Open-access Recording whitefly species (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and their host plants from Brazil


Whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) comprise a group of phytophagous insects, with worldwide distribution. This group has 1,556 described species, with members concentrated in the tropics. In Brazil, as the literature on species of Aleyrodidae and associated plants is limited, our study presents species of whiteflies and their host plants collected in some Brazilian regions. New host plants or new occurrence locations for species already known in the country are presented, in addition to the record of Aleurotulus laneus Martin, a species not yet reported in Brazil.

Key words Aleyrodinae; Aleurodicinae; whitefly host plants


Whiteflies are tiny insects that feed on the phloem sap of plants (Walker and Perring 1994). They belong to the Hemiptera order, Aleyrodidae family, and have 1,556 species in 161 genera, included in the subfamilies Aleurodicinae, Aleyrodinae and Udamoselinae (Mound and Halsey 1978; Martin and Mound 2007). The subfamily Aleurodicinae is distributed mainly in the New World, while the subfamily Aleyrodinae has a worldwide distribution (Evans 2008).

Although most whiteflies species are found in the tropics, some are also present in temperate regions, where they attack crops and forest plants, thereby causing significant damage, mainly under protected cultivation conditions (Knapp et al. 2020). The losses caused by whiteflies are difficult to estimate because of the large number of crops they attack, their extremely wide geographical distribution, the variety of cultivation systems they can occur in and especially their ability to transmit viruses, which cause much more damage than the damage caused by the insects (Knapp et al. 2020).

The developmental stages of Aleyrodidae appear to be uniform and comprise the egg, four nymphal instars and the adult stage (Walker et al. 2010). The eggs have a pedicel, an extension of the chorion inserted by the female into the plant during oviposition and fixed by secretion (Buckner et al. 2002). The early first instar or crawler has well-developed legs and, after hatching, walks on the leaf’s surface in search of a suitable place to insert its stylet, remaining in that place until the end of its development; nymphs from other instars have reduced legs and are unable to move (Walker et al. 2010). At the end of the fourth instar (puparium), adults emerge and can live for several weeks (Byrne and Bellows 1991). After the emergence of the adult, the exuvium remains attached to the leaf, called pupal case, and it is used for morphological identification of Aleyrodidae (Martin 1987).

In the literature, catalogs describing whitefly species do exist, with data on their geographic distribution and host plants, as well as identification guides (Mound and Halsey 1978; Martin 1987, 2004, 2005; Hodges and Evans 2005; Martin and Mound 2007; Evans 2008). There are also studies on Aleyrodidae fauna in certain countries, but in Brazil, the literature on Aleyrodidae species and associated plants is scarce.

Thus, the objective of our study was to record different species of whiteflies and their host plants collected from some Brazilian regions, to highlight new host plants and new locations and record a species not yet reported in the country.


The species presented herein refer to collections made by the authors and material received from collectors from various regions of Brazil for identification. The leaves containing pupal cases were herborized, and the pupal cases were mounted on microscopic slides, according to Hodges and Evans (2005). The slides were deposited at the Departamento de Entomologia e Fitopatologia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Except for the species in which the name of the entomologist responsible for identification appeared, all others were identified by the second author (AFL).

Samples of plants (exsiccates) were deposited in the Herbarium of Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC) (, and information on them was made accessible through the search of the ‘name of the species’ and/or ‘accession number’, accompanying the acronym of the Herbarium (IAC). The current nomenclature, including spelling, authorship and botanical families, was verified at the following reference sites: Flora do Brasil 2020 ( and The Plant List ( The identification of plant species was carried out by the third author (LCB).


Subfamily Aleurodicinae

    Aleurodicus flavus Hempel
  • Sampled plant: Labramia bojeri A.DC. (IAC 51937)

  • Collection location: Ubatuba (SP), 2012

  • Remarks: species described by Hempel (1922) on Cocos nucifera L., in Brazil. Labramia bojeri is a new host plant record for this whitefly.

  • Distribution: Brazil (Evans 2008)

  • Hosts: Cocos nucifera (Arecaceae); Begonia sp. (Begoniaceae); Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq (Malvaceae) (Mound and Halsey 1978); Labramia bojeri (Sapotaceae) (new record)

    Aleurodicus mirabilis (Cockrell)
  • Sampled plant: Annona squamosa L. (IAC 24791)

  • Collection location: Bauru (SP), 2012

  • Remarks: species described by Cockrell in 1898 as Aleurodes mirabilis, on an undetermined plant, in Mexico (Mound and Halsey 1978). Garcia et al. (2013) recorded the occurrence of the species at high infestations in custard apple (Annona squamosa L.), in the municipality of Bauru (SP), Brazil.

  • Distribution: Mexico, Colombia, Trinidad (Mound and Halsey 1978), and Brazil (Evans 2008)

  • Hosts: Annona cherimola Mill., Annona muricata L., Annona squamosa, Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f & Thomson, Polyalthia longifolia (Sonn.) Thwaites (Annonaceae); Licania tomentosa (Chrysobalanaceae); Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. Ex A. Juss.) Müll. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae); Laurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae) (Evans 2008)

    Aleurodicus pulvinatus (Maskell)
  • Sampled plants: Licania tomentosa Benth. (IAC 45304), Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K.) Mc Vaugh (IAC 54721)

  • Collection locations: Valinhos (SP), 2006; Presidente Prudente (SP), 2014; Belém (PA), 2017

  • Remarks: species described by Maskell in 1895 as Aleurodes pulvinata, on Jatropha sp., in Trinidad (Mound and Halsey 1978). Myrciaria dubia is a new host plant record for A. pulvinatus.

  • Distribution: Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Nevis, Panama, St. Kitts, Trinidad, Venezuela (Evans 2008)

  • Hosts: Echinodorus sp. (Alismataceae), Montrichardia arborescens (L.) Schott (Araceae), Cocos nucifera (Arecaceae), Chrysobalanus icaco L., Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch (Chrysobalanaceae), Vismia brasiliensis Choisy, Vismia sp. (Hypericaceae), Terminalia catappa L. (Combretaceae), Hura crepitans L., Jatropha sp. (Euphorbiaceae), Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp (Fabaceae), Lacistema sp. (Lacistemataceae), Nectandra sp.; Persea americana Mill. (Lauraceae), Ficus sp. (Moraceae), Musa sp. (Musaceae), Psidium guajava L. (Myrtaceae), Piper nigrum L. (Piperaceae), Coccoloba belizensis Standl., Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L. (Polygonaceae), Coffea canephora Pierre ex A Froehner, Guettarda combsii Urb., Guettarda sp., Isertia hypoleuca Benth (Rubiaceae), Theobroma sp. (Malvaceae), Petrea sp. (Verbenaceae) (Evans 2008), Myrciaria dubia (Myrtaceae) (new record)

    Bakerius attenuatus Bondar
  • Sampled plant: Chiococca alba (L.) Hitchc. (IAC 38260)

  • Collection location: Ubatuba (SP), 2014

  • Remarks: species described by Bondar (1923) on Chromelia oligantha Müll. Arg., in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Chiococca alba is a new host plant record for this species.

  • Distribution: Brazil

  • Hosts: Chomelia oligantha (Bondar 1923), Chiococca alba (Rubiaceae) (new record)

    Costalimada brasiliensis Martin
  • Sampled plant: Lafoensia pacari A.St.-Hil. (IAC 39391)

  • Collection location: Piracicaba (SP), 2014

  • Remarks: genus and species were described by Martin (2011), on Lafoensia pacari, in Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In addition to the presence of this whitefly in Minas Gerais, the state of São Paulo has been added.

  • Distribution: Brazil (MG) (Martin 2011), (SP) (new record)

  • Host: Lafoensia pacari (Lythraceae) (Martin 2011)

    Dialeurodicus cockerelli (Quaintance)
  • Sampled plants: Psidium sp.; Pilocarpus sp.; Eugenia uniflora L. (IAC 57539); Psidium cattleyanum Sabine (IAC 55107)

  • Collection locations: Embu-Guaçu (SP), 1998; São Paulo (SP), 2014; Piracicaba (SP), 2014

  • Andrew Jensen ident 1998; A.F. Lima ident. 2014

  • Remarks: species described by Quaintance in 1900 as Aleurodicus cockerellii, in undetermined Myrtaceae, in Campinas (SP), Brazil (Mound and Halsey 1978). The genera Pilocarpus and Eugenia uniflora are new records of the host plants of D. cockerelli.

  • Distribution: Brazil (Evans 2008)

  • Hosts: Psidium cattleyanum (Mound and Halsey 1978), Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae) (new record), Pilocarpus sp. (Rutaceae) (new record)

    Leonardius lahillei (Leonardi)
  • Sampled plant: Phoradendron undulatum (Pohl ex DC.) Eichler (IAC 46965)

  • Collection location: Jundiaí (SP), 2000

  • Jon Martin ident 2006

  • Remarks: species described by Leonardi in 1910 as Aleurodicus lahillei, in an undetermined plant, in Argentina (Mound and Halsey 1978). This was the first record of P. undulatum as a host plant for L. lahillei.

  • Distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Puerto Rico (Evans 2008).

  • Hosts: Oryctanthus occidentalis (L.) Eichler, Phrygilanthus sp., Struthanthus flexicaulis (Mart. ex Schult. f.) Mart. (Loranthaceae), Prunus sp. (Rosaceae), Phoradendron sp. (Mound and Halsey 1978; Evans 2008), P. undulatum (Santalaceae) (new record)

    Paraleyrodes bondari Peracchi
  • Sampled plant: Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck (IAC 42959)

  • Collection location: Limeira (SP), 2008

  • Remarks: species described by Peracchi (1971), on Citrus sp., in the state of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. Raga et al. (2011) reported its occurrence on Morinda citrifolia L. (Rubiaceae), in Boa Vista, state of Roraima, Brazil.

  • Distribution: United States of America, Belize, Brazil, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Madeira, Mauritius, Reunion, Taiwan, Comosus Islands, Hawaii (Evans 2008).

  • Hosts: Cocos nucifera (Arecaceae), Trichilia sp. (Meliaceae), Citrus sp. (Rutaceae) (Evans 2008), Morinda citrifolia (Raga et al. 2011), Citrus sinensis (Rutaceae)

Subfamily Aleyrodinae

    Aleuroglandulus subtilis Bondar
  • Sampled plants: Caladium bicolor Vent. (IAC 2409), Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott, Chiococca alba, Xanthosoma taioba E.G.Gonç.

  • Collection locations: Valinhos, Campinas (SP), 2005; Ubatuba (SP), 2014; Monte Alto (SP), 2018

  • Remarks: species described by Bondar (1923) on Chomelia oligantha, Bahia (BA), Brazil. Chiococca alba and X. taioba constitute new records of host plants for A. subtilis.

  • Distribution: United States of America, Bahamas, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela (Evans 2008)

  • Hosts: Alocasia sp., Caladium bicolor, Colocasia antiquorum Schott, Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Xanthosoma undipes (K.Koch & C.D.Bouché) K.Koch (Araceae), Chamaedorea tepejilote Liebm., Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. (Arecaceae), Euphorbia heterophylla L., Jatropha sp. (Euphorbiaceae), Clitoria laurifolia Poir, Erythrina sp., Galactia acapulcensis Rose, Schizolobium sp. (Fabaceae); Persea americana, Persea borbonia (L.) Spreng (Lauraceae), Psidium guajava (Myrtaceae), Gouania lupuloides (L.) Urb. (Rhamnaceae), Chomelia oligantha, Gardenia sp. (Rubiaceae) (Evans 2008), Chiococca alba (Rubiaceae) (new record), Xanthosoma taioba (Araceae) (new record)

    Aleuroparadoxus sp.
  • Sampled plant: Rapanea guianensis Aubl (IAC 45162)

  • Collection location: Ubatuba (SP), 2013

  • Remarks: the genus Aleuroparadoxus was described by Quaintance & Baker in 1914, and Aleyrodes iridescens Bemis was chosen as the type species (Mound and Halsey 1978).

    Aleurothrixus aepim (Goeldi)
  • Sampled plants: Manihot esculenta Crantz (IAC 56922) (Euphorbiaceae); Physalis angulata L. (IAC 55965); Solanum americanum Mill. (IAC 47677) (Solanaceae)

  • Collection locations: Monte Alegre do Sul (SP), 2010, 2011, 2015; Jundiaí (SP), 2013, 2015; Cruz das Almas (BA), 2017

  • Remarks: species described by Goeldi in 1886 on Manihot palmata Müll.Arg as Aleurodes aepim, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Mound and Halsey 1978). Infestations of this species have been reported in cassava crops in the southern state of Santa Catarina (Lorenzi et al. 2015)4, on Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi (Anacardiaceae), Allophylus edulis (A.St.-Hil., A.Juss. & Cambess.) Radlk (Sapindaceae) and Solanum americanum (Solanaceae), in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Marsaro Júnior et al. 2015), and on Ixora macrothyrsa (Teijsm. & Binn.) T. Moore and I. coccinea L., in the state of Rio de Janeiro (Trindade et al. 2015). Physalis angulata is referred to as the host of this whitefly for the first time.

  • Distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay (Evans 2008).

  • Hosts: Baccharis oxyodonta DC., Mikania scandens (L.) Willd. (Asteraceae), Ipomoea sp. (Convolvulaceae), Manihot esculenta, Manihot palmata (Euphorbiaceae), Psidium guajava (Myrtaceae), Coffea arabica L. (Rubiaceae), Citrus sp. (Rutaceae) (Evans 2008), Ixora macrothyrsa, I. coccinea (Rubiaceae) (Trindade et al. 2015), Solanum americanum (Solanaceae) (Marsaro Júnior et al. 2015), Physalis angulata (Solanaceae) (new record)

    Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell)
  • Sampled plants: Malpighia emarginata DC. (IAC 57679); Guapira opposita (Vell.) Reitz (IAC 56313)

  • Collection location: Ubatuba (SP), 2015

  • Remarks: species described by Maskell in 1895 as Aleurodes floccosa, on Guaiacum officinale, in Jamaica (Mound and Halsey 1978). Trindade et al. (2019) reported infestations in Handroanthus ochraceus and Mangifera indica, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Malpighia emarginata and G. opposita are new records of the host plants of A. floccosus.

  • Distribution: United States of America, Antigua, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands, Canary Islands, France, Iran, Italy, Madeira, Morocco, Portugal, Sicily, Spain, Angola, Congo, Gabon, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Reunion, Japan, Taiwan, India, Thailand, Guam, Tahiti (Evans 2008)

  • Hosts: Anacardium sp., Mangifera indica, Schinus terebinthifolia, Spondias dulcis Parkinson, Spondias mombin L. (Anacardiaceae), Annona reticulata L., Annona squamosa (Annonaceae), Plumeria rubra L. (Apocynaceae), Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott, Dieffenbachia sp. (Araceae), Periploca nigrescens Afzel. (Apocynaceae), Baccharis genistelloides (Lam.) Pers., Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. ex DC., Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob. (Asteraceae), Catalpa longissima (Jacq.) Dum.Cours., Handroanthus capitatus (Bureau & K.Schum.) Mattos (Bignoniaceae), Cordia collococca L. (Boraginaceae), Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. (Burseraceae), Canna indica L. (Cannaceae), Chrysobalanus icaco (Chrysobalanaceae), Carex sp., Cyperus cruentus Rottb., Cyperus odoratus L., Cyperus echinatus (L.) Alph. Wood, Cyperus rotundus L., Cyperus sp., Cyperus strigosus L. (Cyperaceae), Diospyros kaki L.f. (Ebenaceae), Calliandra haematocephala Hassk. (Fabaceae), Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (Clusiaceae), Persea americana (Lauraceae), Gloriosa superba L. (Colchicaceae), Malpighia emarginata (Malpighiaceae), Sida rhombifolia L. (Malvaceae), Khaya nyasica Stapf ex Baker f., Swietenia sp. (Meliaceae), Musa × paradisiaca L. (Musaceae), Morella cerifera (L.) Small (Myricaceae), Eugenia uniflora, Acca sellowiana (O.Berg) Burret, Psidium cattleyanum, Psidium guajava, Psidium sp. (Myrtaceae), Bougainvillea sp., Guapira discolor (Spreng) Little (Nyctaginaceae), Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq., Coccoloba uvifera (Polygonaceae), Licania tomentosa, Rubus odoratus L. (Rosaceae), Coffea arabica (Rubiaceae), Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle, C. aurantium L., C. maxima (Burm.) Merr., C. limon (L.) Osbeck, C. reticulata Blanco, C. sinensis, C. paradisi Macfad, C. × microcarpa Bunge, Citrus sp. (Rutaceae), Pouteria caimito (Ruiz & Pav.) Radlk., Manilkara sp., Manilkara zapota (L.) P. Royen (Sapotaceae), Solanum melongena L. (Solanaceae), Avicennia germinans (L.) L. (Acanthaceae), Phoradendron sp. (Santalaceae), Guaiacum officinale (Zygophyllaceae) (Evans 2008), Malpighia emarginata (Malpighiaceae) (new record), Guapira opposita (Nyctaginaceae) (new record)

    Aleurothrixus lucumai Costa Lima
  • Sampled plant: Chiococca alba

  • Collection location: Ubatuba (SP), 2015

  • Remarks: species described by Costa Lima (1942), in Manilkara zapota and Pouteria caimito, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is the first record of C. alba as a host of this whitefly.

  • Distribution: Brazil (Mound and Halsey 1978)

  • Hosts: Manilkara zapota, Pouteria caimito (Sapotaceae) (Evans 2008), Chiococca alba (Rubiaceae) (new record)

    Aleurothrixus myrtacei Bondar
  • Sampled plant: Myrciaria dubia

  • Collection location: Belém (PA), 2017

  • Remarks: species described by Bondar (1923) in unidentified Myrtaceae, in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Myrciaria dubia is a new host of A. myrtacei.

  • Distribution: Barbados, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Suriname, St. Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela (Evans 2008)

  • Hosts: Gardenia sp., Gardenia jasminoides J.Ellis (Rubiaceae); Eugenia sp., Psidium guajava (Evans 2008), Myrciaria dubia (Myrtaceae) (new record)

    Aleurotrachelus trachoides (Back)
  • Sampled plant: Capsicum frutescens L. (IAC 38910)

  • Collection location: Ilhéus (BA), 2016

  • Remarks: species described as Aleyrodes trachoides by Back in 1912, in Solanum seaforthianum Andrews, in Cuba (Mound and Halsey 1978).

  • Distribution: United States of America, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Trinidad, Venezuela, Virgin Islands, Gambia, Reunion Island, Fiji, Guam, Tahiti, Hawaii (Evans 2008)

  • Hosts: Annona muricata, Annona reticulata (Annonaceae), Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. (Apocynaceae), Syngonium podophyllum Schott, Xanthosoma sagittifolium (Araceae), Chamaedorea elegans Mart., Chamaedorea sp., Cocos nucifera, Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf., Adonidia merrillii (Becc.) Becc. (Arecaceae), Bidens pilosa L., Mikania cordifolia (L.f.) Willd. (Asteraceae), Handroanthus capitatus, Tabebuia pallida (Lindl.) Miers (Bignoniaceae), Cordia collococca (Boraginaceae), Canna indica (Cannaceae), Casuarina sp. (Casuarinaceae), Licania michauxii Prance (Chrysobalanaceae), Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam, Ipomoea sp., Merremia sp. (Convolvulaceae), Dioscorea sp. (Dioscoreaceae), Bauhinia divaricata L., Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC., Leucaena sp. (Fabaceae), Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae), Hypericum hypericoides (L.) Crantz (Hypericaceae), Tectona grandis L.f. (Lamiaceae), Persea americana (Lauraceae), Hibiscus elatus Sw. (Malvaceae), Miconia solearis (Naudin) Gamba & Almeda (Melastomataceae), Ficus membranacea C.Wright, Ficus retusa L. (Moraceae), Ardisia escallonioides Schltdl. & Cham. (Primulaceae), Psidium guajava (Myrtaceae), Petiveria alliacea L. (Phytolaccaceae), Coccoloba uvifera (Polygonaceae), Morinda citrifolia, Psychotria nervosa Sw., Randia aculeata L. (Rubiaceae), Citrus limon (Rutaceae), Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E.Moore & Stearn (Sapotaceae), Capsicum annuum L., Capsicum frutescens, Capsicum sp, Cestrum nocturnum L., Datura stramonium L., Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanum sp., Nicotiana sp, Solanum melongena, Solanum americanum, Solanum seaforthianum, Solanum torvum Sw. (Solanaceae), Theobroma cacao L. (Malvaceae), Citharexylum sp. (Verbenaceae) (Evans 2008)

    Aleurotulus laneus Martin
  • Sampled plant: Rapanea guianensis Aubl.

  • Collection location: Ubatuba (SP), 2013

  • Remarks: species described by Martin (2005), in Lasiacis sp., in Belize. This is the first report of this whitefly in Brazil, with R. guianensis being its new host.

  • Distribution: Belize (Martin 2005), Brazil (new record)

  • Host: Lasiacis sp. (Poaceae) (Martin 2005), Rapanea guianensis (Primulaceae) (new record)

    Aleurotulus nephrolepidis (Quaintance)
  • Sampled plant: Pteris sp. (Pteridaceae)

  • Collection location: Campinas (SP), 1982

  • Jon H. Martin ident 1982

  • Remarks: species described as Aleurodes nephrolepidis by Quaintance in 1900, in Nephrolepis sp., in United States of America (Mound and Halsey 1978).

  • Distribution: United States of America, Brazil, England, Hungary, Scotland, Spain, Canary Islands, Madagascar (Mound and Halsey 1978)

  • Hosts: Asplenium cuneatum Lam. (Aspleniaceae), Blechnum occidentale L., Blechnum brasiliense Desv. (Blechnaceae), Diplazium proliferum (Lam.) Thouars (Athyriaceae), Dryopteris flaccida (Blume) Kuntze, Nephrodium confluens F.Muell. ex Baker, Cyrtomium falcatum (L.f.) C.Presl (Dryopteridaceae), Nephrolepis sp. (Nephrolepidaceae), Oleandra articulata (Sw.) C.Presl, O. distenta Kunze (Oleandraceae), Acrostichum capense, Pteris biaurita, Pteris togoensis, Pteris quadriolata (Pteridaceae), Anemia sp. (Schizaeaceae), Stenosemia aurita (Sw.) C.Presl (Tectariaceae), Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy (Thelypteridaceae) (Mound and Halsey 1978)

    Aleyrodes proletella (L.)
  • Sampled plant: Oxalis sp. (Oxalidaceae)

  • Collection location: Jundiaí (SP), 2010

  • Remarks: species described as Phalaena (Tinea) proletella by Linnaeus in 1758, in Brassica sp. (Mound and Halsey 1978).

  • Distribution: United States of America (intercepted in CA, MA, NY, but not known to be established in the United States of America), Bermuda, Brazil, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Austria, Azores, Belgium, Canary Islands, Czech Republic, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Sovietic Union, Yugoslavia, Angola, Canary Islands, Kenya, Mozambique, Sierra Leon, Zimbabwe, Hong Kong, New Zealand (Evans 2008)

  • Hosts: Cichorium intybus L., Chondrilla juncea L., Emilia sonchifolia, Lactuca indica L., Lactuca serriola L., Lactuca sp., Lactuca muralis (L.) Gaertn., Sonchus arvensis L., Sonchus oleraceus (L.) L., Sonchus sp. (Asteraceae), Brassica oleracea L., Raphanus raphanistrum, Rorippa indica (L.) Hiern (Brassicaceae), Campanula grandis Fisch. & C.A.Mey., Campanula persicifolia L. (Campanulaceae), Euphorbia esula L. (Euphorbiaceae), Oxalis sp. (Oxalidaceae), Chelidonium majus L. (Papaveraceae), Ficaria verna Huds. (Ranunculaceae), Citrus sp. (Rutaceae) (Evans 2008)

    Bemisia tuberculata Bondar
  • Sampled plant: Manihot esculenta Crantz

  • Collection locations: Amaporã (PR); Rochedo, Anastácio (MS), 2007, 2008; Mogi Mirim (SP), 2010

  • Remarks: species described by Bondar (1923), in cassava. Infestations of this species have been reported in cassava crops in southern Santa Catarina (Lorenzi et al. 2015).

  • Distribution: Brazil, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico (Evans 2008).

  • Hosts: Euphorbia hypericifolia, Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae), Erythrina sp. (Fabaceae), Gossypium hirsutum L. (Malvaceae) (Evans 2008)

    Crenidorsum aroidephagus Martin & Aguiar
  • Sampled plant: Syngonium sp.

  • Collection location: Campinas (SP), 2009

  • Remarks: species described by Martin & Aguiar (Martin et al. 2001), in Epipremnum aureum (Linden & André) G.S.Bunting, in Madeira, Portugal.

  • Distribution: United States of America, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Venezuela, Madeira Island, France, Germany, India, Philippines, Fiji, Hawaii (Martin et al. 2001)

  • Hosts: Anthurium crenatum (L.) Kunth, A. lindenianum K.Koch & Augustin, A. longissimum Pittier, Anthurium spp., Culcasia scandens P.Beauv., Epipremnum aureum, Monstera deliciosa Liebm., Nephthytis sp., Philodendron gloriosum André, Philodendron spp., Rhaphidophora korthalsii Schott, Spathiphyllum sp., Syngonium podophyllum Schott, Syngonium cf. salvadorense Schott, Syngonium spp., Xanthosoma sagittifolium (Araceae) (Martin et al. 2001)

    Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana)
  • Sampled plant: Citrus sinensis

  • Collection location: Cruz das Almas (BA), 2014

  • Remarks: species described as Bemisia myricae by Kuwana in 1927, in Myrica rubra (Lour.) Siebold & Zucc, Morus alba L., Citrus spp. and other plants, in Japan (Mound and Halsey 1978). In Brazil, P. myricae was detected for the first time in the 1990s, in the state of São Paulo, infesting Citrus spp.; later, it was detected in the states of Tocantins, Rio de Janeiro, and Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), also in citrus (Racca-Filho and Lima 20065, Sottoriva et al. 2011).

  • Distribution: United States of America, Venezuela, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Spain, Turkey, China, Japan, Taiwan, India, Hawaii (Evans 2008), Hong Kong, Malaysia (Hamon et al. 1990), Brazil (EPPO 2022a).

  • Hosts: Lactuca sp. (Asteraceae), Cyperus papyrus L. (Cyperaceae), Diospyros kaki (Ebenaceae), Elaeocarpus serratus (Elaeocarpaceae), Rhododendron sp. (Ericaceae), Quercus serrata Murray (Fagaceae), Engelhardtia roxburghiana Wall. (Juglandaceae), Cryptocarya sp., Machilus sp., Persea americana (Lauraceae), Ficus carica L., Morus alba, Morus sp. (Moraceae), Myrica rubra (Myricaceae), Maesa japonica (Thunb.) Moritzi & Zoll. (Primulaceae), Psidium guajava (Myrtaceae), Schoepfia schreberi J.F.Gmel. (Olacaceae), Coccoloba krugii Lindau (Polygonaceae), Prunus mume (Siebold) Siebold & Zucc., Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, Prunus salicina Lindl. (Rosaceae), Chiococca alba, Gardenia jasminoides J.Ellis, G. thunbergia Thunb., Gardenia sp. (Rubiaceae), Citrus aurantiifolia, C. aurantium, C. limon, C. sinensis, Citrus × nobilis Lour, Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng., Citrus trifoliata L., Wendlandia thrysoidea (Roth) Steud., Citrus × microcarpa Bunge (Rutaceae), Salix babylonica L. (Salicaceae) (Evans 2008).

    Singhiella simplex (Singh)
  • Sampled plants: Ficus benjamina L., Ficus carica

  • Collection locations: São Paulo (SP), 2010; Valinhos (SP), 2013

  • Remarks: species described as Aleurocanthus simplex by Singh in 1931, in Ficus benghalensis L., in India (Mound and Halsey 1978). Data on the species and their occurrence in Brazil were presented by Lima et al. (2015).

  • Distribution: United States of America, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Panama, Mexico, Jamaica, Guadeloupe, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Cayman Islands, Barbados, Brazil, Cyprus, France, Italy, Turkey, Taiwan, Myanmar, Korea, Israel, India, China, Hong Kong (Evans 2008; EPPO 2022b).

  • Hosts: Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet (Ericaceae), Ficus altissima Blume, F. benghalensis L., F. benjamina, F. aurea Nutt., F. binnendijkii Miq., F. citrifolia Mill., F. lyrata Warb., F. maclellandii King, F. microcarpa L.f., F. racemosa L. (Evans 2008; EPPO 2022b), F. elastica (Lima et al. 2015), F. carica (Moraceae)

    Tetraleurodes mori (Quaintance)
  • Sampled plant: Glycine max (L.) Merrill

  • Collection location: Tailândia (PA), 2014

  • Remarks: species described as Aleurodes mori by Quaintance in 1899, in Morus sp., in the United States of America (Mound and Halsey 1978). This is the first record of T. mori in soybean.

    Distribution: United States of America, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Iran, Thailand, Vietnam, Marianas Islands (Evans 2008)

  • Hosts: Acer negundo L., A. pseudoplatanus L., A. rubrum L., Acer sp. (Aceraceae), Rhus copallinum L., Rhus sp., Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze (Anacardiaceae), Ilex opaca Aiton, Ilex vomitoria Aiton, Ilex sp. (Aquifoliaceae), Betula sp., Carpinus caroliniana Walter, Carpinus sp., Corylus sp., Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K.Koch (Betulaceae), Catalpa sp., Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers, Stizophyllum sp. (Bignoniaceae), Euonymus americana L. (Celastraceae), Cornus florida L., C. foemina Mill., C. sanguínea L., Cornus sp. (Cornaceae), Diospyros virginiana L., Diospyros sp. (Ebenaceae), Arbutus menziesii Pursh, Kalmia latifólia L., Vaccinium sp. (Ericaceae), Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn (Fabaceae), Quercus sp. (Fagaceae), Liquidambar styraciflua L. (Hamamelidaceae), Aesculus californica (Spach) Nutt. (Sapindaceae), Persea borbonia (L.) Spreng., P. carolinensis, Persea sp., Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt. (Lauraceae), Magnolia macrophylla Michx., Magnolia sp. (Magnoliaceae), Ficus sp., Maclura pomifera (Raf.) C.K.Schneid., Morus alba, M. nigra L., M. rubra L., Morus sp. (Moraceae), Musa sp. (Musaceae), Myrica cerifera L. (Myricaceae), Eugenia sp., Psidium guajava (Myrtaceae), Nyssa sp. (Nyssaceae), Forsythia sp., Fraxinus americana, F. caroliniana Mill., F. profunda (Bush) Bush, Fraxinus sp. (Oleaceae), Argemone mexicana L. (Papaveraceae), Platanus occidentalis L. (Platanaceae), Ceanothus sp., Rhamnus crocea Nutt. (Rhamnaceae), Malus sp. (Rosaceae), Cephalanthus occidentalis L., Pinkneya bracteata (Bartram) Raf. (Rubiaceae), Citrus maxima, C. sinensis, C. nobilis, Zanthoxylum clava-herculis L. (Rutaceae), Bumelia sp., Sideroxylon celastrinum (Kunth) T.D.Penn., S. lycoides L. (Sapotaceae), Cyrilla racemiflora L. (Cyrillaceae), Tilia americana L., T. caroliniana Mill., Tilia sp. (Tiliaceae), Celtis laevigata Willd., Celtis sp., Ulmus americana L., Ulmus sp. (Ulmaceae), Callicarpa americana L. (Lamiaceae) (Evans 2008), Glycine max (Fabaceae) (new record)

    Trialeurodes manihoti (Bondar)
  • Sampled plant: Manihot esculenta

  • Collection location: Monte Alegre do Sul (SP), 2010

  • Remarks: species described by Bondar (1923) in cassava, in the state of Bahia, in Brazil. Infestations of this species have been reported in cassava crops in southern Santa Catarina (SC) (Lorenzi et al. 2015).

  • Distribution: Brazil (Evans 2008)

  • Host: Manihot sp. (Evans 2008), Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae) (Lorenzi et al. 2015)

    Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)
  • Sampled plants: Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex Hook.f., Primula obconica Hance, Zinnia elegans Jacq. (IAC 18279), Solanum viarum Dun. (IAC 1557), S. lycopersicum (IAC 51979), Brassica oleracea, Cucurbita spp., Sonchus oleraceus, Phaseolus vulgaris L., Leonurus sibiricus L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Mentha spicata L., Ocimum basilicum L., Nicotiana tabacum L., Pelargonium sp., Hibiscus syriacus L., Psidium guajava, Rosa sp.

  • Collection locations: Itatiba (SP), 2003, 2004; Ubatuba (SP); Campinas (SP); Andradas (MG), 2016

  • Jon H. Martin ident 2003, 2004; A.F. Lima ident 2016

  • Remarks: species described as Aleyrodes vaporariorum by Westwood in 1856, in Gonolobus sp., Tecoma velutina, Bignomia spp., Aphelandra spp., Solanum spp. and other plants, in England (Mound and Halsey 1978). In Brazil, the first observation of high infestations of this species under field conditions, especially in areas of tomatoes and green beans, occurred in the state of São Paulo (Lourenção et al. 2008).

  • Distribution: worldwide (see Mound and Halsey 1978 and Evans 2008)

  • Hosts: polyphagous (see Mound and Halsey 1978 and Evans 2008)

    Trialeurodes variabilis (Quaintance)
  • Sampled plant: Carica papaya L. (IAC 8109)

  • Collection locations: Campinas, Macaubal, Americana (SP), 1981; Petrolina (PE), 2001; Eunápolis, Itabela (BA), 2017

  • David Hollis ident 1981; Judith K. Brown and Rafael Caballero ident. 2001; A.F. Lima ident. 2017

  • Remarks: species described as Aleurodes variabilis by Quaintance in 1900, in Carica papaya, in the United States of America (Mound and Halsey 1978). In Brazil, infestations have been recorded in the states of São Paulo, Pernambuco, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, and Espírito Santo (Rezende et al. 19816; Fancelli et al. 2004; Lourenção et al. 2007; Martins et al. 2015). Martins et al. (2015)7 reported their presence in the municipalities of Linhares, Sooretama and Vitória, in the state of Espírito Santo, and Itaguaí, Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro and Seropédica, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in addition to discussing their importance in papaya culture in Brazil.

  • As a natural enemy, Encarsia hispida De Santis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) parasitizes A. variabilis in the state of Bahia (Lourenção et al. 2007).

  • Distribution: United States of America, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, St. Croix, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Virgin Islands, Iran, Korea, Hawaii (Evans 2008).

  • Hosts: Acer saccharum Marshall (Aceraceae), Carica papaya, Carica sp. (Caricaceae), Cyperus rotundus (Cyperaceae), Manihot esculenta, Manihot carthagenensis (Jacq.) Müll.Arg. (Euphorbiaceae), Coccoloba floribunda (Benth.) Lindau (Polygonaceae), Gardenia sp. (Rubiaceae), Citrus aurantiifolia, Citrus nobilis Lour., Citrus reticulata, Citrus sinensis, Citrus × paradisi (Rutaceae) (Evans 2008).

  • 4
    Lorenzi, E.F.P., Lima, A.F., Peruch, L.A.M. and Racca Filho, F. (2015). Espécies de moscas-brancas em lavouras de mandioca no sul de Santa Catarina. In 16º Congresso Brasileiro de Mandioca e 1º Congresso Latino-Americano e Caribenho de Mandioca, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, 2015. Anais, p. 1-4.
  • 5
    Racca-Filho, F. and Lima, A.F. (2006). Novas ocorrências de aleirodídeos no território brasileiro (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). In XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Recife, PE, 2006. Resumos, ID:1262-2.
  • 6
    Rezende, J.A.M., Costa, A.S., Lourenção, A.L. and Yuki, V.A. (1981). Ocorrência da mosca branca Trialeurodes variabilis em mamoeiro no Estado de São Paulo. In VII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Fortaleza, CE, 1981. Resumos, T-187.
  • 7
    Martins, D.S., Lima, A.F., Barcellos, B.D., Fornazier, M.J., Queiroz, R.B., Fanton, C.J., Zanuncio Junior, J.S. and Fornazier, D.L. (2015). Mosca branca (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) em mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.). In VI Simpósio do Papaya Brasileiro, Vitória, ES, 2015. Anais, p. 1-6.


Not applicable.

  • How to cite: Lourenção, A. L., Lima, A.F. and Bernacci, L. C. (2022). Recording whitefly species (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and their host plants from Brazil. Bragantia, 81, e2322.
    All dataset were generated or analyzed in the current study.
    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
    Grant n. 306947/2018-8.


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  • Fancelli, M., Teixeira, V. I., Costa, R. M. B., Magalhães, B. C., Lourenção, A. L., Santos Jr, H. J. G. and Caldas, R. C. (2004). Infestação de Trialeurodes variabilis (Quaintance) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) em genótipos de mamoeiro em Petrolina, Estado de Pernambuco. Neotropical Entomology, 33, 513-516.
  • Garcia, M. J. M., Fischer, I. H., Lourenção, A. L., Lima, A. F., Bueno, R. C. O. F. and Souza, E. S. (2013). Ocorrência de mosca-branca em Annona squamosa no estado de São Paulo. Ciência Rural, 43, 2139-2141.
  • Hamon, A. B., Nguyen, R. and Browning, H. (1990). The bayberry whitefly, Parabemisia myricae, in Florida (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae: Aleyrodinae). Florida: University of Florida. Entomology Circular, n. 328.
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Edited by

  • Section Editor: Luis Garrigós Leite

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    30 May 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    12 Sept 2021
  • Accepted
    23 Feb 2022
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