Open-access Efeito inibidor de extratos de plantas de feijão-de-porco sôbre o desenvolvimento da tiririca

The inhibitory effect of jack bean extracts upon the growth of nut grass

Antônio Celso Magalhães


It has been shown in a previous paper that when a iresh extract of Jack Bean (Canavalia ensiformis D.C.) root nodules was added to the soil where Nut Grass (Cyperus rotundus L.) was grown, there was a considerable reduction in the growth of the plants. A comparable extract from roots without nodules had no such effect.

In the present paper several treatments with infusions of Jack Bean plants were added to the growth medium of Nut Grass growing in Petri dishes with moist filter paper. The following preparations were used:

1 - Cold water infusion of root nodules

2 - Hot water infusion of root nodules

3 - Ether infusion of root nodules

4 - Hot water infusion of roots deprived of their nodules

5 - Hot water infusion of stem, leaves and flowers

6 - Water (control)

The most injurious effect was shown when cold water infusion of root nodules or ether infusion of root nodules was added to the growing medium. Such effect was evident in the number of sprouts from the tubercles and in the inhibition of the growth of the aerial parts. The leaf fresh weight and plant height was greatly reduced. Also the hot water infusion of aerial organs and hot water infusion of root nodules induced some damage to the Nut Grass growth such as a decrease in the number of tubercles sprouting and in the fresh weight and height of plants.

The hot water infusion of roots deprived of their nodules had no harmful effect upon the growth of Nut Grass.

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Recebido para publicação em 29 de maio de 1964.

  • Efeito inibidor de extratos de plantas de feijão-de-porco sôbre o desenvolvimento da tiririca
    The inhibitory effect of jack bean extracts upon the growth of nut grass
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      19 Fev 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
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