Open-access Relação do efeito de ano e do efeito de local em grupos de experimentos

Relation between year effect and place effect in analysis of series of experiments

Relação do efeito de ano e do efeito de local em grupos de experimentos1

Relation between year effect and place effect in analysis of series of experiments

Imre Lajos Gridi-Papp


The relation between year effect and place effect in analysis of series of experiments is discussed. The less varied are places of experimentation, the more real will be year effect. Vice-Versa, extending the area of experimentation, year effect becomes negligible. For a same place, year effect is more marked. Over the world, there is no agricultural factor, in normal eras, that could be called year. A mathematical model is suggested, that consider year effect as dependent on place. When scientists are interested in obtaining information on larger areas, they may use the proposed model and the respective scheme of analysis advantageously, thus approaching more the reality.

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Recebido para publicação em 18 de abril de 1962.

  • 1
    O autor agradece ao Engenheiro Agrônomo A. Conagin, pela discussão do problema e pelos seus conselhos.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      02 Mar 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
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