Open-access Comportamento de variedades de sorgo em relação a Contarinia sorghicola e Rhopalosiphum maidis em diferentes épocas de plantio

Behaviour of sorghum varieties in relation to Contarinia sorghicola and Rhopalosiphum maidis in different planting seasons


A interação entre variedades de sorgo com diferentes graus de resistência à mosca (Contarinia sorghicola) (Coquillet) e ao pulgão (Rhopalosiphum maidis) (Fitch), com épocas de plantio, foi estudada em Campinas, em 1967-1968. Essa interação foi significativa. Algumas variedades como sumac e b. leoti, quando plantadas mais cedo, praticamente não sofreram dano de mosca, mas em plantio tardio foram completamente danificadas. Ambas são precoces e moderadamente resistentes à mosca. A variedade AF 117 teve comportamento uniforme, não sofrendo o efeito de épocas: é tardia e resistente à mosca. Em média, a infestação de mosca aumentou nos plantios tardios e a do pulgão, ao contrário, caiu. As variedades de panícula aberta foram mais resistentes ao pulgão que as de panícula compacta. A variedade AF-28 foi mais resistente ao pulgão e à mosca; a M 35-1 foi mais suscetível ao pulgão e à mosca; e a AF-37 mostrou-se bem resistente ao pulgão e suscetível à mosca. As variedades sumac e b. leoti, de resistência moderada à mosca, são suscetíveis ao pulgão. Os resultados demonstram uma independência entre a resistência à mosca e ao pulgão.

The sorghum midge Contarinia sorghicola (Coquillet) (Diptera Cecidomyiidae) is a severe sorghum pest in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and the aphid Rhopa-losiphum maidis (Fitch) (Hemiptera Aphididae) is commonly found in the crop. The interaction among varieties of different cycles and resistance, planted in successive dates in relation to the damage done by sorghum midge and the size of the aphid population were studied in 1967-1968. The planting season for sorghum in the State of São Paulo goes from October to January. The plantings were made on XI-3-1967, XI-23-1967, XII-13-1967, and I-2-1968. The different responses of the varieties in relation to the sorghum midge damage were evident. Varieties AF-28 and AF-117 were resistant and Sumac and B. Leoti were moderately resistant. These last two varieties are early flowering and had low damage in the first plantings but had as much damage as the susceptible varieties in the last plantings. The interaction between varieties and planting season was significant. In general the sorghum midge infestation was low in the first flowering plots and increased thereafter whereas the aphid infestation was high in the first flow-erings and decreased thereafter. The response of the varieties to the aphid was studied protecting the heads of five plants per replication of each variety of each planting date, with a non treated paper bag and grading the aphid population afterwards. The varieties AF-28, AF-37, and AF-117 all with open type panicles were resistant to the aphid whereas the other varieties with compact type of head were susceptible or moderately resistant. There was independence between the resistance against the aphid and the sorghum midge. Varieties AF-28 and AF-117 were resistant to both insects. Variety AF-37 was susceptible to the midge and resistant to the aphid. Variety Sumac was moderately resistant to the midge and susceptible to the aphid and varieties Double Dwarf Feterita and M 35-1 were susceptible to both insects.

Comportamento de variedades de sorgo em relação a Contarinia sorghicola e Rhopalosiphum maidis em diferentes épocas de plantio1

Behaviour of sorghum varieties in relation to Contarinia sorghicola and Rhopalosiphum maidis in different planting seasons

C. J. RossbttoI; N. V. BanzattoII; T. Igue III, 2

ISeção de Entomologia Fitotécnica

IISeção de Genética

IIISeção de Técnica Experimental e Cálculo, Instituto Agronômico


A interação entre variedades de sorgo com diferentes graus de resistência à mosca (Contarinia sorghicola) (Coquillet) e ao pulgão (Rhopalosiphum maidis) (Fitch), com épocas de plantio, foi estudada em Campinas, em 1967-1968.

Essa interação foi significativa. Algumas variedades como sumac e b. leoti, quando plantadas mais cedo, praticamente não sofreram dano de mosca, mas em plantio tardio foram completamente danificadas. Ambas são precoces e moderadamente resistentes à mosca. A variedade AF 117 teve comportamento uniforme, não sofrendo o efeito de épocas: é tardia e resistente à mosca. Em média, a infestação de mosca aumentou nos plantios tardios e a do pulgão, ao contrário, caiu. As variedades de panícula aberta foram mais resistentes ao pulgão que as de panícula compacta.

A variedade AF-28 foi mais resistente ao pulgão e à mosca; a M 35-1 foi mais suscetível ao pulgão e à mosca; e a AF-37 mostrou-se bem resistente ao pulgão e suscetível à mosca.

As variedades sumac e b. leoti, de resistência moderada à mosca, são suscetíveis ao pulgão. Os resultados demonstram uma independência entre a resistência à mosca e ao pulgão.


The sorghum midge Contarinia sorghicola (Coquillet) (Diptera Cecidomyiidae) is a severe sorghum pest in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and the aphid Rhopa-losiphum maidis (Fitch) (Hemiptera Aphididae) is commonly found in the crop.

The interaction among varieties of different cycles and resistance, planted in successive dates in relation to the damage done by sorghum midge and the size of the aphid population were studied in 1967-1968.

The planting season for sorghum in the State of São Paulo goes from October to January. The plantings were made on XI-3-1967, XI-23-1967, XII-13-1967, and I-2-1968.

The different responses of the varieties in relation to the sorghum midge damage were evident. Varieties AF-28 and AF-117 were resistant and Sumac and B. Leoti were moderately resistant.

These last two varieties are early flowering and had low damage in the first plantings but had as much damage as the susceptible varieties in the last plantings. The interaction between varieties and planting season was significant.

In general the sorghum midge infestation was low in the first flowering plots and increased thereafter whereas the aphid infestation was high in the first flow-erings and decreased thereafter.

The response of the varieties to the aphid was studied protecting the heads of five plants per replication of each variety of each planting date, with a non treated paper bag and grading the aphid population afterwards. The varieties AF-28, AF-37, and AF-117 all with open type panicles were resistant to the aphid whereas the other varieties with compact type of head were susceptible or moderately resistant.

There was independence between the resistance against the aphid and the sorghum midge. Varieties AF-28 and AF-117 were resistant to both insects. Variety AF-37 was susceptible to the midge and resistant to the aphid. Variety Sumac was moderately resistant to the midge and susceptible to the aphid and varieties Double Dwarf Feterita and M 35-1 were susceptible to both insects.

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Recebido para publicação em 5 de março de 1976.

Referências bibliográficas

  • 1. BANZATTO, N. V. Instruções para a cultura do sorgo. Campinas, Instituto Agronômico, 1969. 20p. (Boletim 190)
  • 2. BOWDEN, J. Sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola (Coq.) and other causes of grain sorghum loss in Ghana. Bull. ent. Res. 56:169-189, 1965.
  • 3. DAHMS, R. G.; GUTHRIE, W. G. & SIEGLINGER, J. B. Insecticide treated bags protect sorghum heads. What's New in Crops and Soils 1951. 24p.
  • 4. HARRIS, K. M. The sorghum midge. PANS 16(1):36-42, 1970.
  • 5. HOWITT, A. J. & PAINTER, R. H. Field and greenhouse studies regarding the sources and nature of resistance of sorghums Sorghum vulgare Pers. to the corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch). Manhattan, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1956. 38p. (Technical Bulletin 82)
  • 6. RANDOLPH, N. M. & MONTOYA, E. L. Ecology, biology and control of sorghum midge on the Texas South Plains. Texas Agr. Exp. Sta, 1964. l0p. (Progress Report 2304)
  • 7. RIBAS, P. M. Problemas de controle de algumas pragas e doenças do sorgo em campos experimentais no Brasil. In: Simpósio Interamericano de Sorgo, I. Brasília, DF, 1972. Anais, p.213 216.
  • 8. ROSSETO, C. J. & BANZATTO, N. V. Resistência de variedades de sorgo a Contarinia sorghicola (Coquillet) (Diptera Cecidomyiidae). In: Reunion Lati-noamericana de Fitotecnia, VII. Maracay, Venezuela, 1967. (Resumos dos trabalhos científicos)
  • 9. ______ ; NAKANO, O. & BANZATTO, N. V. Praga: fator limitante na produção de sorgo granífero. Agronômico 19(3/4): 1-2, 1967.
  • 10. ______; ______ & ______. Ocorrência de C. sorghicola (Coquillet) (Diptera Cecidomyiidae) danificando sorgo no Estado de São Paulo. In: Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Defensivos para a Lavoura e Pecuária, I., São Paulo, 1967 p.59-65.
  • 11. WALTER, E. V. The biology and control of the sorghum midge. Washington, Dept. Agric. 1941. 27p. (Tech. Bull. 778)
  • 12. WISEMAN, B.R. & McMILLIAN, W. W. Relationship between planting date and damage to grain sorghum by the sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae), in 1968. J. Georgia Ent. Soc. 4(2):55-58, 1969.
  • 1
    Agradecimentos são devidos aos srs. Eng.° Agr.° Reinaldo Forster, Archângelo Marion e Maria Inês Fonseca Jorge, pela colaboração. Pesquisa patrocinada pelo acordo UNIÃO-ESTADO-FAPESP, Projeto 72/1471.
  • 2
    Com bolsas de suplementação do C.N.Pq.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      20 Fev 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
      Jul 1976


    • Recebido
      05 Mar 1976
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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