Open-access Epilepsia parcial en niños

Partial epilepsy in childhood


Se presença una serie retrospectiva y prospectiva de 101 pacientes con diagnóstico de epilepsia parcial evaluados en el Consultório Externo de Neuropediatría del Hospital General Base Cayetano Heredia entre Enero de 1984 y Julio de 1988 con un seguimiento entre 6 meses y 4 alios. Las edades oscilaron entre 6 meses y 13 anos. Encontráronse 19¹% de epilepsias idiopáticas con un 7.7% del total para epilepsias benignas de la infância. Del 39% de epilepsias sintomáticas el mayor porcentaie correspondió en orden de frecuencia a secuelas de problemas perinatales, granulomas tuberculosos y secuelas de infecciones en el sistema nervioso central.

It is reported the analysis of a retrospective and prospective study on a series of 101 patients suffering from partial epilepsy who have been examined at the Neuro-pediatric Clinics of Hospital General Base Cayetano Heredia during the period that lasted from January 1984 to July 1988. The observation time varied from 6 months to 4 years. The patients age varied from 6 months to 3 years old. There were found 19% of idiopathic epilepsy with 7.7% from benign epilepsies in childhood. The symptomatic epilepsies corresponded to sequels of problems short after birth, followed by tuberculosis granulomata and sequels of infections in the central nervous system.

Patricia Campos O.I; Genaro Herrera G.II

Iy de Radiologia - Departamentos de Neurologia

IIde la Univarsidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima - Departamentos de Neurologia


Se presença una serie retrospectiva y prospectiva de 101 pacientes con diagnóstico de epilepsia parcial evaluados en el Consultório Externo de Neuropediatría del Hospital General Base Cayetano Heredia entre Enero de 1984 y Julio de 1988 con un seguimiento entre 6 meses y 4 alios. Las edades oscilaron entre 6 meses y 13 anos. Encontráronse 191% de epilepsias idiopáticas con un 7.7% del total para epilepsias benignas de la infância. Del 39% de epilepsias sintomáticas el mayor porcentaie correspondió en orden de frecuencia a secuelas de problemas perinatales, granulomas tuberculosos y secuelas de infecciones en el sistema nervioso central.


It is reported the analysis of a retrospective and prospective study on a series of 101 patients suffering from partial epilepsy who have been examined at the Neuro-pediatric Clinics of Hospital General Base Cayetano Heredia during the period that lasted from January 1984 to July 1988. The observation time varied from 6 months to 4 years. The patients age varied from 6 months to 3 years old. There were found 19% of idiopathic epilepsy with 7.7% from benign epilepsies in childhood. The symptomatic epilepsies corresponded to sequels of problems short after birth, followed by tuberculosis granulomata and sequels of infections in the central nervous system.

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

Full text available only in PDF format.

Dra. Patricia Campos - Hospital General Base Cayetano Heredia - Apartado 5045 - Lima - Perú

Referencias bibliográficas

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  • Epilepsia parcial en niños
    Partial epilepsy in childhood
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