Open-access Pseudo-cistos peritoneais como complicação de derivações liquoricas: relato de 3 casos e contribuição para o diagnostico

Post shunt peritoneal pseudocysts: report of 3 cases


São relatados três casos de pseudocisto peritoneal sendo discutidos os seguintes aspectos principais para diagnóstico: aumento da pressão intraventricular com piora do quadro clínico; dor localizada no abdome; resistência à compressão da cápsula, ocorrência de coleção liquórica subcutânea em torno do cateter peritoneal. A confirmação diagnóstica é feita mediante simples método radiológico que é descrito. São discutidos aspectos relacionados à fisiopatogenia da formação do pseudocisto, bem como da formação da coleção subcutânea de líquido cefalorraqueano.

Three cases of peritonial pseudocysts are reported with guidelines for the diagnosis of this type of complication. The authors point out the value of the following signs: 1 - increase of ventricular pressure with worsenning of the clinical picture; 2 - localized pain in the abdomen; 3 - difficulty to depress the capsule; 4 - occurrence of subcutaneous collection of CSF around the pathway of the catheter. In some occasions it is possible to palpate the mass of the pseudocyst. The presence of subcutaneous collection of CSF around the pathway of t!ie catheter is an important warning sign of peritonial pseudocyst and must be differentiated from that originated by the disconnection between the capsule and the catheter. In this condition however, the accumulation of liquid begins in the cervical region. Also in this case the capsule depresses easily. The most precise diagnosis is achieved by X-Ray. The authors describe a method that consists in introducing a needle through the capsule and injecting 8cc of Dimer-X contrast. The catheter and the cavity of pseudo-cyst appear contrasted in the X-Ray film, stablishing the definitive diagnosis. The authors discuss the physiopathogeny of CSF accumulation; once the pseudocyst is formed, the intracranial pressure increases, and the fontanelle bulges, this leads to repeated pumping by the relatives and subsequent rising of pressure within the pseudo-cyst. At this point the patient refers pain at the location of the pseudo-cyst and the CSF tends to leak around catheter. In babies the abdominal pain leads to crying, thus increasing once more the intra-cystic pressure which favors the leakage of CSF from the pseudo-cyst around the catheter.

Pseudo-cistos peritoneais como complicação de derivações liquoricas: relato de 3 casos e contribuição para o diagnostico

Post shunt peritoneal pseudocysts: report of 3 cases

Djacir Gurgel de Figueiredo; Francisco Flavio Leitao de Carvalho

Departamento de Neurocirurgia, Universidade Federal do Ceará e Serviço de Neurocirurgia do Hospital Geral de Fortaleza do INAMPS. Fortaleza (CE). Brasil


São relatados três casos de pseudocisto peritoneal sendo discutidos os seguintes aspectos principais para diagnóstico: aumento da pressão intraventricular com piora do quadro clínico; dor localizada no abdome; resistência à compressão da cápsula, ocorrência de coleção liquórica subcutânea em torno do cateter peritoneal. A confirmação diagnóstica é feita mediante simples método radiológico que é descrito. São discutidos aspectos relacionados à fisiopatogenia da formação do pseudocisto, bem como da formação da coleção subcutânea de líquido cefalorraqueano.


Three cases of peritonial pseudocysts are reported with guidelines for the diagnosis of this type of complication. The authors point out the value of the following signs: 1 - increase of ventricular pressure with worsenning of the clinical picture; 2 - localized pain in the abdomen; 3 - difficulty to depress the capsule; 4 - occurrence of subcutaneous collection of CSF around the pathway of the catheter. In some occasions it is possible to palpate the mass of the pseudocyst. The presence of subcutaneous collection of CSF around the pathway of t!ie catheter is an important warning sign of peritonial pseudocyst and must be differentiated from that originated by the disconnection between the capsule and the catheter. In this condition however, the accumulation of liquid begins in the cervical region. Also in this case the capsule depresses easily. The most precise diagnosis is achieved by X-Ray. The authors describe a method that consists in introducing a needle through the capsule and injecting 8cc of Dimer-X contrast. The catheter and the cavity of pseudo-cyst appear contrasted in the X-Ray film, stablishing the definitive diagnosis. The authors discuss the physiopathogeny of CSF accumulation; once the pseudocyst is formed, the intracranial pressure increases, and the fontanelle bulges, this leads to repeated pumping by the relatives and subsequent rising of pressure within the pseudo-cyst. At this point the patient refers pain at the location of the pseudo-cyst and the CSF tends to leak around catheter. In babies the abdominal pain leads to crying, thus increasing once more the intra-cystic pressure which favors the leakage of CSF from the pseudo-cyst around the catheter.

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Instituto de Neurocirurgia - Rua Pereira Filgueiras 2045 - 60000 Fortaleza, CE - Brasil.

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    20 Ago 2012
  • Data do Fascículo
    Mar 1981
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