Open-access Problemas psiquiátricos em geriatria

Psychiatric problems of the aging and the aged


Foi apresentado um resumo das idéias comumente aceitas em psiquiatria dinâmica com relação aos problemas emocionais da velhice. A necessidade de uma solução eclética para esta questão de crescente importância na sociedade hodierna não impede que se utilize, com vantagem, uma orientação psicanalítica no tratamento dêsses indivíduos. No caso apresentado acham-se ilustrados alguns pontos de vista do autor.

The emotional problems of the aging and the aged are increasing as the population grows older. To understand and treat these patients the physician has to know the premorbid personality, the past and present history and the precipitating factors responsible for the psychotic or neurotic reaction. The most frequent stresses to this group are: the physical and psychological impairment, the death of close relatives, the retirement problems and the cerebral injuries due to circulatory handicaps. The effect of those stresses upon the conduct of the patient have to be understood at the light of the psychodynamics of the individual. The treatment is a consequence of this understanding and takes into consideration ego strength, instinctual and reality demands, types of mechanisms of defence utilized and degree of désintégration and impairment of the intelectual and physical functions. The use of an eclectic approach with psychoanalytic orientation has proved to be the most fruitful way to treat this group of psychiatric patients.

Marcelo Blaya

Ex-interno do Michael Reese Hospital (Chicago, Illinois); ex-fellow da Menninger School of Psychiatry (Topeka, Kansas); ex-residente em Psiquiatria do Topeka State Hospital e do Larned State Hospital; ex-psiquiatra do South Florida Hospital (Hollywood, Florida)


Foi apresentado um resumo das idéias comumente aceitas em psiquiatria dinâmica com relação aos problemas emocionais da velhice. A necessidade de uma solução eclética para esta questão de crescente importância na sociedade hodierna não impede que se utilize, com vantagem, uma orientação psicanalítica no tratamento dêsses indivíduos. No caso apresentado acham-se ilustrados alguns pontos de vista do autor.


The emotional problems of the aging and the aged are increasing as the population grows older. To understand and treat these patients the physician has to know the premorbid personality, the past and present history and the precipitating factors responsible for the psychotic or neurotic reaction. The most frequent stresses to this group are: the physical and psychological impairment, the death of close relatives, the retirement problems and the cerebral injuries due to circulatory handicaps.

The effect of those stresses upon the conduct of the patient have to be understood at the light of the psychodynamics of the individual. The treatment is a consequence of this understanding and takes into consideration ego strength, instinctual and reality demands, types of mechanisms of defence utilized and degree of désintégration and impairment of the intelectual and physical functions.

The use of an eclectic approach with psychoanalytic orientation has proved to be the most fruitful way to treat this group of psychiatric patients.

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Travessa Miranda e Castro, 49 - Pôrto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

Referências bibliográficas

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  • Problemas psiquiátricos em geriatria
    Psychiatric problems of the aging and the aged
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      10 Dez 2013
    • Data do Fascículo
      Jun 1960
    Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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