Open-access Determinação da toxicidade da mandioca pelo paladar das raízes "In Natura"

Determination of cassava toxicity by tasting fresh roots

Determinação da toxicidade da mandioca pelo paladar das raízes "In Natura"

Determination of cassava toxicity by tasting fresh roots

Araken S. Pereira; M. Gomes Pinto1


Samples from bitter and sweet cassava roots were analysed for hidrocyanic acid content and at the same time given to a panel to be tasted.

The results from the chemical analyses and flavor tests indicated that there was a strong correlation between bitter flavor of the roots and their hydrocyanic acid content. Boots that tasted very bitter had a high hydrocyanic acid content and should not be used for human or animal consumption. The bitter taste in cassava roots is due mostly to the eyanogenetie glicoside present but it is thought that there is another substance that to a smaller extent also confers a similar bitter taste to them.

Fresh sweet cassava roots for food (aipíns) had from 0.003 to 0.011 per cent hydrocyanic acid content. The industrial variety Branca de Santa Catarina had 0 039 per cent under the same conditions.

Recebida para publicação em: 24 de julho de 1962.

  • 1
    Os autores agradecem as sugestões do Eng. Agr. Armando Conagin. na parte relativa ao método de amostragem utilizado.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      02 Mar 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
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