Open-access Influência da época de ensacamento da nêspera, na incidência da "mancha-arroxeada" e das moscas-das-frutas

The effect of time of bagging on the incidence of "violet stain" and the attack of fruit flies on loquat


Influência da época de ensacamento da nêspera, na incidência da "mancha-arroxeada" e das moscas-das-frutas

The effect of time of bagging on the incidence of "violet stain" and the attack of fruit flies on loquat

Mário Ojima*; Orlando Rigitano; Salim Simão; Toshio Igue*


Bagging of the fruits, which is a common practice and indicated as a means to control the "violet stain" and the fruit flies (Anastrepha sp. and Ceratitis sp.), has not always resulted to have desired effects.

To elucidate this aspect, an experiment was made to investigate the degree of the incidence of stains and the attack of the fruit flies, when the fruits were bagged at different periods.

The results showed that the best time of bagging was before 30 days after the end of blooming. When bagging was delayed, both the incidence of "violet stain" and the attack of fruit flies increased.

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Recebida para publicação em 19 de novembro de 1975.

  • *
    Com bolsa de suplementação do C.N.Pq.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      11 Mar 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
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