Open-access Podridão interna dos capulhos do algodoeiro obtida por meio de insetos

Internal boll disease of cotton following insect feeding

Podridão interna dos capulhos do algodoeiro obtida por meio de insetos

Internal boll disease of cotton following insect feeding

Luiz O. T. Mendes.


Field collected insects of various species fed individually or in pairs were able to induce internal boll disease on cotton bolls that had been protected since opening of the flowers. All species tested, viz.: Dysdercus mendesi Bloete, D. honestus Bloete, D. ruficollis (L.), Nezara viridula (L.), Edessa meditabunda (F.), and Hypselonotus fulvas DeG. induced the disease, which was observed in 43 out of .107 tests.

Cultures made with affected tissues of 34 diseased bolls showed that in 20 eases the causal organism was bacteria, and in 4 cases, the fungus, Nematospora gossypii. In 18 cultures of the rostrum of some of the insects, only bacteria was recovered. These results are in agreement with previous observations (2) that the percentage of internal boll disease caused by bacteria is higher than that caused by Nematospora.

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Recebida para publicação em 1.° de dezembro de 1955.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    12 Maio 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
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