Open-access Desenvolvimento de mudas de café em recipientes de lâminas de Pinho-do-Paraná preservadas

Preservation of wood recipients by chemicals and their influence on the growth of coffee seedlings


Lâminas de pinho-do-paraná (Araucaria angustifolia Bert), comumente empregadas como recipientes para mudas de café, foram submetidas a tratamento com preservativos diversos. Utilizaram-se, em várias concentrações: sulfato de cobre, mistura cromo-arseno-fluo-fenólica, creosôto e óleo usado de motores. A eficiência dos preservativos foi, em ordem decrescente: creosôto, mistura de creosôto e óleo usado de motores, respectivamente nas proporções 20:80 e 50:50, óleo usado de motores, sulfato de cobre a 3%, mistura cromo-arseno-fluo-fenólica e sulfato de cobre a 1,5%. Não foi observado qualquer efeito tóxico das substâncias preservadoras, sôbre as mudas de café.

The establishment of coffee plantations in São Paulo is being done by planting one or several coffee seedlings per hole. The seedlings used are generally grown in special recipients made of thin sheets of pine wood. Due to the long time that the seedlings remain in the nursery before they are transplanted to the field, the recipient preservation against rotting becomes necessary. In the present paper the influence of the following chemical compounds on the recipient preservation was discussed: creosote, creosote and burned oil, copper sulphate at 3 per cent, chromo-arsene-fluo-phenolic at 2 per cent and copper sulphate at 1.5 per cent. Polyethylene bags were also used for seedling growth comparison. Fourteen months after the seedling transplantation the recipients were examined in order to evaluate their decaying state. Creosote and burned oil isolatedly or in their mixture gave the best results. The height and weight of the aerial part of the seedlings were not influenced by the chemicals used in the wood recipient preservation (Table 1). Taller and heavier seedlings were obtained using polyethylene bags (Table 2).

J. I. FigueiredoI; Cícero Côrte BrilhoI; Sérgio V. ToledoI; E. GhilardiII

IEngenheiros-agrônomos, Seção de Café, Instituto Agronômico

IIEngenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Preservação de Madeiras, Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas de São Paulo


Lâminas de pinho-do-paraná (Araucaria angustifolia Bert), comumente empregadas como recipientes para mudas de café, foram submetidas a tratamento com preservativos diversos. Utilizaram-se, em várias concentrações: sulfato de cobre, mistura cromo-arseno-fluo-fenólica, creosôto e óleo usado de motores.

A eficiência dos preservativos foi, em ordem decrescente: creosôto, mistura de creosôto e óleo usado de motores, respectivamente nas proporções 20:80 e 50:50, óleo usado de motores, sulfato de cobre a 3%, mistura cromo-arseno-fluo-fenólica e sulfato de cobre a 1,5%.

Não foi observado qualquer efeito tóxico das substâncias preservadoras, sôbre as mudas de café.


The establishment of coffee plantations in São Paulo is being done by planting one or several coffee seedlings per hole.

The seedlings used are generally grown in special recipients made of thin sheets of pine wood. Due to the long time that the seedlings remain in the nursery before they are transplanted to the field, the recipient preservation against rotting becomes necessary. In the present paper the influence of the following chemical compounds on the recipient preservation was discussed: creosote, creosote and burned oil, copper sulphate at 3 per cent, chromo-arsene-fluo-phenolic at 2 per cent and copper sulphate at 1.5 per cent.

Polyethylene bags were also used for seedling growth comparison.

Fourteen months after the seedling transplantation the recipients were examined in order to evaluate their decaying state.

Creosote and burned oil isolatedly or in their mixture gave the best results.

The height and weight of the aerial part of the seedlings were not influenced by the chemicals used in the wood recipient preservation (Table 1). Taller and heavier seedlings were obtained using polyethylene bags (Table 2).

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Recebido para publicação a 3 de fevereiro de 1964.

Referências bibliográficas

  • 1.  CARTWRIGHT, K. St. G. & FINDLAY, W. P. K. Decay of Timber and Its Prevention. London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1958.
  • 2.  GRANER, E. A. Viveiros, Semeação e Transplantação. I Curso Pós-graduado de cafeicultura. Campinas, Instituto Agronômico, 1954.
  • 3.  HUNT, G. M. & GARRAT, G. A. Wood Preservatives. New York, Mac Graw Hill Book Company, 1953.
  • 4.  MARTINEZ, J. B. Conservacion de Maderas en sus Aspectos Teorico, Industrial y Económico. Volume I. Madri, Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias, 1952.
  • Desenvolvimento de mudas de café em recipientes de lâminas de Pinho-do-Paraná preservadas
    Preservation of wood recipients by chemicals and their influence on the growth of coffee seedlings
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      19 Fev 2010
    • Data do Fascículo


    • Recebido
      3 de
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