Open-access Absorption of mineral elements by coffee berries during their formation

In this paper data are presented relating the variation found in the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the coffee berries during their growing period as well as concerning the amounts of elements absorbed by the accumulation of dry matter. All these data are given for several stages of the development of the berries. The concentration of tested elements was always greater in the flower period than in any other stage of maturation. The reverse occurred with the concentration of dry matter, since there is a progressive reduction of the water content in the fruit. The accumulation of dry matter in the coffee berry became more intense from the beginning of the fourth month after the blooming season. The same happened with the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In the 6th and 7th months after the blooming a new increase was observed in the absorption of nitrogen and potassium and in the dry weight as well. During the two months previous to the ripening stage the coffee fruit accumulates or elaborates 43% of its dry weight, through the absorption of 49% of nitrogen, 36% of phosphorus and 39% of potassium of the total amounts contained in it at complete maturity.

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