Open-access Lees' syndrome: a case series

Síndrome de Lees: uma série de casos


We report a case series of dopamine dysregulation syndrome, previously known as hedonistic homeostatic dysregulation in patients with Parkinson's disease on dopamine replacement therapies, now designated as Lees' syndrome.

dopamine dysregulation syndrome; Parkinson's disease; dopamine replacement therapy; Lees' syndrome; impulse control disorders

Relatamos uma série de casos da síndrome de desregulação dopaminérgica, previamente conhecida como desregulação homeostática hedonística em pacientes com doença de Parkinson em uso de terapia de reposição dopaminérgica, e agora definida como síndrome de Lees.

síndrome da desregulação dopaminérgica; doença de Parkinson; terapia de reposição dopaminérgica; síndrome de Lees; distúrbios do controle de impulsos


Lees' syndrome: a case series

Síndrome de Lees: uma série de casos

Nilson BeckerI; Renato P. MunhozII; Hélio A.G. TeiveII

INeurologist, Movement Disorders Unit, Neurology Service, Internal Medicine Department, Hospital de Clínicas, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba PR, Brazil

IIHead of Neurology Service and Movement Disorders Unit, Neurology Service, Internal Medicine Department, Hospital de Clínicas, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba PR, Brazil

Correspondence Correspondence: Hélio A.G. Teive Serviço de Neurologia Hospital de Clínicas - UFPR Rua General Carneiro 181 / 4º andar 80060-900 Curitiba PR - Brasil E-mail:


We report a case series of dopamine dysregulation syndrome, previously known as hedonistic homeostatic dysregulation in patients with Parkinson's disease on dopamine replacement therapies, now designated as Lees' syndrome.

Key words: dopamine dysregulation syndrome, Parkinson's disease, dopamine repla­cement therapy, Lees' syndrome, impulse control disorders.


Relatamos uma série de casos da síndrome de desregulação dopaminérgica, previamente conhecida como desregulação homeostática hedonística em pacientes com doença de Parkinson em uso de terapia de reposição dopaminérgica, e agora definida como síndrome de Lees.

Palavras-Chave: síndrome da desregulação dopaminérgica, doença de Parkinson, terapia de reposição dopaminérgica, síndrome de Lees, distúrbios do controle de impulsos.

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative, progressive disorder, affecting several monoaminergic systems (dopamine, noradrenaline, acetylcholine, serotonin) of the central nervous system1. Classically, PD presents with well defined motor signs: bradykinesia, rigidity, rest tremor, and postural instability. Additionally, non-motor symptoms and signs are present in most, if not all cases, including neuro-psychiatric (e.g., depression, anhedonia, anxiety), sleep disorders (e.g., REM sleep behavior disorder, sleep fragmentation), dysautonomia (e.g., orthostatic hypotension, urinary incontinence), gastrointestinal (e.g., constipation, dysphagia), sensory (e.g., pain, hyposmia), as well as other less common symptoms (e.g., fatigue, weight loss, seborrhea)1-3. Currently, motor symptoms and signs in PD, most of them dopaminergic, can be managed with therapeutic options that include monoamine oxidase type B inhibitors (rasagiline and selegeline), dopamine agonists (e.g., pramipexole, ropinirole, piribedil, rotigotine), levodopa, catechol-O-methyl transferase inhibitors (entacapone and tolcapone), and amantadine1,2.

However, several complications may occur in PD patients using levodopa, after a mean of three to five years, the so-called "honeymoon period". These complications occur commonly in the form of motor fluctuations and dyskinesias2. Later in the disease course, dopamine replacement therapy may also induce non-motor complications that include behavioral disturbances such as hypersexuality, impulse control disorders (e.g., pathological gambling, shopping, eating), aggression, hypomania, punding, craving and psychosis1. Among these later complications of dopaminergic treatment, is the dopamine dysregulation syndrome (DDS), previously defined as homeostatic hedonistic syndrome, currently also designated as Lees' syndrome (LS)4.

The objective of this study is to present a series of LS in patients with PD.


We selected eight patients with PD, followed at the Movement Disorders Service of the Federal University of Paraná and at the Paraná Parkinson Association, who fulfilled criteria for the diagnosis of LS5. Diagnosis of PD was based on the Queen Square Brain Bank criteria6.

Illustrative case

A 57 year-old man, with an established diagnosis of early onset PD at the age of 43 years, started, after five years of treatment with levodopa, with motor fluctuations (wearing-off and on-off phenomena), severe peak dose dyskinesias, disabling dysarthria, hypophonia, as well as treatment refractory gait disturbances. After 10 years from diagnosis the patient underwent a right stereotactic thalamotomy performed at another service, with relative improvement on contralateral resting tremor. After another two years, He started to present re emergence of right upper limb tremor and progressive worsening of dyskinesias, also more prominent on the right. At this time he started using up to 12 tablets of levodopa/carbidopa 250/25 mg per day, compulsively and, at times, unnecessarily, according to his wife's judgment. His drug regimen also included amantadine 100 mg bid, amitriptyline 25 mg 2 tablet bd for depressive symptoms and clonazepam 2 mg at bed time. Previously he temporarily used biperiden and pramipexole, both withdrawn due to side effects. His wife also reported episodes in which he left the house after taking two to three extra levodopa/carbidopa tablets, driving erratically at high speeds, seeking for medication obsessively at pharmacies, even after receiving medical advice to reduce its intake in several occasions. Additionally, he reported intense anxiety during medication cravings, including psychomotor agitation, restlessness, aggression towards relatives, diaphoresis, and multiple behavioral changes, including hypersexuality that led his wife to sleep in a separate room with his teenage daughter, fearing possible abuse. The patient had no co-morbidities, but his past medical history was positive for tobacco use and alcoholism. He denied illicit drug use.

General examination was unremarkable. Mini mental score examination was 20. There were dysarthria and hypophonia. Motor examination in the ON medication state showed mild rigidity on the right limbs with severe dyskinesias that spread to the neck and face.

He was admitted to the hospital, and after levodopa dosage reduction, dyskinesias improved dramatically, however, this was accompanied by significant worsening of rigidity and bradykinesia, depressive symptoms, anxiety, and continuous demand for levodopa. The later was re introduced at the dose of one tablet qid, along with entacapone 200 mg qd, slow release levodopa/benzerazide 100/25 mg at bed time, amantadine 100 mg bid. Citalopram 30 mg qd and clozapine up to 75 mg qd were also added. Clonazepam was kept in the original daily dose of 2 mg at bed time. On follow up, there was partial improvement of the motor and behavioral aspects described.

An overview of the clinical and demographic data of our series of cases of LS is shown in Table.


The DDS in patients with PD was described initially in 2000, by Giovannoni et al., using the term hedonistic homeostatic dysregulation5. This designation was originally created in 1997, by Koob and Le Moal, to define the drug abuse syndrome, characterized by the compulsive and uncontrolled use of drugs, due to dysfunction of cerebral reward systems, including the dopaminergic mesocorticolymbic pathway7. Drug addiction to drugs such as amphetamine and cocaine, is a chronic, relapsing disorder, characterized basically by compulsive demand for the specific substances, with loss of control over the necessity to limit its use, and with the occurrence of negative emotional states (anxiety, irritability and dysphoria), similar to the picture of abstinence when a drug is abruptly withdrawn7,8. From an anatomophysiological standpoint, the neuro-circuitry related to drug addiction involves particularly the ventral striatum, with crucial participation of the nucleus accumbens8.

From a historical perspective, there are several case reports, starting in 1971, describing excessive intake of levodopa accompanied by behavioral disturbances, as well as what is described as levodopa addiction, in patients with PD9-15. The case report by Nausieda, for instance, describes what he referred to as "Sinemet abusers", in 198512. Literature review shows a total of 63 publications on DDS between 2000 and 2010. The 10 most relevant, with well defined prevalence rates, diagnostic criteria, speculations on physiopathogenic hypothesis, and analysis of comorbidities were all published by Professor Andrew Lees' research group from London, UK. Accordingly, as suggested by Evans and Giovannoni in 2008, DDS can adequately be designated as LS4.

LS is a rare iatrogenic complication, observed among PD patients with a history of long term use of dopamine replacement therapy, characterized by the excessive use of dopaminomimetic agents, beyond what is necessary for adequate motor symptom control. Dopaminergic drug abuse, is associated with the development of severe dyskinesias and multiple behavioral disturbances, including restlessness, psychomotor overactivity, aggression, hypomania, dysphoria, anhedonia, and irritability during OFF medication periods, with compulsive demand for dopaminergic drugs6,16-19. Another behavioral disturbance found in these patients is punding, defined as a complex stereotyped behavior, characterized by severe fascination for repetitive manipulation of technical equipments, by the act of collecting, examining and handling common objects, as well as driving vehicles purposeless or wandering16-18,20. Also, Bonvin et al. recently proposed that compulsive singing can be a another form of punding in PD21. Additionally, other behavioral disturbances found in LS include craving and psychosis16-18. LS may also encompass impulse control disorders such as hypersexuality, pathological gambling, compulsive shopping and compulsive eating6,16-18,22-24.

The prevalence of LS is estimated to range from 3.4%25 to 4.1%6, with the caveat that these numbers were gathered from highly specialized tertiary centers. In Brazil, references are limited to a study that assessed 100 patients with PD, where no case of LS was detected26, and a single case report by Kummer et al.27.

The illustrative case presented here, in a 58 year old male with a 14 year history of early onset PD, we can detect the typical excessive and compulsive use of levodopa, beyond what is necessary to control motor symptoms of PD, with the occurrence of severe dysphoria, irritability, and anxiety during OFF medication periods, associated with drenching sweats and excessive seeking and demand for levodopa. This case also had a previous history of alcoholism and tobacco use, with signs of depression as well as hypersexuality. Another interesting aspect described here is the "self prescribed" increase in levodopa dose, with dangerous impulsive driving, already described by Avanzi et al.28. Among the remaining cases described here, we also confirmed a significant predominance of male patients, with hypersexuality, and alcohol abuse.

Among the risk factors for the development of LS are PD onset at an early age, impulsive and sensation-seeking personality traits, history of alcohol and drug abuse, previous depression, as well as impulse control disorders, punding, sleep disturbances, among others17,29. Schwingenschuh et al., questioned in a recent publication if PD patients engaged in artistic professional activities are at potential risk for LS30. The physiopathogenic mechanisms for LS are not yet fully understood and described, however, the theory developed by Robinson and Berridge has been speculated. These authors created the incentive sensitization theory to explain LS6,16-18,31, defining that compulsive drug use occurs due to progressive neuro-adaptations formed along dopaminergic projections linked to the ventral striatum, particularly the nucleus accumbens31. This implies in persistent abnormalities in dopaminergic and GABAergic transmission, with the development of sensitization and activation of reward pathways linked to the nucleus accumbens, defined as incentive salience31. Recent functional neuroimaging studies, such as the one published by Evans et al. in 2006, confirmed that compulsive drug use is linked to the development of sensitization of ventral striatal dopaminergic transmission32. This sensitization induced by the use of levodopa in patients with PD, correlates with compulsive-drug seeking and punding behavior32.

Treatment of LS has been extensively discussed. O'Sullivan et al. proposed treatment with psychotherapic interventions, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, surgical interventions in well selected cases (STN DBS), and pharmacological treatment with withdrawal of short acting levodopa formulations and subcutaneous apomorphine6. For the management of impulse control disorders, withdrawal of dopamine agonists has been suggested; for the treatment of hypomania and psychosis, the use of quetiapine, clozapine or even aripiprazole. Citalopram is the drug of choice for the treatment of depression, particularly if compulsive shopping is present. For the treatment of pathological gambling, opioid antagonists, lithium, valproate or carbamazepine. Amantadine has been used for the management of punding, dyskinesias and pathological gambling6,33.

Received 24 December 2010

Received in final form 27 May 2011

Accepted 3 June 2011


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  • Correspondence:
    Hélio A.G. Teive
    Serviço de Neurologia
    Hospital de Clínicas - UFPR
    Rua General Carneiro 181 / 4º andar
    80060-900 Curitiba PR - Brasil
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      27 Oct 2011
    • Date of issue
      Oct 2011


    • Received
      24 Dec 2010
    • Accepted
      03 June 2011
    • Reviewed
      27 May 2011
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