Open-access Efeito da temperatua de 50: °C na quebra da dormência de sementes de arroz

Effect of the temperature of 50: °C on the breaking of dormancy of rice seeds


Efeito da temperatua de 50.°C na quebra da dormência de sementes de arroz

Effect of the temperature of 50°C on the breaking of dormancy of rice seeds

Antônio A. do Lago*; Pedro R. Fuklani*; Luiz E. Azzini*


Freshly harvested rice seeds of several cultivaxs presented degrees of dormancy ranging from 3% germination for the cultivar IR-841-791 to 56% for the cultivar IAC-74-172. Twenty days later the cultivais IAC-74-155, IAO-74-207, and IR-841-791 had not yet reached 80% germination which was considered the end point of the dormant period. Ninety days after harvest all cultivaxs exhibited no dormancy, germination ranging from 92% to 100%.

The temperature of 50°C was very efficient in breaking seed dormancy of the cultivar IR-841-791. Under the treatment two days were enough to bring about germination from an original 3% to 85%. Exposure to 50°C for seven days induced 97¾ of the seeds to germinate with a residual dormancy of only 2%.

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Recebida pata publicação em 14 de novembro de 1976.

  • *
    Com bolsa de suplementação do C.N.Pq.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      17 Dez 2007
    • Data do Fascículo
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