Open-access Discrepancy, coincidence or evidence in chronic idiopathic spastic paraparesis throughout the world: a meta-analysis on 2811 patients

Discrepância, coincidência ou evidência em paraparesia espástica idiopática crônica no mundo: uma meta-análise de 2811 pacientes


HTLV-I has been associated with a chronic idiopatic spastic paraparesis (CHISPA) in man; however, a complete understanding of this association is still debated. We selected the most comprehensible papers on this topic between 1985 and 1996, and found that 1261 out of 2811 patients (44.9%) reported, throughout the world, were HTLV-I positive. The mean age was 39.5 years and there was a female predominance of 1.9:1. These results do not exclude the causality of HTLV-I as a germen associated to CHISPA; however, other causes (e.g., toxic, immunosuppressors) must be considered as participating in the multistep neurodegeneration observed in CHISPA throughout the world.

HTLV-I; spastic paraparesis; meta-analysis; retrovirus; environmental cofactors

O retrovirus HTLV-1 tem sido associado a paraparesia espástica idiopática crônica (PEIC) no homem; contudo uma compreensão completa dessa associação é motivo de debate. Selecionamos os estudos mundiais mais expressivos sobre esse assunto no período de 1985 a 1996 e verificamos que 1261 dos 2811 (44,9%) dos pacientes relatados eram HTLV-1 positivos. A média de idade era de 39,5 anos com predomínio feminino de 1,9:1. Estes resultados não excluem a causalidade do HTLV-1 como um germe associado a PEIC em todo o mundo.

HTLV-I; paraparesia espástica; meta-análise; retrovirus; cofatores ambientais

Discrepancy, coincidence or evidence in chronic idiopathic spastic paraparesis throughout the world: a meta-analysis on 2811 patients

Discrepância, coincidência ou evidência em paraparesia espástica idiopática crônica no mundo: uma meta-análise de 2811 pacientes

Fidias E. Leon-SI; Carlos Mauricio de Castro CostaII; Nicholas GaffgaIII

IMD, PhD, FUAB, Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology and Human Neurobiology, Unit of Neurology, UIS-Santander University School of Medicine Bucaramanga, Colombia

IIMD, PhD, Departamento de Fisiologia e Farmacologia (Laboratório de Neurologia Experimental) e Serviço de Neurologia-HUWC (UFCE). [Caixa Postal 3157 - 60430-160 Fortaleza CE - Brasil]

IIIUnit of International Research, Department of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA. Aceite: 15-maio-1997


HTLV-I has been associated with a chronic idiopatic spastic paraparesis (CHISPA) in man; however, a complete understanding of this association is still debated. We selected the most comprehensible papers on this topic between 1985 and 1996, and found that 1261 out of 2811 patients (44.9%) reported, throughout the world, were HTLV-I positive. The mean age was 39.5 years and there was a female predominance of 1.9:1. These results do not exclude the causality of HTLV-I as a germen associated to CHISPA; however, other causes (e.g., toxic, immunosuppressors) must be considered as participating in the multistep neurodegeneration observed in CHISPA throughout the world.

Key-words: HTLV-I, spastic paraparesis, meta-analysis, retrovirus, environmental cofactors.


O retrovirus HTLV-1 tem sido associado a paraparesia espástica idiopática crônica (PEIC) no homem; contudo uma compreensão completa dessa associação é motivo de debate. Selecionamos os estudos mundiais mais expressivos sobre esse assunto no período de 1985 a 1996 e verificamos que 1261 dos 2811 (44,9%) dos pacientes relatados eram HTLV-1 positivos. A média de idade era de 39,5 anos com predomínio feminino de 1,9:1. Estes resultados não excluem a causalidade do HTLV-1 como um germe associado a PEIC em todo o mundo.

Palavras-chave: HTLV-I, paraparesia espástica, meta-análise, retrovirus, cofatores ambientais.

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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Oct 2010
  • Date of issue
    Sept 1997
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