Open-access Identidade do virus de vira-cabeça e sua inclusão no grupo do virus do "spotted wilt"


The physical properties, vectors, differential hosts and host range of the "vira-cabeça" virus, were compared with those of the following viruses : spotted wilt virus, tomato tip-blight virus, kromneck virus, "corcova" virus and the virus described by Azevedo (3). As a result of this comparison it is pointed out that these viruses are alike or at least closely related to each other.

Identidade do virus de vira-cabeça e sua inclusão no grupo do virus do "spotted wilt"

A. S. Costa; R. Forster


The physical properties, vectors, differential hosts and host range of the "vira-cabeça" virus, were compared with those of the following viruses : spotted wilt virus, tomato tip-blight virus, kromneck virus, "corcova" virus and the virus described by Azevedo (3).

As a result of this comparison it is pointed out that these viruses are alike or at least closely related to each other.

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Referências bibliográficas

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    08 Jul 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
    Jul 1941
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