Open-access Comparação de quatro métodos de inoculação para Penicillium italicum Wehmer, agente da podridão-azul em frutos cítricos (Citrus sinensis Osb.)

Inoculation methods for Penicillium italicum Wehmer, the causal agent of decay in orange fruits (Citrus sinensis Osb.)


Comparação de quatro métodos de inoculação para Penicillium italicum Wehmer, agente da podridão-azul em frutos cítricos (Citrus sinensis Osb.)

Inoculation methods for Penicillium italicum Wehmer, the causal agent of decay in orange fruits (Citrus sinensis Osb.)

Jaciro Soave*; José Júlio da Ponte; Clélio Lima Salgado


Four different methods of inoculation for Penicillium italicum, the causal agent of decay in Citrus sinensis Osb. fruits, were compared in relation to their efficiency in symptoms development.

The inoculation methods consisted of: a) injection of 0,2 ml of a spore suspension (106 spores/ml) at 2 mm within the skin of the fruit; b) 0.2 ml of inoculum (106 spores/ml) applied in a little cotton hall which was placed in a hole of 5 mm diameter by 2 mm depth; c) 0.2 ml of inoculum (106 spores/ml) applied in the hole and covered with scotch tape; and d) the inoculum (3-5 ml/fruit) was sprayed on the surface of the fruits.

The first two treatments were more efficient than the last two, and treatment b was the best. The fourth treatment was the worst one, showing that the fungus has as small capacity of penetration in the orange fruit.

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  • *
    Com bolsa de suplementação do CNPq.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      16 Mar 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
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