Logomarca do periódico: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria

Open-access Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria

Publicação de: Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO
Área: Ciências Da Saúde Versão impressa ISSN: 0004-282X
Versão on-line ISSN: 1678-4227


Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, Volume: 30, Número: 3, Publicado: 1972

Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, Volume: 30, Número: 3, Publicado: 1972

Document list

Valor de alguns exames complementares na Coréia de Sydenha Diament, Aron J.

Resumo em Inglês:

Sixty eight cases of Sydenham's chorea (SC) were studied with the purpose of characterizing biologically the choreic individual by means of some laboratorial data. Based on antecedents, on the presence of recent infectious disease, on clinical examination, on electrocardiographs and x-rays of the heart, and according to a modified Jones criteria the patients were initially divided in three groups: a)Group 1 — 30 patients (case 1 to 30) which presented SC associated with active rheumatic fever (RF); b) Group 2 — 20 patients (cases 31 to 50) which presented SC associated with a previou or present infectious state without active RF; c) Group 3 — 18 patients (cases 51 to 68) which presented "pure" SC, not having anything in their antecedents, or in present history, nor in their physical examinations that could justify calling them "rheumatic" or "infectious". However the analysis of the clinical data, by means of the homogenization tests (qui square or the exact Fisher test) and Goodman's contrast test showed the artificiality of this grouping, which could not be longer sustained. From the 68 cases studied the average age group was 9.9 years, with the maximum age being 17 years, and the minimum age being 4.5 years. 47 of the cases were females as compared to 21 males (2.2 to 1); 60 patients were white, 7 dark-skinned and one negro. The average evolution time of the choreic syndrome, at the time of the first consultation, was 6 months and 7 days, with a minimum of 13 days and a maximum of 60 months. The incidence of the outbreak as far as the season of the year is concerned, was as follows: 31 cases between autumn and winter; 14 cases in spring and 22 in summer. The following laboratory examinations have been made: a)"classical acute phase serum reagents" (APSR): sedimentation rate, differential blood count, Weltmann reaction, mucoproteins, C reactive protein, antistreptolysin-O titter, electrophoresis of serum proteins; b) copper and ceruloplasmin; c)magnesium; d)sulphur; e)electrophoresis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteins; f) electroencephalograms (EEG). For each of the three initial groups, considering the laboratory examinations carried out, the correlations between the APSRs were studied and compared with the electroencephalograms, in accordance with partial correlation tests. The analysis of association tables as made in accordance with the exact Fisher method, the McNemar method and also by using the Goodman method. The real average values were estimated from the APSR results and the electroencephalograms, by points and intervals. The significance levels for these tests were 5% and the confidence intervals (CI) referred to for the percentages obtained for each APSR and for the electroncephalograms were estimated using tables with a confidence of 95%. The APSRs that showed the highest positive indexes in the confidence intervale, independently of any correlation, were: a)antistreptolysin-O (n = 43) was high in 60.46% (confidence interval (CI) = 45.86 to 75.06%)), when the normal limit was considered up to 250 units; considering the normal limit of up to 333 units, therefore considering high titers starting at 400 units, the percentage of positivity fell to about half of the previous value (37.2%); b) copper (n = 39) appeared as the most altered APSR in our casuistics, with 94.97% (CI = 81.0 to 98.0%) of high values; the ceruloplasmin (n = 40) kept pace with copper and was increased in 90.0% (CI = 80.7 to 99.3%; c) the serum proteinogram (n = 24) showed patterns similar to those of the RF, that is, decrease in albumin in 66.66% and increase in alpha-2-globulin fraction in 91.60% (CI = 30.00 to 70.00%) of the cases; a simultaneous alteration of these two fractions observed in 11 cases (45.83%, CI = 25.9 to 65.76%); gamma-globulin, opposing the initial acute rheumatic patterns showed itself to be quite high 83.33% (CI = 68.43 to 98.23%); d)magnesium (n = 38) decreased in 86.84% (CI = 76.09 to 97.59%), increased in 4 cases (10.52%, CI = 2.5 to 25.0%) and was normal in one case (2.64%,); e)sulphur (like SO4 ion) was increased in 71.79% of the cases (CI = 57.68 to 85.90%); f) the cerebrospinal fluid's proteinogram (n = 13) showed an increase of prealbumin in 6 cases (46.15%); g)the EEG, during the acute phase (n = 42) showed anormality in 45.24% of the cases (CI = 30.19 to 60.29%); part of these anormalities persisted up to the phase of remission, when from 34 EEG only 29.41% (CI = 14.11 to 44.71%) showed anormalities (10 cases); among these, two were "disorganization of the alpha rhythm", one of which normalized rapidly, another showed only asymmetry and may be considered normal; there remained then only 7 cases in the remission phase, with persistent anormalities, which however, are discussible as to their pathologic significance in the ones labeled as "slow for the age" and "paroxystic dysrhytmia by slow waves" in the occipital areas, in view of the age group to which they belong (4 to 11 years). Only two cases, in the remission phase, had anormalities in the temporal and occipital areas: case 29, with suggestion of "paroxystic dysrhythmia in the left occipital region, by acute atypical waves", and case 33, with "paroxystic dysrhythmia in the left-temporal region, by hypersynchronic waves"; this one was the only case that required anticonvulsive treatment. In concluding, the attempt to characterize Sydenham's chorea by means of some laboratory serum examinations showed that: 1) The classical "acute phase serum reagents" (sedimentation rate, blood count, Weltmann reaction, C reactive protein and mucoproteins) were not conclusive for this purpose; 2) the "acute phase serum reagents" that presented the greatest alterations in Sydenham's chorea were copper and ceruloplasmin, electrophoresis of serum proteins (alpha-2 and gamma globulin fractions) and antistreptolysin-O; 3) the "acute phase serum reagents" when evaluated separately were of little value, but it is quite possible that two or more taken altogether could, in certain instances of the evolution of the disease, characterize "an infectious and/or inflammatory stage"; 4) eosinophilia was observed in a high percentage of cases (81.66%) requiring further studies for confirmation purposes; 5) the correlation of the various "acute phase serum reagents" studied among them and in comparison with other determined parameter (magnesium, sulphur, and EEGs) did not show statistical significance, not only when comparing the three initial groups, but also in its totality, facts that may suggest a unitarian pathogeny for Sydenham's chorea; 6) a high percentage of hypomagnesemia was found (86.84%) although at not too low levels; 7) sulphur was high in 71.79% of the cases. The EEG is not an element allowing distinction between a "pure" and a "rheumatic" chorea, and its valorization may not be based on a unique record, but on evolutive records, because only with a prolonged follow-up is it possible to be certain of the persistence or not of the encephalographic abnormalities.

Velocidade de condução sensitiva e motora no tratamento prolongado com a difenilidantoina Castro, José H. Xavier de Acosta, Mario L. Sica, Roberto E. P. Guercio, Nelly

Resumo em Português:

Para avaliar as velocidades de condução sensitiva e motora no nervo mediano, foram utilizados 11 pacientes epilépticos submetidos a tratamento prolongado com a difenilidantoina, administrada em doses terapêuticas. Os resultados obtidos foram correlacionados com grupos controles. Estes resultados mostraram significativa diminuição das velocidades de condução sensitiva e motora, que estavam relacionadas com o tempo de tratamento e não com a dose diária empregada. Conclui-se que a DPH, em administração prolongada, altera a condutibilidade motora e sensitiva nos nervos periféricos.

Resumo em Inglês:

Eleven epileptic patients under long-term DPH therapeutical doses were studied and the obtained results allow us to postulate that DPH, when is administrated for long periods, can produce damage of the peripheral nerve by involvement of the sensory and motor fibres in a similar degree.

Efeitos da vincamina em pacientes com traumatismo crânio-encefálico. estudo clínico e laboratorial de 50 casos Pereira, Walter C. Longo, Pedro H. Nóbrega, José P. S. Kieffer, Julio Manreza, Luiz A. Canelas, Horácio M.

Observações clínicas com o uso da CDP-colina nos distúrbios da consciência após traumatismos crânio-encefálicos Latuf, Nilton luis Colbachini, Marcus J. Galvão, José A. Braz

Resumo em Português:

Os autores apresentam sua experiência com o uso da CDP-Colina (Nicholin) em 30 pacientes traumatizados de crânio com distúrbios da consciência, classificados de acordo com a percepção e as reações à dor, inespecíficas e vegetativas. Os resultados foram satisfatórios nos casos de obnubilação e sonolência.

Resumo em Inglês:

The experience with the use of CDP-choline (Nicholin) in 30 patients having head injuries with consciousness disturbances is reported. The cases were classified according to perceptive and other reactions to painfull stimulations. The results were satisfactory in the cases in which obnubilation and drowsiness were the major manifestations.

Estudo das imunoglobulinas em 5 casos de distrofia miotônica Tilbery, Charles P. Topczewski, Abram Sanvito, Wilson L. Takeda, Augusta Raskin, Matilde

Resumo em Português:

São estudados 5 casos de distrofia miotônica sob o ponto de vista imunoeletroforético. Os resultados obtidos mostram queda acentuada da imunoglobulina G (IgG) em dois casos.

Resumo em Inglês:

The cases of five patients with myotonic dystrophy studied by immunoeletrophoretic analysis are reported. The decrease of imunoglobulin G (IgG) in two cases is stressed.

Hérnias intradural de discos lombares: relato de dois casos Guelmann, Joel M. Fogel, Luiz M. Saleme, José C. Dahab, Salim I.

Resumo em Português:

São relatados dois casos de hérnia de disco lombar intradural. Os autores salientam a raridade desta ocorrência e fazem comentários sobre os fatores que podem determina-la. Ambos os pacientes foram operados, com extirpação total da hérnia. Houve completa recuperação dos pacientes.

Resumo em Inglês:

Two cases of intradural herniated lumbar disc in the space L4-L5 are reported and some considerations about this unusual occurrence are made. Sudden onset after physical strength with lumbar pain irradiated to the legs, bilateral reduction of the muscle power for extension movements, bilateral abolition of the ankle jerk reflexes, bilateral Lasègue sign and sensibility disturbances were observed in both patients. In both cases the protein content of the spinal fluid was elevated and the myelography showed a complete block between L4-L5. Both patients were submited to lumbar laminectomy, a irregular mass between the cauda equina nerves with the aspect of pulpous nucleus being disclosed and completely removed. The postoperative course was uneventfull with complete recovery.

Cisto aracnóideo extradural do canal espinal Ferreira, Nelson Pires Teixeira Filho, José B.

Resumo em Português:

É relatado o caso de um paciente que apresentava paraparesia sensitivo-motora evolutiva, datando de um ano. As radiográficas da coluna vertebral e mielografia permitiram o diagnóstico de cisto de aracnóide extradural do canal espinal de localização torácica, que foi confirmado pelo ato cirúrgico. Os autores revisam a literatura assinalando 76 casos já publicados. São comentadas a incidência do processo patológico nos diversos grupos etários, sua localização ao longo do canal raqueano, a evolução do quadro clínico, a etiología e a fisiopatologia do crescimento do cisto, o diagnóstico, a terapêutica e o prognóstico.

Resumo em Inglês:

The case of a pacient with thoracic arachnoideal cyst is reported. There was a neurological picture of a spinal cord compression in thoracic level with analgesia and anesthesia in T12 and L1 at left. Radiographs showed compression of the pedicles with widening of interpedicular spaces of the eight to twelfth thoracic vertebrae. The myelogram and the laminectomy confirmed the hypothesis of aracnoideal cyst. This case of extradural cyst of the spinal canal is added to the 76 previously described in the literature. The incidence, etiology, phisiopathology, clinical-picture, diagnosis, surgical treatment and prognosis are discussed.

Cistos ósseos aneurismaticos da coluna vertebral: relatos de dois casos com compressão medular Sampaio, Pedro M. Pellizzaro, Bruno

Resumo em Português:

Os autores, após discorrerem sobre a incidência, quadro clínico e tratamento do cisto ósseo aneurismático, apresentam dois exemplares, nos quais havia comprometimento medular. Em ambos foi feita extirpação cirúrgica; em um foi empregada radioterapia pós-operatória. Houve excelente recuperação neurológica de ambos os pacientes.

Resumo em Inglês:

Two cases of aneurysmal bone cysts with spinal cord compression are reported. The patients were operated on with excellent results. Radiotherapy was employed after surgery in one patient. Incidence, symptomatology and diagnosis are discussed.

Arterite temporal com comprometimento das glândulas salivares Werneck, Lineu C. Coelho, Affonso

Resumo em Português:

E relatado um caso de arterite temporal em paciente com crises de cefaléia paroxística associadas a síndrome depressiva e, na última crise, a aumento de volume das glândulas salivares. Biopsia de artéria temporal superficial mostrou aspecto típico de arterite, com células gigantes mononucleadas. A cefalalgia e o aumento de volume das glândulas salivares regrediram mediante a administração de corticoesteróides.

Resumo em Inglês:

A case of temporal arteritis associated with depressive syndrome and enlargement of salivary glands is reported. Biopsy of the superficial temporal artery showed arteritis with multinucleated giant cells. After corticosteroid therapy the headache and the enlargement of the salivary gland improved rapidly.

Análises de livros
Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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