Open-access Oclusão bilateral da artéria carótida interna: estudo angiográfico de um caso

Bilateral occlusion of internal carotid artery: angiographic study of a case


Trata-se de estudo angiográfico de um caso de oclusão bilateral da artéria carótida interna, compreendendo angiografia carotídea bilateral e angiografia do sistema vértebro-basilar. As angiografias carotídeas direita e esquerda muito semelhantes entre si, mostraram a oclusão arterial logo acima da emergência da artéria oftálmica. Injetando o contraste na artéria vertebral esquerda, todo o sistema arterial encefálico ficou contrastado, graças ao calibre avantajado dos ramos comunicantes posteriores. A prática da angiografia via artéria vertebral em caso de oclusão carotídea bilateral, embora condenada por alguns autores, foi perfeitamente tolerada pelo paciente.

Case report of bilateral occlusion of the internal carotid artery diagnosed by cerebral angiography: carotid angiography of both sides and vertebral injections were performed. The arterial occlusion as shown in right and left carotid angiography has the same shape in both instances and it lies just above the origin of the ophthalmic artery. By injecting the contrast fluid into the left vertebral artery the whole arterial field of the brain was filled. Introduction of contrast medium into the vertebro-basilar system when both carotid arteries are blocked has been reported as very harmfull and a dangerous procedure; nevertheless it was well tolerated in this case as have been controlateral injections of contrast in our cases of one sided occlusion of the carotid artery and its branches. Concerning the etiological problem in this case, since there is no evidence of acquired lesion, the condition is more likewise to be of congenital origin; this view point is supported by the patient's age (nine years) and by the similarity of the internal carotid arteries's shape in both sides.


José ZaclisI; O. Ricciardi CruzII


IIPlantonista de Neurocirurgia


Trata-se de estudo angiográfico de um caso de oclusão bilateral da artéria carótida interna, compreendendo angiografia carotídea bilateral e angiografia do sistema vértebro-basilar. As angiografias carotídeas direita e esquerda muito semelhantes entre si, mostraram a oclusão arterial logo acima da emergência da artéria oftálmica. Injetando o contraste na artéria vertebral esquerda, todo o sistema arterial encefálico ficou contrastado, graças ao calibre avantajado dos ramos comunicantes posteriores. A prática da angiografia via artéria vertebral em caso de oclusão carotídea bilateral, embora condenada por alguns autores, foi perfeitamente tolerada pelo paciente.


Case report of bilateral occlusion of the internal carotid artery diagnosed by cerebral angiography: carotid angiography of both sides and vertebral injections were performed. The arterial occlusion as shown in right and left carotid angiography has the same shape in both instances and it lies just above the origin of the ophthalmic artery. By injecting the contrast fluid into the left vertebral artery the whole arterial field of the brain was filled. Introduction of contrast medium into the vertebro-basilar system when both carotid arteries are blocked has been reported as very harmfull and a dangerous procedure; nevertheless it was well tolerated in this case as have been controlateral injections of contrast in our cases of one sided occlusion of the carotid artery and its branches. Concerning the etiological problem in this case, since there is no evidence of acquired lesion, the condition is more likewise to be of congenital origin; this view point is supported by the patient's age (nine years) and by the similarity of the internal carotid arteries's shape in both sides.

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Full text available only in PDF format.


Trabalho do Serviço de Neurologia da Fac. Med. da Univ. de São Paulo (Prof. A. Tolosa)

Clínica Neurológica - Hospital das Clínicas da Fac. Med. da Univ. de São Paulo - Caixa Postal 3461 - São Paulo, Brasil.

Referências bibliográficas

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  • Oclusão bilateral da artéria carótida interna : estudo angiográfico de um caso
    Bilateral occlusion of internal carotid artery: angiographic study of a case
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      12 Mar 2014
    • Data do Fascículo
      Dez 1956
    Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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