Open-access Estudo de germinação de sementes de pêssego (Prunus Pérsica Batsch) de diversas variedades

Germination study in peach seed varieties


Mario Ojima; Orlando Rigitano


This paper reports about the results obtained in germination tests regarding 40 peach seed varieties grown in the State of São Paulo. Great variations were observed in the seed characteristics, percentage of germination and chilling requirements to break dormancy. These variations are presented and discussed in view of their importance both in nursery and breeding work.

31 out of the 40 seed varieties tested germinated more than 50%, while only 10 showed more than 90% germination. Chilling requirements in moist cold storage (5-10°C) varied from 30 up to 75 days for the varieties of high percentage of germination.

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Recebida para publicação em 3 de maio de 1968.

  • Estudo de germinação de sementes de pêssego (Prunus Pérsica Batsch) de diversas variedades
    Germination study in peach seed varieties
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      19 Mar 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
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