinje do cerebelo e alguns núcleos talâmicos, focos múltiplos de microne-crose antiga (51,6%) especialmente do córtex cerebral, enfartes cerebrais antigos (22,6%), necrose cortical em faixa (16,1%) e atrofia cortical cerebral (3,2%). Estes achados são inespecíficos e podem ser explicados em função de fenômenos trombo-embólicos e de hipoxemia decorrente de insuficiência cardiovascular bem como de distúrbios do ritmo cardíaco.

Ischemic cerebral changes in the chronic chagasic cardiopathy

Alterações cerebrais isquêmicas na cardiopatia chagásica crônica

José Eymard Homem Pitella

Associate Professor. Division of Neuropathology, Department of Pathology, Federal University of Minas Gerais Medical School, Belo Horizonte, Brazil


The pathological systematized study of the brain of 31 cases of the chronic cardiac form of Chagas' disease was undertaken. Elective parenchymatous necrosis was found in 64.5% of cases, mainly in cerebellar Purkinje cells, and in thalamic nuclei. Also found were multiple foci of old micronecrosis (51.6%) mostly in the cerebral cortex, old cerebral infarcts (22.6%), cortical laminar necrosis (16.1%) and cerebral cortical atrophy (3.2%). These findings are not specific and can be explained by thromboembolic phenomena and hypoxemia following from congestive heart failure and disturbances of the cardiac rhythm.


Fez-se o estudo anatomopatológico sistematizado do encéfalo de 31 casos da forma crônica cardíaca da doença de Chagas. Encontrou-se necrose paren-quimatosa eletiva em 64,5% dos casos afetando principalmente as células de Purkinje do cerebelo e alguns núcleos talâmicos, focos múltiplos de microne-crose antiga (51,6%) especialmente do córtex cerebral, enfartes cerebrais antigos (22,6%), necrose cortical em faixa (16,1%) e atrofia cortical cerebral (3,2%). Estes achados são inespecíficos e podem ser explicados em função de fenômenos trombo-embólicos e de hipoxemia decorrente de insuficiência cardiovascular bem como de distúrbios do ritmo cardíaco.

Full text available only in PDF format.

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

Work partially supported by FINEP and by Grant 201103/79 from CNPq.

Acknowledgements: The author wishes to thank Prof. P. Mehraein, Head of the Abteilung für Neuropathologie, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, who permitted this research in that Institution, as well as for suggestions related to the analysis and interpretation of pathological findings. The author also wishes to thank Profs. E. Chapadeiro and E. R. Lopes, who made possible the study of the brain of seven cases from the Department of Pathology of the School of Medicine of the Triangulo Mineiro in Uberaba, Brazil.

Laboratório de Neuropatologia, Departamento de Anatomia Patológica e Medicina Legal - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Av. Alfredo Baleim 190 - 80000 Belo Horizonte - Brasil.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 Aug 2012
  • Date of issue
    June 1984
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