Open-access Observações sôbre as manchas ferruginosas internas (chocolate), em tubérculos de batatinha

Observations on the internal brown spot of irish potatoes


É comum observar-se, em diferentes variedades de batatinha (Solanum tuberosum L.), principalmente quando cultivadas no chamado "período das águas", setembro-fevereiro , a presença de manchas ferruginosas no interior dos tubérculos, vulgarmente conhecidas pela denominação de "chocolate". Com a finalidade de constatar qual a região da batatinha onde4 elas se localizam, e de correlacionar a presença das manchas aos característicos externo* tais como aspereza da película, presença de brotos novos necrosados e, ainda, com o tamanho e forma dos tubérculos, foram feitas observações em diversas variedades e em clones criados no Instituto Agronômico.

Observations were made with standard varieties and new clones of Irish potatoes (Solatium tuberosum L.) to determine the localization of internal brown spots ("Chocolate" disease) in the tubers. This disease is considered to be of physiological origin, and an attempt was made to correlate the internal brown spots with external characteristics of the tubers, such as size, shape, roughness of skin, and the presence of necrosis in young sprouts. The following results were obtained : a) the presence of internal brown spots appears to be closely related to the variety and weather conditions during the growing season ; varieties such as Konsuragis and Ultimus give high percentages of internal brown spots when grown in the socalled rainy season (September to February). They do not show these symptoms in the dry season (March to August) or under well controlled irrigation ; b) internal brown spots have been found to appear more frequently in the apex and middle of the tubers than in their base; c) a high correlation between rough skin and the presence of the disease in the tubers was noticed for varieties that have a tendency to show internal brown spots ; this was noticed even in case of tubers that due to unfavorable weather conditions showed two distinct phases of growth, one with a rough skin and the other with a smooth one ; brown spots could be seen only in the flash of that part of the tuber that had a rough skin ; d) in some instances the presence of necrosis in the young sprouts was also correlated with the presence of internal brown spots in the tubers e) potato tubers affected with the "chocolate" disease are hard and unfit for human consumption.

Observações sôbre as manchas ferruginosas internas (chocolate), em tubérculos de batatinha(*)

Observations on the internal brown spot of irish potatoes

O. J. Boock

Engenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Raízes e Tubérculos, Instituto Agronômico


É comum observar-se, em diferentes variedades de batatinha (Solanum tuberosum L.), principalmente quando cultivadas no chamado "período das águas", setembro-fevereiro , a presença de manchas ferruginosas no interior dos tubérculos, vulgarmente conhecidas pela denominação de "chocolate".

Com a finalidade de constatar qual a região da batatinha onde4 elas se localizam, e de correlacionar a presença das manchas aos característicos externo* tais como aspereza da película, presença de brotos novos necrosados e, ainda, com o tamanho e forma dos tubérculos, foram feitas observações em diversas variedades e em clones criados no Instituto Agronômico.


Observations were made with standard varieties and new clones of Irish potatoes (Solatium tuberosum L.) to determine the localization of internal brown spots ("Chocolate" disease) in the tubers. This disease is considered to be of physiological origin, and an attempt was made to correlate the internal brown spots with external characteristics of the tubers, such as size, shape, roughness of skin, and the presence of necrosis in young sprouts. The following results were obtained :

a) the presence of internal brown spots appears to be closely related to the variety and weather conditions during the growing season ; varieties such as Konsuragis and Ultimus give high percentages of internal brown spots when grown in the socalled rainy season (September to February). They do not show these symptoms in the dry season (March to August) or under well controlled irrigation ;

b) internal brown spots have been found to appear more frequently in the apex and middle of the tubers than in their base;

c) a high correlation between rough skin and the presence of the disease in the tubers was noticed for varieties that have a tendency to show internal brown spots ; this was noticed even in case of tubers that due to unfavorable weather conditions showed two distinct phases of growth, one with a rough skin and the other with a smooth one ; brown spots could be seen only in the flash of that part of the tuber that had a rough skin ;

d) in some instances the presence of necrosis in the young sprouts was also correlated with the presence of internal brown spots in the tubers

e) potato tubers affected with the "chocolate" disease are hard and unfit for human consumption.

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Full text available only in PDF format.


Recebido para publicação em 22 de junho de 1955.

Referências bibliográficas

  • 1.  APPEL, O. Kartoffelkrankheiten. I. Teil. Knollenkrankheiten. 4.Ş edição. Berlin, Paul Parey, 1948. 39 p.
  • 2.  BOOCK. O. J. Variedade de batatinha "Eigenheimer" (Solarium tuberosum L.). Bragantia 10:[371]-382. 1950.
  • 3.  CASTRO, J. B. & BOOCK, O. J. Variedade de batatinha ''Konsuragis" (Solarium tuberosum L.). Bragantia 7:[151]-177. 1947.
  • 4.  COSTA, A. S. & KRUG, H. P. Moléstias da batatinha em São Paulo. Campinas, Instituto agronômico, 1937. 55 p. (Boletim n.° 14)
  • 5.  ELLISON, J. H. & JACOB, W. C. Internal browning of potatoes as affected by date of planting and storage. Amer. Potato J. 29:241-252. 1952.
  • 6.  SARDIÑA, J. B. Las "manchas de herrumbre" de la patata. Agricultura, Hespanha 13:158-159. 1944.
  • (*
    ) Trabalho apresentado ao II Congresso Panamericano de Agronomia, realizado em Piracicaba e São Pedro, de 29 de março a 6 de abril de 1954.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      13 Maio 2010
    • Data do Fascículo


    • Recebido
      22 Jun 1955
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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