Open-access Definhamento e necrose do feijoeiro causados por tinta a óleo comercial

Stunting and streak of bean plants caused by a commercial paint

Definhamento e necrose do feijoeiro causados por tinta a óleo comercial

Stunting and streak of bean plants caused by a commercial paint

A. S. Costa.


An anomaly of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L), characterized by severe stunting and by vein, petiole, and stem necrosis, was noticed among potted plants in the greenhouse. Observations on the distribution of the abnormal plants showed that their occurrence was correlated to the use of painted aluminum pots.

Experiments carried out to study the cause of the anomaly indicated that it was due to the commercial oil paint used to protect the aluminum pots, and not to aluminum toxicity nor to an interaction of the chemicals in the paint with the metal of the container. Symptoms of the anomaly were reproduced in bean plants grown in regular earthenware pots filled with soil to which the solids of the paint had been added.

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Recebido para publicação em 4 de julho de 1956.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    10 Maio 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
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