Open-access Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria: 2021 achievements

Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria: conquistas de 2021

In 2023, the Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (ANP) will complete 80 years of publication. The journal was launched in 1943, by a group of professors of Neurology from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (USP), disciples of Professor Enjolras Vampré, who is considered the Founder of the São Paulo School of Neurology1. Professor Oswaldo Lange (Figure 1) served as editor in its initial phase and remained until 1986. From 1987 to 2011, Professor Antonio Spina-França (Figure 1) had the task of Editor-in-Chief of ANP. Between 2010 and 2017, the editor-in-chief position was held by Professors José Antonio Livramento and Luís dos Ramos Machado2. Since January 2018, the role of editor-in-chief has been filled by Hélio A. Ghizoni Teive (UFPR) and Paulo Caramelli (UFMG)3.

Figure 1
Oswaldo Lange (Founding Editor — In Memoriam) and Antonio Spina-França Netto (Emeritus Editor — In Memoriam).

The year 2021 brought together some important achievements for the journal. In June 30, Clarivate Analytics released the Journal Citation Reports 2020 (JCR 2020) of indexed journals and ANP, the official journal of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology, reached the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of 1,4204. This index represents the highest impact factor of the journal so far and is extremely important for the Brazilian and Latin American neurological and neuroscientific communities, as it fully demonstrates the advance of the field of knowledge in the region and the impact of the scientific production published in ANP.

The JIF is an indicator widely used by the scientific community to assess the influence and impact of journals, within their respective categories. The performance of the ANP is evaluated in the categories of Neurosciences — SCIE and Psychiatry — SCIE. Figure 2 shows the evolution of the journal's impact factor — with and without self-citations — and total number of citations, from 2014 to 2020.

Figure 2
Evolution of Journal Impact Factor and total number of citations (2014–2020).

In addition to the JIF, the JCR presents other journal indicators, such as the most cited articles, total citable items, Rank by Journal Impact Factor, Rank by Journal Citation Indicator, Cited Half-life, Open Access, contributions by organizations, contributions by country/region, which constitute important resources for editorial management. The percentage of contributions from foreign authors has been gradually increasing and, in the last three years, 34.4% of the contents published in the ANP originated from 35 foreign countries, with authors from the Argentina, Canada, China, Mexico, Turkey and the United States among those who contributed the most4.

The JCR 2020 introduced three significant changes that are worth highlighting. In this release, the report included the Web of Science Core Collection (Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index), resulting in a 70% increase in the number of journals considered for the generation of metrics. The second change refers to the creation of a new indicator, the Journal Citation Indicator (JCI), which measures the impact of citations accumulated over three years. JCI is a normalized metric that complements the JCR indicators and is independent from JIF5. Early Access is the third change, which resulted in the inclusion of citations to the anticipated contents in the numerator of JIF 20206.

Another important result achieved in 2021 was the launch of the website of ANP (Figure 3), in September, which had its contents available from two domains: a domain in the SciELO Brazil Collection ( and its own domain (

Figure 3
Journal's website homepage.

Throughout 2021, actions were also carried out, for a more effective presence of the journal on social networks, based on the posting of the journal's articles on Twitter (@ArqNeuroPsiq) and Instagram (arqneuropsiq).

Regarding the dissemination of ANP content, the Editorial Team made an important decision: the printed form of the journal sees its last publication on December 2021. From that date on the journal will only be published online. This action will allow savings in relation to the resources spent on printing and distribution of the issues, as well as confirming our commitment to environmental responsibility.

In November, ANP was approved for indexing in the National Center for Biotechnology Information's Pubmed Central database. Pubmed Central is a publicly accessible digital repository that brings together the full texts of articles from scientific journals in the life sciences and biomedical areas. In addition to expanding the number of repositories that hosts the journal, it's indexation in Pubmed Central constitutes an important step for increasing its internationalization.

The unprecedented achievements by the ANP brings great reflections and responsibilities on all of us, because as predicted by Professor Oswaldo Lange in the editorial written for ANP, at the end of 1943: “We cannot fail. We will overcome any obstacles to carry out this task. We will make ANP a journal that can match the best Brazilian journals and is comparable with similar journals in countries where the quality and quantity of journals suggest that Neuropsychiatry has reached a higher level. We shall repay the trust placed in us. And, above all, ANP will be a journal edited in São Paulo to serve Brazil”2. Hence, we increasingly aspire to expand the leadership role of the ANP throughout Latin America, as well as its worldwide recognition.


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    20 Dec 2021
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2021


  • Received
    25 Nov 2021
  • Accepted
    26 Nov 2021
Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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