Open-access Efeito da luz artificial no crescimento de orquídeas

Effect of artificial light on the growth of orchid seedlings

Efeito da luz artificial no crescimento de orquídeas

Effect of artificial light on the growth of orchid seedlings

Antônio Celso Magalhães1; Eduardo Zink1


Seeds of Laelia tenebrosa x self were sown in 500 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. The following treatments were employed each one comprising five flasks:

1 - Daylight plus continuous illumination with red light. 2 - Daylight plus continuous illumination by filament incandescent lamp. 3 - Daylight plus continuous illumination with fluorescent light. 4 - Daylight supplemented to give a 16 hours photoperiod with filament incandescent lamp. 5 - Daylight (control). 6 - No light (continuous darkness).

The best growth was obtained with theatment 4.

Continuous red light and fluorescent light had a slight favorable effect on growth of the plants. Incandescent light induced chlorosis, abnormal elongation of the leaves and reduced the dry weight of the seedlings.

In continuous darkness the seeds became swollen but no growth was noticed.

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Recebida para publicação em 16 de maio de 1964.

  • 1
    Os autores agradecem ao técnico de laboratório Arlindo Salles Nogueira, a colaboração prestada neste trabalho.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      19 Fev 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
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