Open-access La vivencia de estar muerto


The author reports a case of a woman with postencephalitic Parkinson, who affirmed to be dead as all her visceral system had been destroyed. The author thinks that these disbodied disturbances are determined by interruption of the sensitive visceral pathways caused by the encephalitic process, and considers the case proper to bring out the argument favouring the assumption of the diencephalic localization of psychic functions in vital depression.


Cátedra de Psiquiatria y Director del Servicio de Neuropsiquiatria de la Beneficencia Provincial (Granada, España)


The author reports a case of a woman with postencephalitic Parkinson, who affirmed to be dead as all her visceral system had been destroyed. The author thinks that these disbodied disturbances are determined by interruption of the sensitive visceral pathways caused by the encephalitic process, and considers the case proper to bring out the argument favouring the assumption of the diencephalic localization of psychic functions in vital depression.

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6. Cit. por Follin 5.

Gran Vía 48 - Granada - España.

Referencias bibliográficas

  • 1. Ballesteros, L. R. - La forma hipersomne de la depresión vital. Actas Luso-Españ. de Neurol, y Psiquiat., 7:150, 1952.
  • 2. Torras y Sarró - Síndrome melancólico postencefalítico. An. Hosp. Santa Cruz y San Pablo (Barcelona), 4: 298, 1930.
  • 3. Kleist, K. - Leitvortrag über Gehirnpathologie und Klinik der Personlichkeit und Kórperliehkeit. Arch. f. Psychiat., 103:301, 1935.
  • 4. Krapf, E. - Considerations psychopathologiques sur la dépersonalisation. Comunicación al I Congreso Internacional de Psiquiatria, Paris, 1950.
  • 5. Follín, S. - Le procéssus de dépersonalisation. Comunicación al Congreso Internacional de Psiquiatria, Paris, 1950.
  • La vivencia de estar muerto
    Luis Rojas Ballesteros
  • Fechas de Publicación

    • Publicación en esta colección
      16 Abr 2014
    • Fecha del número
      Set 1953
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