Open-access O milho como planta-teste para o vírus do mosaico da cana de açúcar

O milho como planta-teste para o vírus do mosaico da cana de açúcar

A. S. Costa; M. P. Penteado


Corn seedlings used as test plants for the sugar cane mosaic virus proved more satisfactory than sorghum seedlings. Tests made with 33 inbred lines and 113 standard varieties indicated that at least 4 inbred lines and more than six varieties are highly susceptible to.mechanical inoculation with this virus and can be used to advantage as test plants. Tests made with corn seedlings to compare the properties of the sugar cane mosaic virus with those of a virus which causes mosaic of the citronella plant in the State of São Paulo indicated that the latter is a strain of the sugar cane mosaic virus complex.

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    31 Maio 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
    Mar 1950
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