Open-access Fermentação da cana de açúcar: Influência da estirpe de fermento sôbre o rendimento alcoólico

Fermentação da cana de açúcar. influência da estirpe de fermento sôbre o rendimento alcoólico

Ciro G. Teixeira; Anesíades Salati


The most widespread variety of sugar cane in the State of S. Paulo is the Co. 290. It represents about 80% of our plantations. This variety is not the best for the production of ethyl alcohol because its juice does not ferment very well. It seems to be poor in nutrient elements for the yeast. The addition of 0.1% of ammonium sulphate and rice bran improved the process of fermentation. Various strains of Saccharomyces cerevisix were tested to find out their fermentation capacity. Some strains were selected which are able to ferment the juice of the sugar cane Co. 290, giving a very high alcohol yield.

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    25 Maio 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
    Mar 1952
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