Open-access Ocorrência do vírus da necrose branca do fumo em plantações de batatinha

Natural occurrence of the brazilian tobacco streak virus in potato plants

A. S. Costa; Ana Maria B. Carvalho; Josué Deslandes


Two isolates of the Brazilian tobacco streak virus have been recovered from infected field potato plants. The disease induced on the potato plant is of the necrotic type and resembles that caused by the tomato spotted wilt virus.

Tubers produced by potato plants infected in the greenhouse by mechanical inoculation generally do not perpetuate the disease. In case of one plant of the var. Krassawa, the tubers produced originated an infected clone, practically all plants presenting leaf malformation symptoms similar to those produced by the same virus on several other host plants.

The potato isolates of the Brazilian tobacco streak virus do not differ from other strains of the virus in their physical properties in vitro. Cross protection tests between the potato isolates and other strains of the virus from tobacco were positive.

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Recebida para publicação a 13 de dezembro de 1963.

  • Ocorrência do vírus da necrose branca do fumo em plantações de batatinha
    Natural occurrence of the brazilian tobacco streak virus in potato plants
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      19 Fev 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
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