Open-access Emprego de produtos químicos na desinfecção de batatas-semente cortadas

Treatment of whole and cut potato seed tubers

Emprego de produtos químicos na desinfecção de batatas-semente cortadas

Treatment of whole and cut potato seed tubers

Dr. Olavo José Boock; Sylvio de A. Nóbrega


This paper presents the results obtained with experiments where whole and out potato seed tubers were treated with different products some hours previous to planting, i.e., with the two disinfectants Distreptin 20% and Sodium sorbate, and with "Sterado".

It has been found that cut tubers gave higher percentage of failures than whole ones, whereas the latter, when treated, gave higher stands than the check. "Sterado", a comercial ammonium product, caused 48% of failures on treated cut tubers against 22.7% for the check.

Production, in general, was efficient with regard to the treated whole but no so with regard to the treated out tubers. On the other hand, with regard to the cut tubers, the non-treated ones yielded more than the treated, ones.

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Recebida para publicação em 9 de outubro de 1963.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    23 Fev 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
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