Open-access Miastenia grave familiar: relato de caso em gêmeas idênticas

Familial myasthenia gravis: case report in identical twins


Trata-se do sétimo relato da literatura mundial de casos de miastenia gravis em gêmeos homozigóticos em que ambos são acometidos. O homozigotismo foi provado com certeza por estudo de HLA e a forma adquirida da doença foi provada por determinação de níveis elevados de anticorpos anti-receptor de acetilcolina, havendo também níveis elevados de anticorpos antimúsculo estriado, sem outras evidências de timoma.

To the best of our knowledge this is the seventh case report of monozygotic twins both affected by myasthenia gravis (MG). The monozygotism was proven by sex identity, blood group and HLA determinations ('O' Rh +, A2, A19.2, B40, CW3). One paternal aunt was also affected and the three cases have high titles of anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies and anti-striated muscle antibodies, which indicate an acquired form of MG. After several myasthenic crises the twins are now doing well with corticosteroid therapy. The paternal aunt has a more benign form of MG, with ocular and limb involvement (grade IIa of Osserman) and was submitted to thymectomy. The authors discuss the use of corticosteroid for the infantile form of MG instead of thymectomy, based on the immaturity of the immune system in the young age. The use of other immunosupressive drugs is not advisable because of potential hazardous development of neoplasms.

Miastenia grave familiar: relato de caso em gêmeas idênticas

Familial myasthenia gravis: case report in identical twins

Elza Dias-TostaI; Maria de Fátima Machado AguiarII; Hamilton BarbosaII; Suzete Silva Leme VilelaII

INeurologista do Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal (HBDF), PhD

IINeurologista da Unidade de Pediatria do HBDF


Trata-se do sétimo relato da literatura mundial de casos de miastenia gravis em gêmeos homozigóticos em que ambos são acometidos. O homozigotismo foi provado com certeza por estudo de HLA e a forma adquirida da doença foi provada por determinação de níveis elevados de anticorpos anti-receptor de acetilcolina, havendo também níveis elevados de anticorpos antimúsculo estriado, sem outras evidências de timoma.


To the best of our knowledge this is the seventh case report of monozygotic twins both affected by myasthenia gravis (MG). The monozygotism was proven by sex identity, blood group and HLA determinations ('O' Rh +, A2, A19.2, B40, CW3). One paternal aunt was also affected and the three cases have high titles of anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies and anti-striated muscle antibodies, which indicate an acquired form of MG. After several myasthenic crises the twins are now doing well with corticosteroid therapy. The paternal aunt has a more benign form of MG, with ocular and limb involvement (grade IIa of Osserman) and was submitted to thymectomy. The authors discuss the use of corticosteroid for the infantile form of MG instead of thymectomy, based on the immaturity of the immune system in the young age. The use of other immunosupressive drugs is not advisable because of potential hazardous development of neoplasms.

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Full text available only in PDF format.

Agradecimentos- Dr. Ricardo Manoel Oliveira, do Laboratório de Investigação em Reumatologia do HC da USP, que dosou os anticorpos; Dr. Antônio Vilaça, que tipou o HLA (HDA, Brasília); Dra. Maria Helena Chagas responsável pelos estudos neurofisiológicos (HBDF, Brasília); Dr. Paulo Henrique Costa, que realizou os estudos histoquímicos (Hospital Sarah Kubitschek, Brasília).

Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal, Unidade de Pediatria - SMHS - Quadra 101 Bloco A - 70000 Brasília DF - Brasil.

Referências bibliográficas

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    07 Jun 2011
  • Data do Fascículo
    Jun 1989
Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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